Elizabeth Warren proposes canceling student loan debt and offering free public college

It would be an easy investigation. Colleges ARE taking advantage that the government, (that has very little oversight), took over the loan industry.
This would have never happened if it had stayed in the private sector.

Yes, no question that the students are being ripped off.....because of our government.

Actually, I think it's quite the opposite.

When I went to UIC in the 1980's, most of their budget came from the State. Tuition was part of the equation, but only part.

Those state funds have gotten cut off, and tuition dollars are king, so the Universities went into kind of an Arms Race as to who could have the most luxurious campus.
Not to worry, brainwashed functional morons. Affordable higher education is just another sacrifice the country has to make so that the rich don't have to pay their fair share. Remember no one would have jobs without them...
Google it and stop being a dupe. the nonrich pay about twice as much percentage wise in state and local taxes as the rich, and payroll taxes now add up to more than federal income taxes and the non-rich obviously pay much more of that. GOP voters are so brainwashed they can't talk about anything but income taxes LOL.

I don't need to Google it, I do it for my job and understand the concept of Total Tax Burden. The reality is that our Income Tax systems are Progressive. There are other taxes like gasoline taxes, property and real estate taxes, sales tax and other that are regressive. However, most people's largest component by amount and percentage is their INCOME TAXES. Many people don't pay them as they don't make enough.

If you are talking about Capital Gains, that is an entire discussion in itself, and one of the reason people invest and CREATE JOBS for the lower income earners.
Please describe "progressive" and "regressive" taxes.

Please go look it up it is a very easy concept to understand.
Nah, I'm interested in your interpretation of those concepts, thanks.

I don't have an interpretation, I just know the definition I was taught in economics class.
Alrighty, then! I'm not an economics major but having looked the terms up, I understand more clearly what you are talking about. Thanks.
I don't need to Google it, I do it for my job and understand the concept of Total Tax Burden. The reality is that our Income Tax systems are Progressive. There are other taxes like gasoline taxes, property and real estate taxes, sales tax and other that are regressive. However, most people's largest component by amount and percentage is their INCOME TAXES. Many people don't pay them as they don't make enough.

If you are talking about Capital Gains, that is an entire discussion in itself, and one of the reason people invest and CREATE JOBS for the lower income earners.
Please describe "progressive" and "regressive" taxes.

Please go look it up it is a very easy concept to understand.
Nah, I'm interested in your interpretation of those concepts, thanks.

I don't have an interpretation, I just know the definition I was taught in economics class.
Alrighty, then! I'm not an economics major but having looked the terms up, I understand more clearly what you are talking about. Thanks.

My apologies. I thought you were trying to be a smart ass. Glad you found the answers.
American poverty or global poverty? You said half of humanity lives of poverty so I assume you mean global poverty. People suffering from global poverty would love the opportunity to be in America.
Yes global. There certainly is plenty of poverty in the US, however.

I find it appalling that we have so much poverty, yet these billionaires continue to enrich and empower themselves without an iota of concern. Their only concern is making sure they are protected from the masses, should the masses wake up and knock down their doors.
I know. How dare those wealthy people steal all that money from the poor. As they get more wealth, the rest of us sink ever deeper into poverty:


Well, at least if you ignore every iota of data that exists out there.

Billionaires wealth is growing ever faster. Ironically, the level of world poverty is dropping at an increased rate as well. I guess the fleecing argument is bullshit.
Yes everything is peaches and cream.

You think this absurd concentration of wealth is acceptable. I don’t know how that is possible.

Peaches and cream?

Who made that claim? I did not - I just refuted the idea that the rising tide is not raising all boats. Clearly it is. The real question here is why income inequality is so horrible that everyone is getting wealthier and is better off in record breaking numbers as well as (and far more importantly) trends.

More people are being lifted out of poverty at a higher rate than at any point in history. This is a solid fact. How do you square that with doom and gloom?

In the US, the income inequality is so great that the poor need to determine if you make more with government assistance or getting a job.
Best solution: do away with government assistance, or at least reevaluate and significantly limit what assistance is provided. These ridiculous IEB cards, for instance. If food assistance is needed then recipients should be provided a periodic container of basic goods to meet minimal nutritional needs. Goods provided, not cash equivalent.
There is a program for this already. Join the military!


Doesn't the National Guard still offer tuition at state colleges in exchange for service?

I know they pay towards college, but my expertise is with the Army and Army Reserve.
The GI bill is universal in the DoD and pays for any college (accredited) whatsoever but has caps so only fully covers the more thrifty locations.

I would kindly suggest you research the GI Bill in it's current form. Your information is dated and inaccurate.

The GI Bill has nothing to do with student loans.
That's a fact. The GI Bill and other military educational programs are part of a compensation package offered by the military. If the cost of schooling exceeds the cost the recipient must pay the excess out-of-pocket. This is not "free" education. The recipient pays for it by performing a specific service for the military (government) for a specified period of time for a certain compensation which includes some funds for education.
It would be an easy investigation. Colleges ARE taking advantage that the government, (that has very little oversight), took over the loan industry.
This would have never happened if it had stayed in the private sector.

Yes, no question that the students are being ripped off.....because of our government.

Actually, I think it's quite the opposite.

When I went to UIC in the 1980's, most of their budget came from the State. Tuition was part of the equation, but only part.

Those state funds have gotten cut off, and tuition dollars are king, so the Universities went into kind of an Arms Race as to who could have the most luxurious campus.
The closure or absorption of community colleges by larger institutions is also a problem. Community colleges were a good source of training/education in a lot of trades as well as being locally accessible. Students just starting out were also able to study core courses before transferring to larger schools. Being local also made them more cost effective because students did not necessarily need to fund housing and board.
How is paying for college for some ungrateful millennial going to pay off for me?

If you want to go to college then you invest in yourself don't ask me to invest in your education unless you can guarantee me an actual return
Simple minds think alike.

So why don't you start a go fund me to get other people to pay for your kids' college?

Let's see hw many people actually want to pay for college for other peoples' kids

Ohhhh! You stumped me with major simple!!

It's so simple you can't answer the question I guess

What do I get for footing the bill for some other's person's kid to go to college?

An educated populace with the skills needed for today's jobs and a greatly increased tax base far into the future.

That's what we all get for footing the bill for our fellow Americans to become highly educated and skilled.

Think beyond your simpleton schnozz, ya weirdo.
We aren't getting highly educated and skilled fellow Americans. We are getting woke social justice warriors with degrees in Chicano Studies, Women's Roles in Medieval Africa and Human Sexuality. There is a demand to make Social Activism a degreed subject.

If you want an investment, let the free education be extended to STEM students. Everyone else pays double.
Simple minds think alike.

So why don't you start a go fund me to get other people to pay for your kids' college?

Let's see hw many people actually want to pay for college for other peoples' kids

Ohhhh! You stumped me with major simple!!

It's so simple you can't answer the question I guess

What do I get for footing the bill for some other's person's kid to go to college?

An educated populace with the skills needed for today's jobs and a greatly increased tax base far into the future.

That's what we all get for footing the bill for our fellow Americans to become highly educated and skilled.

Think beyond your simpleton schnozz, ya weirdo.
We aren't getting highly educated and skilled fellow Americans. We are getting woke social justice warriors with degrees in Chicano Studies, Women's Roles in Medieval Africa and Human Sexuality. There is a demand to make Social Activism a degreed subject.

If you want an investment, let the free education be extended to STEM students. Everyone else pays double.

Great point. Doing away with the social majors a shifting towards STEM will leave only a few losers standing: the tenured professors who teach the social subjects. Tell them those jobs are going a away and they need to get retrained like Obama told coal miners.
Please describe "progressive" and "regressive" taxes.

Please go look it up it is a very easy concept to understand.
Nah, I'm interested in your interpretation of those concepts, thanks.

I don't have an interpretation, I just know the definition I was taught in economics class.
Alrighty, then! I'm not an economics major but having looked the terms up, I understand more clearly what you are talking about. Thanks.

My apologies. I thought you were trying to be a smart ass. Glad you found the answers.
I'm sometimes interested in how someone else might describe some of the concepts brought up on the forum, especially those who can claim advanced knowledge.
So why don't you start a go fund me to get other people to pay for your kids' college?

Let's see hw many people actually want to pay for college for other peoples' kids

Ohhhh! You stumped me with major simple!!

It's so simple you can't answer the question I guess

What do I get for footing the bill for some other's person's kid to go to college?

An educated populace with the skills needed for today's jobs and a greatly increased tax base far into the future.

That's what we all get for footing the bill for our fellow Americans to become highly educated and skilled.

Think beyond your simpleton schnozz, ya weirdo.
We aren't getting highly educated and skilled fellow Americans. We are getting woke social justice warriors with degrees in Chicano Studies, Women's Roles in Medieval Africa and Human Sexuality. There is a demand to make Social Activism a degreed subject.

If you want an investment, let the free education be extended to STEM students. Everyone else pays double.

Great point. Doing away with the social majors a shifting towards STEM will leave only a few losers standing: the tenured professors who teach the social subjects. Tell them those jobs are going a away and they need to get retrained like Obama told coal miners.
Doing away with liberal arts is a very bad idea, just like not taxing the rich any more than anybody else A disaster. A GOP disaster.
Why though when we could borrow another trillion for bombing brown people instead? That's what real nationalism is about, right?

Anyway, sarcasm aside, this will be Donald's 2020 competitor. You better take her seriously. Calling her Pocahontas won't be good enough.

Elizabeth Warren proposes canceling student loan debt and offering free public college

The proposal would cancel up to $50,000 in debt for people with annual household income under $100,000. Beyond that income threshold, smaller amounts of debt would be canceled, but no one with more than $250,000 in household income would be eligible.

To keep students from accumulating more debt in the future, Warren also proposes making two- and four-year public colleges tuition free, according to a plan unveiled in advance of a Monday evening CNN town hall focused on issues of interest to young voters.

With a price tag of $1.25 trillion over 10 years, Warren’s higher-education initiatives up the ante on an issue that most 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have been trying to address in more modest ways.

I would support the proposal. I wouldn't support her though.
Ohhhh! You stumped me with major simple!!

It's so simple you can't answer the question I guess

What do I get for footing the bill for some other's person's kid to go to college?

An educated populace with the skills needed for today's jobs and a greatly increased tax base far into the future.

That's what we all get for footing the bill for our fellow Americans to become highly educated and skilled.

Think beyond your simpleton schnozz, ya weirdo.
We aren't getting highly educated and skilled fellow Americans. We are getting woke social justice warriors with degrees in Chicano Studies, Women's Roles in Medieval Africa and Human Sexuality. There is a demand to make Social Activism a degreed subject.

If you want an investment, let the free education be extended to STEM students. Everyone else pays double.

Great point. Doing away with the social majors a shifting towards STEM will leave only a few losers standing: the tenured professors who teach the social subjects. Tell them those jobs are going a away and they need to get retrained like Obama told coal miners.
Doing away with liberal arts is a very bad idea, just like not taxing the rich any more than anybody else A disaster. A GOP disaster.
Liberal arts doesn't produce salable goods.
It's so simple you can't answer the question I guess

What do I get for footing the bill for some other's person's kid to go to college?

An educated populace with the skills needed for today's jobs and a greatly increased tax base far into the future.

That's what we all get for footing the bill for our fellow Americans to become highly educated and skilled.

Think beyond your simpleton schnozz, ya weirdo.
We aren't getting highly educated and skilled fellow Americans. We are getting woke social justice warriors with degrees in Chicano Studies, Women's Roles in Medieval Africa and Human Sexuality. There is a demand to make Social Activism a degreed subject.

If you want an investment, let the free education be extended to STEM students. Everyone else pays double.

Great point. Doing away with the social majors a shifting towards STEM will leave only a few losers standing: the tenured professors who teach the social subjects. Tell them those jobs are going a away and they need to get retrained like Obama told coal miners.
Doing away with liberal arts is a very bad idea, just like not taxing the rich any more than anybody else A disaster. A GOP disaster.
Liberal arts doesn't produce salable goods.
It does prevent people from becoming brainwashed functional GOP morons...
Warren's plan to forgive student loans today is a transfer to people who will earn several million dollars over their working lives
We aren't getting highly educated and skilled fellow Americans. We are getting woke social justice warriors with degrees in Chicano Studies, Women's Roles in Medieval Africa and Human Sexuality. There is a demand to make Social Activism a degreed subject.

That's nice and all, but I'm going to call bullshit on you.

For those playing along at home, I have a resume writing business and have written thousands of resumes over the last 10 years.

Do you know how many degrees I've seen in cultural studies or women's studies or all the other things that upset white folks?

Exactly Zero. The closest I got was one black guy who had taken African American studies as a minor, but he still had a very practical major in Business Administration.

Most of the degrees I see now are more standard liberal arts (Psychology, History, PolSci), Business Administration and Information Technology. True, I don't see a lot of Engineering degrees, but I suspect that those guys probably don't have problems getting interviews, so they don't need resume help.

Great point. Doing away with the social majors a shifting towards STEM will leave only a few losers standing: the tenured professors who teach the social subjects. Tell them those jobs are going a away and they need to get retrained like Obama told coal miners.

Again, the problem isn't that there are thousands of kids wasting their money on "Social Majors" that terrify you guys, it's that a lot of kids just don't qualify to get into a STEM field. You see, part of the problem is that you Right Wingers have dumbed down science and math in the Elementary and Primary school levels. For instance, because Science Textbooks are written for the inbred bible thumpers down in Texas, they really don't cover evolution all that well because it isn't right with Jay-a-zus.

So a lot of kids start out in STEM, realize that it isn't for them, go to a slightly less challenging liberal arts or business administration field so they can get a degree and be done with it.
It's so simple you can't answer the question I guess

What do I get for footing the bill for some other's person's kid to go to college?

An educated populace with the skills needed for today's jobs and a greatly increased tax base far into the future.

That's what we all get for footing the bill for our fellow Americans to become highly educated and skilled.

Think beyond your simpleton schnozz, ya weirdo.
We aren't getting highly educated and skilled fellow Americans. We are getting woke social justice warriors with degrees in Chicano Studies, Women's Roles in Medieval Africa and Human Sexuality. There is a demand to make Social Activism a degreed subject.

If you want an investment, let the free education be extended to STEM students. Everyone else pays double.

Great point. Doing away with the social majors a shifting towards STEM will leave only a few losers standing: the tenured professors who teach the social subjects. Tell them those jobs are going a away and they need to get retrained like Obama told coal miners.
Doing away with liberal arts is a very bad idea, just like not taxing the rich any more than anybody else A disaster. A GOP disaster.
Liberal arts doesn't produce salable goods.

As far as student loans are concerned, I don't have any problem with loaning people money to attend college for "liberal arts" or "black studies" or "German Polka history", IF they have cosigners and/or collateral to put up. If someone is interested in becoming a black supremacist, there is no better way than to take up their kufi African hats and learn the secret black handshakes in college.

However, there is no money in this. Poses too much of a risk for the lender, without proper security.
The whole thing about which degree college students get is nothing but a red herring.

The fact is that you can't get a decent job unless you have a degree and even then you need a masters to get a really good job. Kids are graduating with $ 100K in debt and more and can't get a job that pays more than $45K. That's killing our economy.

It keeps them chained to jobs that don't come close to using their potential. It keeps them from starting families and buying houses.

It only makes SENSE to free that money up and get it flowing through the economy.

And for those who whine that "someone is getting something I'm not"...remember that not too long ago we handed out loan forgiveness to folks with "upside down" mortgages. We did that because it made sense and we did that because it saved the housing industry.

It was the smart thing to do and so is this
Again, the problem isn't that there are thousands of kids wasting their money on "Social Majors" that terrify you guys, it's that a lot of kids just don't qualify to get into a STEM field. You see, part of the problem is that you Right Wingers have dumbed down science and math in the Elementary and Primary school levels. For instance, because Science Textbooks are written for the inbred bible thumpers down in Texas, they really don't cover evolution all that well because it isn't right with Jay-a-zus.

So a lot of kids start out in STEM, realize that it isn't for them, go to a slightly less challenging liberal arts or business administration field so they can get a degree and be done with it.

You are misinformed , joe. Dr. Ben Carson is a solid believer in the Young Earth and Creation Science, it didn't stop him from studying and excelling in the challenging field of Brain Surgery. Sir Isaac Newton as well was a firm creation scientists, and his discoveries are still studied today.

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