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Elizabeth Warren Deftly Handles One Of Those Rabid Bagger of Tea People

it is uncalled for to call any female a 'whore'. And yet, so many leftwing posters have used that label towards conservative female posters. Where was your outrage for them, marc? Does it only count when it's a public official?


stop your whining, you dish out more than a fair amount of below the belt insults at people and even revel at how "good" you are at sticking it to other posters.

Look at the responses of the right wing hacks in this thread, enough said, they're no different than the moron who heckled Warren.
Which of course is bullshit. The bill was almost entirely written by Republicans. Who then opposed it..

The GOP laid out all the facts about why the opposed the bill.

All the democrats did was scream about 50 milliion uninsured and 50,000 dieing every year (neither of which are true).

So, the only BS in this thread is your post.

Your response would suggest you didn't even read your own post when reflected back on yourself.

It was a plan crafted as the opposition to Hillarycare and endorsed by the Heritage foundation. It went on to become RomneyCare. Republicans put in all sorts of measures to keep public funds from being used for abortions. And even that was not enough. They were in committee after committee to get this put up. And when it finally was finished they ran around opposing it. Why? Because it looked like it might actually pass and because they wanted to kill the Obama presidency. That was their agenda all along. Demint said that this would be Obama's waterloo and they tried desparately to make it so. Because the opposite was and is..it is a bill that the American public wanted for close to a century..but neither side has been able to accomplish. And Obama did it.

Simple as that.

this bears repeating (or retweeting, as it were).. it is the plain, unvarnished truth.
Democrats are known to seed crowds with "bad actors" in order to further their agenda. This guy was likely one of theirs. The guys name is not mentioned & there is no background info on him.

Both sides do this and both sides have their independent thinkers who do this on their own as well. :)
The tea party, being the nonviolent movement, would not do anything of this sort.

You Teabags are so peaceful and tactful, none of you would ever say anything disparaging or rude.

Well go ahead and admire her then, you're entitled to, but me personally I wouldn't piss on her if she where on fire.

Clearly, you are a gentleman of the highest standards :lol::lol::lol:
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All the dittoheads/Foxbots are brainwashed drones- it's a question of how sociopathic they are at this point. Bring back the fairness doctrine. They're not getting the truth at all...Socialists and lazy welfare rats behind every tree. Translation: "Can't handle a black Dem President"...

Sure, liberals are saint.​
So the other night before a volunteer crowd a crazy lone Tea-Bagger let lose on candidate Elizabeth Warren, ranting and raving about her "boss" Obama and how she's responsible for the #OccupyWallStreet Movement

Well look how deftly she handled the, uhm..."gentleman."

You can read the articles here:
Elizabeth Warren is called a "socialist whore" by an audience member

And here:
Elizabeth Warren Heckled By Tea Party Supporter

I mean...what a class act.

Wouldn't you all agree?

Look who neg repped me for this post and what they said:

GHook93 said:
Hi, you have received -167 reputation points from GHook93.
Reputation was given for this post.

Go toss a spear!


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Is this person a good and/or accurate representation of the Tea-Baggers?
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So the other night before a volunteer crowd a crazy lone Tea-Bagger let lose on candidate Elizabeth Warren, ranting and raving about her "boss" Obama and how she's responsible for the #OccupyWallStreet Movement

Well look how deftly she handled the, uhm..."gentleman."

You can read the articles here:
Elizabeth Warren is called a "socialist whore" by an audience member

And here:
Elizabeth Warren Heckled By Tea Party Supporter

I mean...what a class act.

Wouldn't you all agree?

Look who neg repped me for this post and what they said:

GHook93 said:
Hi, you have received -167 reputation points from GHook93.
Reputation was given for this post.

Go toss a spear!


Note: This is an automated message.
Is this person a good and/or accurate representation of the Tea-Baggers?

I'm not surprised. He's the same guy who neg repped me and called me a n*gger in the comment - even though I'm not black (as I've stated over and over and even had in my sig for a while). So, not only is a he a racist, but he's not too smart either.
So the other night before a volunteer crowd a crazy lone Tea-Bagger let lose on candidate Elizabeth Warren, ranting and raving about her "boss" Obama and how she's responsible for the #OccupyWallStreet Movement

Well look how deftly she handled the, uhm..."gentleman."

You can read the articles here:
Elizabeth Warren is called a "socialist whore" by an audience member

And here:
Elizabeth Warren Heckled By Tea Party Supporter

I mean...what a class act.

Wouldn't you all agree?

Look who neg repped me for this post and what they said:

GHook93 said:
Hi, you have received -167 reputation points from GHook93.
Reputation was given for this post.

Go toss a spear!


Note: This is an automated message.
Is this person a good and/or accurate representation of the Tea-Baggers?

i'm kind of wondering what in your o/p upset him. but forgive him, he's feeling cranky that cain is being victimized by those darn horrible extortionate women.

you know how it is.
didn't ed schultz call someone a right wing slut? and last night his panties were in an uproar over someone calling warren a Whore. then again, that's so typical of sargaent schultz,,,,,I KNEW NOTHING !!!
Elizabeth Warren is going to stomp Scott Brown like a rat in the closet.
It is uncalled for to call any female a 'whore'. And yet, so many leftwing posters have used that label towards conservative female posters. Where was your outrage for them, Marc? Does it only count when it's a public official?


lefties call rightie posters names? really? in the same proportion as righties say disgusting things about left leaning posters? i don't think so given certain people you have on your side of the fence. buti'm not going to argue that point. but, perhaps for once you can say, as i would, and have, that elizabeth warren is a lady. she doesn't speak about anyone venomously she isn't one of the people who runs around spewing hatred and so gets it back.

sometimes it's ok to just say... the person who said those things is a loser.

We should play the "asswipe" drinking game. You take a drink when lefties say it, I'll do the same for righties. Bet I'm completely hammered before you get your first hit.
So the other night before a volunteer crowd a crazy lone Tea-Bagger let lose on candidate Elizabeth Warren, ranting and raving about her "boss" Obama and how she's responsible for the #OccupyWallStreet Movement

Well look how deftly she handled the, uhm..."gentleman."

You can read the articles here:
Elizabeth Warren is called a "socialist whore" by an audience member

And here:
Elizabeth Warren Heckled By Tea Party Supporter

I mean...what a class act.

Wouldn't you all agree?


This is why the Tea Party is such a joke. They can't engage in discourse. They can't debate. They can't legislate. All they can do is rant. That's it. It started with a rant about bailing out people with bad mortgages and continues to be a rant. It really should be called "Rant Politics".








Nope. Can't stop laughing. :lol:

I love irony. :lol:
I think the 2012 Mass Senate race will be more like a beauty contest. Men and Women are not sexually attracted to Warren !!! even pets don't want to rub up her legs.
Look at the responses of the right wing hacks in this thread, enough said, they're no different than the moron who heckled Warren.

didn't ed schultz call someone a right wing slut? and last night his panties were in an uproar over someone calling warren a Whore. then again, that's so typical of sargaent schultz,,,,,I KNEW NOTHING !!!

Yes, you are right. However, he IMMEDIATELY regretted it. I believe he went as far as recommending and taking a self-imposed week-long hiatus from the air...w/o pay. When he came back he IMMEDIATELY apologized to Laura Ingrahm publicly on air. And it wasn't one of those half-assed "if I offended you" type apology that we get for the rabid RWers.
Ed Schultz Apologizes: Laura Ingraham Comments 'Vile And Inappropriate' (VIDEO)

He was truly sorry, and Laura accepted the apology.
AUDIO: Laura accepts Ed Schultz's apology - Shut Up & Blog

Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to show you how a REAL man and people of the left tend to deal with issues and take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their actions.

This is why the Tea Party is such a joke. They can't engage in discourse. They can't debate. They can't legislate. All they can do is rant. That's it. It started with a rant about bailing out people with bad mortgages and continues to be a rant. It really should be called "Rant Politics".








Nope. Can't stop laughing. :lol:

I love irony. :lol:

Was it really supposed to be Sallow or did they drop the h in Shallow ?

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