Embrace the death cult of abortion...or face Dem rejection

Democrats assemble! Form a circle! left face! Shoot the Target in front of you at will! Fire!

The one thing Ds do better than anyone else, the circular firing squad.
Support wic, food stamps, unemployment and the social safetynet and I'll strongly consider opposing Abortion.
So the head of the Dem party maintains you must embrace elective abortion...or else. DNC Chair declares there is no place for pro-life Democrats in today’s party - Hot Air
Roe V Wade is Federal law unless (1) they amend the Constitution or (2) the SCOTUS overrules it.

Law is law.
not when it's illegal. Rvw is a travesty, and unconstitutional. Abortion on demand isn't a right.

But it is legal,no matter how much you whine about it.
So the head of the Dem party maintains you must embrace elective abortion...or else. DNC Chair declares there is no place for pro-life Democrats in today’s party - Hot Air
Roe V Wade is Federal law unless (1) they amend the Constitution or (2) the SCOTUS overrules it.

Law is law.
One more scotus pick away!

Support wic, food stamps, unemployment and the social safetynet and I'll strongly consider opposing Abortion.
Go to hell. We don't need you.

Then a lot of these children you want born will die from starvation or be thrown in rivers.
What a patently ridiculous thing to say. Children in the us don't starve to death. And what you are saying is that we must murder all to prevent the murder of a few.
Progressives used the.slaves to force the states to submit to federal tyranny in the 1800s. Now they are using the " right" to kill babies.

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