Elizabeth Warren proposes canceling student loan debt and offering free public college

Warren wants to raise taxes on the 'rich'.
The 'rich' are the job creators. Did any of you ever get hired by a 'poor' person?
Funny thing, the "rich" get poorer all the time. The amount of income considered "rich" decreases continually.
You get what you give


Absolutely correct.

If you want an intelligent discussion then start with an intelligent premise.

Stupid snarky comments get you just that in return

The funding mechanism is as follows: Its a tax on families making $50M or more per year. The tax will be 2%

And that won't be enough to give every single person a "free" college education or to replace the lost revenue of those now holding government backed loans

Correct. However the argument that you’re being taxed is likely false. I prefer a more measured approach.

When one tax fails to fund the pie in the sky another is sure to follw
That's not true at all. I just see no inherent immorality in one person having more money than another.
He said immortality

I guess he thinks rich people will live forever

I assumed it was a typo. gipper ?
Yes. Immorality
It's not immoral to have more than someone else
It is immoral when we have people dying of malnutrition, while billionaires are around.

The billionaires could end starvation and homelessness and still have billions left over. Psychopaths!
The congress-critters could end starvation by using those funds raised for reelection to help those in need. Hell, man, how many millions...billions, go towards their reelections?
Absolutely correct.

If you want an intelligent discussion then start with an intelligent premise.

Stupid snarky comments get you just that in return

The funding mechanism is as follows: Its a tax on families making $50M or more per year. The tax will be 2%

And that won't be enough to give every single person a "free" college education or to replace the lost revenue of those now holding government backed loans

Anyone who receives a “free” education will pay for it in taxes over their lifetime. They’ll then fund the educations of others. Win win.

No such thing as win win.

And that sounds an awful lot like the Social Security scam doesn't it?

Also false.
Not the way he worded it it's not.

People who get a free college education will fund the next group of people to get a free education via the taxes they pay
This is an absolutely insane Idea. We have needy billionaires to help. Not a bunch of the kids of America.

I don't know how Republicans get away with it. I really don't.


And worst of all, it looks like the economy is slowing down after the GOP's sugar high of infused cash wears off.

In big week for tech stocks, will GDP report show slowing growth? | WRAL TechWire

analysts polled by Refinitiv forecast an average of 1.9%

weren't we promised 4 or 5?
WTF are you talking about?
So you'll be wealthy when you're dead and can't own anything

Now you’re getting it.

So might as well buy all the guitars I want now

And then give them away.
When I die.

You’ll feel better being a little wealthy while alive.

You assume I agree with your definition of wealth as owning nothing.

I don't
The funding mechanism is as follows: Its a tax on families making $50M or more per year. The tax will be 2%

And that won't be enough to give every single person a "free" college education or to replace the lost revenue of those now holding government backed loans

Anyone who receives a “free” education will pay for it in taxes over their lifetime. They’ll then fund the educations of others. Win win.

No such thing as win win.

And that sounds an awful lot like the Social Security scam doesn't it?

Also false.
Not the way he worded it it's not.

People who get a free college education will fund the next group of people to get a free education via the taxes they pay

There are such things as a “win-win”.
I cannot for the life of me get forgiving these loans. These kids took out these loan and were not forced. Why are their loans forgiven and not the hard working small business man? Why not the all those that are underwater in their property loans?

Sorry this makes no sense and people in Congress that would vote yes for a bill will commit political suicide.
They are courting the "millennial" vote which is presumed to include a hefty student loan. If the small businessman was considered a significant voting bloc, they'd be proposing forgiveness of small business loans. Unfortunately, small business owners are paying off their loans.
Google the only tax graph you need to know, dumbass doup. Count all taxes and we do not have a progressive system.

Dumbass doup? Wow, now I know you are obviously losing the argument, and have nothing credible because you have to resort to personal attacks. Our Income tax system is certainly progressive. Some other taxes like Gasoline taxes (Fed and State) are regressive, but you Far Left Democrats pushed for those too.
Sorry I should have said brainwashed functional dumbass dupe. Dupe is not a personal attack, it is a political attack the way I see it anyway.the duing of GOP voters by the GOP propaganda machine is the most important story of the last 30 years. I don't blame the dupes, it is a brilliant operation.

Don't back pedal. You have nothing but personal attacks and insults. Nothing credible.
Google it and stop being a dupe. the nonrich pay about twice as much percentage wise in state and local taxes as the rich, and payroll taxes now add up to more than federal income taxes and the non-rich obviously pay much more of that. GOP voters are so brainwashed they can't talk about anything but income taxes LOL.

I don't need to Google it, I do it for my job and understand the concept of Total Tax Burden. The reality is that our Income Tax systems are Progressive. There are other taxes like gasoline taxes, property and real estate taxes, sales tax and other that are regressive. However, most people's largest component by amount and percentage is their INCOME TAXES. Many people don't pay them as they don't make enough.

If you are talking about Capital Gains, that is an entire discussion in itself, and one of the reason people invest and CREATE JOBS for the lower income earners.
Please describe "progressive" and "regressive" taxes.
Why though when we could borrow another trillion for bombing brown people instead? That's what real nationalism is about, right?

Anyway, sarcasm aside, this will be Donald's 2020 competitor. You better take her seriously. Calling her Pocahontas won't be good enough.

You know what, I just spent the last five years or so working two jobs and for a while three jobs paying down debts I ran up due to medical bills and the last recession. I got through college by joining the Army and getting a scholarship.

If Warren wants to run on, "You should pay more taxes for someone else's bad decisions", have at it, I guess. Just get used to four more years of Trump.
Dude, I agree with you!
And that won't be enough to give every single person a "free" college education or to replace the lost revenue of those now holding government backed loans

Anyone who receives a “free” education will pay for it in taxes over their lifetime. They’ll then fund the educations of others. Win win.

No such thing as win win.

And that sounds an awful lot like the Social Security scam doesn't it?

Also false.
Not the way he worded it it's not.

People who get a free college education will fund the next group of people to get a free education via the taxes they pay

There are such things as a “win-win”.

No there aren't

That's just a trite little saying losers invented
Dumbass doup? Wow, now I know you are obviously losing the argument, and have nothing credible because you have to resort to personal attacks. Our Income tax system is certainly progressive. Some other taxes like Gasoline taxes (Fed and State) are regressive, but you Far Left Democrats pushed for those too.
Sorry I should have said brainwashed functional dumbass dupe. Dupe is not a personal attack, it is a political attack the way I see it anyway.the duing of GOP voters by the GOP propaganda machine is the most important story of the last 30 years. I don't blame the dupes, it is a brilliant operation.

Don't back pedal. You have nothing but personal attacks and insults. Nothing credible.
Google it and stop being a dupe. the nonrich pay about twice as much percentage wise in state and local taxes as the rich, and payroll taxes now add up to more than federal income taxes and the non-rich obviously pay much more of that. GOP voters are so brainwashed they can't talk about anything but income taxes LOL.

I don't need to Google it, I do it for my job and understand the concept of Total Tax Burden. The reality is that our Income Tax systems are Progressive. There are other taxes like gasoline taxes, property and real estate taxes, sales tax and other that are regressive. However, most people's largest component by amount and percentage is their INCOME TAXES. Many people don't pay them as they don't make enough.

If you are talking about Capital Gains, that is an entire discussion in itself, and one of the reason people invest and CREATE JOBS for the lower income earners.
Please describe "progressive" and "regressive" taxes.

Please go look it up it is a very easy concept to understand.
Anyone who receives a “free” education will pay for it in taxes over their lifetime. They’ll then fund the educations of others. Win win.

No such thing as win win.

And that sounds an awful lot like the Social Security scam doesn't it?

Also false.
Not the way he worded it it's not.

People who get a free college education will fund the next group of people to get a free education via the taxes they pay

There are such things as a “win-win”.

No there aren't

That's just a trite little saying losers invented

I wouldn't mind if the Government paid my student loan off.
Also, hookers and blow.

Democrats should go all-in on this free shit thing.
so every other modern country has a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure, but we in the richest country in the world can't afford anything for the citizens, we have to save the rich instead. Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you...

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