Emails reveal racists plotted confrontation with Black Lives Matters activists days before shooting


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Emails reveal racists plotted confrontation with Black Lives Matters activists days before shooting

You notice how white racists always only attack blacks when they have the upper hand -- numerical or tactical advantage, in this case, drive-by shoot and run cowardly style, with masks and bulletproof vests. They opened fire from a distance and then ran like that chicken shit pussies that they are.

Why is that?

Why won't white racists ever take on blacks one-on-one, face-to-face?

(that's a rhetorical question, we know the answer)

Urban blacks know how to handle themselves, physically stronger, and all around tougher men. Suburban or rural whites are punks. Soft and afraid. And that is where their anger comes from , the knowledge that they are inferior men.

Three white men wearing bulletproof vests and covering their face with masks shot five Black Lives Matter protesters Monday night in Minneapolis — and some social media users are claiming the gunmen fired in self-defense.

The men, described by some witnesses as white supremacists, wounded five demonstrators shortly before 11 p.m. outside the city’s Fourth Precinct during an ongoing protest of the police shooting death of 24-year-old Jamar Clark.

Demonstrators say masked men wearing military-style clothing have been harassing them for days during the protests, and Black Lives Matter Minneapolis posted a video Friday of two men on their way to disrupt the protests.

As we see more and more of these white supremacist hate crimes, one has to wonder to what extent far-right rhetoric is encouraging them.
The emails are unproven.
The video is unproven.
Your link says that.
The very idea that whites would stand up and fight back causes liberals to hide under the bed and scream "racist, racist".

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