Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg going to fight?

Iā€™ll take Zuckerberg by decision. He looks like heā€™s in better shape than Musk
If Musk goes hard early and hits Zuckerberg with a right hook it will be over quick. Zuckerbergs chin is suspect. If it lasts longer than 90 seconds Musk will be out of breath and Zuckerberg will grind him down.
If Musk goes hard early and hits Zuckerberg with a right hook it will be over quick. Zuckerbergs chin is suspect. If it goes longer than 90 seconds Musk will be out of breath and Zuckerberg will grind him down.
I canā€™t even believe weā€™re having this conversation, but yeah, I think neither one of them have KO power. I chose Zuckerberg, because Iā€™m assuming he has better cardio than Musk
Z berg been doing a lot of BJJ
Z berg knows BJJ

Musk is more athletic and stronger
Zuck is a alien.


Iā€™ll take Zuckerberg by decision. He looks like heā€™s in better shape than Musk
I'd rather watch a 3 round geriatric bout between Lightning Joe Biden & Donald slow bear Trump! Biden would have the speed with that six speed wheelchair he keeps hidden away from public view. Donaldo would have to cut the ring off on Joe then drive Joe back into a corner with combinations. Trump would need to pace himself so he does not punch himself out as well as to be wary of a banzai wheelchair attack that could run him over & end the bout by KO for ole Joe. It'd be the geriatric bout of the century!
They canā€™t fight.

People like them hire guys who actually can fight to be their bodyguards. The two of them fighting would be a slap fest

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