Elon Musk blames ‘communists’ for turning his trans daughter against him.

Okay. I googled him. He's a MALE. Xavier Alexander Musk

Is it any wonder Tammy doesn't know the difference. Why does Tammy hate women?
I don't know what communists have to do with this.

But the American Left sure as hell has fucked itself with the cultural issues.
I hope I live long enough to see the Gender Panic revealed for what it is--a social contagion, like Multiple Personality Disorder in the 80s.

Sadly, this one has affected way too many youth who have had parts cut off. And not only that: we all can look back at bad clothes and haircuts in high school or whatever. But imagine looking back and being embarrassed of the two years you thought you were a boy/girl/dog/fish whatever.

Awful. We should be shamed.
I bet a one time you though you were attractive.
Elon is the perfect example of pater familias Repubs who have ten kids with any woman you can muster to do the deed.
I don't know what communists have to do with this.

But the American Left sure as hell has fucked itself with the cultural issues.
They have lost the middle class, and it's quite obvious pandering to less than 2% of the population is not the best strategy.
I hope I live long enough to see the Gender Panic revealed for what it is--a social contagion, like Multiple Personality Disorder in the 80s.

Sadly, this one has affected way too many youth who have had parts cut off. And not only that: we all can look back at bad clothes and haircuts in high school or whatever. But imagine looking back and being embarrassed of the two years you thought you were a boy/girl/dog/fish whatever.

Awful. We should be shamed.

Don't forget the Satanism/Day care child abuse hysteria from the late 80's early 90's as well.
They have lost the middle class, and it's quite obvious pandering to less than 2% of the population is not the best strategy.

Losing blacks and Hispanics as well by pandering to neurotic upper middle/lower upper class white people.
He used her to make a cheap political point. He is a toxic person and a shit father.
Telling the media to respect her privacy is a political point?

You are grasping at straws in a weak desperate attempt to attack a man that took away one of the propagandist pieces of your demafacist ideological cult views.
I don't know what communists have to do with this.
But the American Left sure as hell has fucked itself with the cultural issues.
They have lost the middle class, and it's quite obvious pandering to less than 2% of the population is not the best strategy.
And worse, this doesn't and won't rub off quickly. The Left has left itself incredibly vulnerable, because it's joined at the hip with the cultural issues it's been pushing for decades. Now it has all come around to bite them square in the ass.

Two fucking awful choices. We remain in desperate need of a new option, or multiple options.

Yup seriously. Nothing to do with his hostility to trans folk. He goes on to say that his daughter wants to stay out of the public view whilst giving a media interview about her.

And of course stirring up the pot when using a familiar right ing fantasy.
Shit father.
Wow. Elon criticized commies and look who gets offended….TammyGirl.

The “transgender” movement is purely communist in its roots. Number one, it’s based on a total lie, that people can change genders, and that there are more than two genders. It’s anti-science, anti-nature, and anti-God. It is pure evil to push transgender nonsense on kids and even on adults. Allowing children to be butchered and drugged to alter their body in grotesque ways is evil.

Who are the people that always push this kind of nonsense that goes against the laws of nature? Communists. Because communism is meant to destroy, not build or help anyone.

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