Elizabeth Warren says doctors, nurses don't treat black women same way as other women

Somebody is desperate to remain relevant. This is simply disgraceful. It's really sad that this is where American politics are today. How we can continue to remain the only superpower on the planet never stops astonishing me

Elizabeth Warren says doctors, nurses don't treat black women same way as other women

And it's one-two-three what are we fighting for . . . give me an "I" . . . give me a "D" . . . it's identity politics, kids. Right, so superheroes always had secret identities. Guess the supervillains needed some ketchup for their small "fries". Says the woman who founded her professional life on appropriating another culture's government given mercy because: "victimhood". Poke-A-Haunt-us.
Thank Gaea minorities have white liberals do decide what minorities are offended by.

Don't worry, non-whites -- white liberals will save you.

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