Zone1 Encouragement for member and friend Dale Smith

Hello Dale,

It's been a while. When this thread started mentioning anything political I decided to back off but wanted you to know you are still in my prayers every night. I pray for you to be pain-free as much as possible.

I loved reading your letter to Sandy. It will bring her great peace. I've been there and I know the relief and subsequent acceptance and contentment your letter has brought to her mind and her heart forever. You did a wonderful thing for Sandy and for yourself. I'm sure you feel lighter now as well.

Dale, in my opinion, you are a very intelligent man with solid common sense and a loving heart. Now, you owe nothing to anybody it seems and your destiny will be a restful one because of your efforts. You were given time to redeem yourself because someone "up there" knows you well and wants you to leave a man who has reconciled his earlier years so you can begin anew and help others who have come to know you here as a fine person. You were given the gift of time to accomplish your goals. I am better off for knowing you.

You are on my mind and in a loving way. Bless you, and all others who have contributed to this thread in goodwill. :smiliehug:
Hey, Athena, I don't want to short-change you on your response to me. I just wanted to think about what I wanted to say in response. You may not know this, but we have dealt with a lot of death the last three years. She lost her mom that she took care of in "at home hospice". Sandy was the only daughter out of the three that wanted to take on that responsibility. Then we tragically lost Joshua, our son and the only child she would ever have. Then her middle sister developed a fast acting breast cancer and again, Sandy took care of her in hospice while working a full time job.....and then there is me. When she found out how sick I was, she said (through tears) all this and now I am losing you? It's almost more than I can bear". In spite of all she has been through and continues to deal with? She is still there for me ALWAYS. What she has done for me while I go on this journey? I am not alone and no one would blame her if she did turn away from me....but that's simply not her. She doesn't even realize how unique and how special, how strong that she is. I could definitely make a case for angel wings for her. I am in awe of her strength. She is and will always be the most beautiful and classy lady that I have ever known.

BTW, I want you to know how much you have blessed my life for being in it. Your insight has been so appreciated. You seem to have a lot of Sandy's traits and that is about the biggest compliment that I can pay someone.
Hey, peeps! I wanted to share this with you all. I think it's the most poignant thing I have ever written and it has to do with the grieving process. I hope you will read this and all feedback good or bad will be greatly appreciated.

"Sandy, I really appreciate the time you afforded me today. I forgot the horrific pain I have been in today for 42 minutes. Life can still be beautiful and I can find that beauty. I see it in the eyes of children, random acts of kindness I have witnessed and wish to participate in. Then there is the ugliness and the suffering of people that don't deserve the pain they are dealing with. No one that claims to love and care about me would want me to continue to live the way I have and continue to do. I have people tell me that they are praying for a "miracle" that isn't going to happen nor do I want . How about praying for my suffering to end and that I go quickly when the time comes? That I don't become a burden on people just to keep me alive? I can really get onboard with that type of praying and intercession on my behalf. Below are some very salient points I want to express to you that I know you have the intellect to understand....part of the very few that will "get it". Some of these thoughts are mine and some are borrowed.....

"Don't die with your dead". We cry for ourselves and not them. We cry because we "lost" them .....we don't have access to them anymore, we lost having the pleasure of their company and we think it all ends with death and a burial....that they are not there anymore. That isn't the way it is. We will have a re-birth that is glorious and in a much better place than this prison planet where we have to work so hard to eek out an existence. They are gone, never forgotten but most importantly they are out of pain and no longer suffer from the demons that made their life so hard. You cry because you “lost them”, because you don’t HAVE THEM by your side. You think they are NOT there anymore. They have left but they are not "gone" Are they in a better place? You better believe that they are and if one is receptive, they give us signs. My situation has "red-pilled" me and given me a clarity of thought that I never thought would be possible for someone of my limited intellect. It all makes perfect sense and it gives me peace....not a false peace or belief but one that is rock-solid in it's logic.

I have finished accepting that they are no longer "NOT here" and that they are in another place better than this.......they’re where they are no longer sick, or suffering.
Once we accept this, we can stop mourning them and you'll get them back in memory so they keep accompanying you with the joy of all that you've lived.
If you truly loved them? LOVE them AGAIN and this time with greater strength, with greater purity, with greater delivery.
Today, there will be no more reproach of any kind for me.
Only LOVE, will be the essence between you, between us, between them.

I respect your pain and I know you respect mine, and the way we express it. I know you cry and you will cry without comfort as I do and have done. Today I ask you and say to you....don't die with your dead. We are only seeing one side and not what awaits us. We both have good hearts and we should be proud of the body of work we will leave behind.......

Don't die with your dead and start seeing the wonderful place of light where they stand. Honor them by living your life as they wanted you to. Let them transcend....and you keep living. Today I declare that I will do my best to never cry again over what was lost. It has been one year, four months and nearly three weeks since we lost our son. It almost killed me and I didn't care and wanted to grieve myself to death and almost made it. Joshua wouldn't have wanted me to do what I did. I know that he is thriving and happy and wants us to be happy as well and thrive the best we can until we are united and it is going to happen. It's why I am not afraid nor dreading what is to be. People are utterly amazed by my attitude but most of them don't understand the glorious future that awaits me....awaits us where we get that victory hug from all that love us and have crossed. I love you with all my heart, Sandy...Jul as well. It hurts my heart knowing you are hurting and continue to suffer. If I could take it from you, I would in a heart beat. Please remember these words and refer back to them and allow them to comfort you. You have the power.

Much love, are very special and always have been......
Dale, Sandy will begin the journey of her own rebirth when she knows you are out of pain and finally frolicking with your "little man" Josh, whom you together brought into this world. She will feel at peace knowing you are together again and looking forward to the day when she joins all who have gone before her to a place of sweet richness and the unity of the family.

Sandy's prayers at night then will find her closed eyes brimming with tears for a long, long time as she speaks to you, above. The depth of the pain will bring her peace, though, a little at a time, as the wound begins a closure that will always linger but not in a way to lessen the loss of someone she has treasured. She has lost her best friend of many years and experiences in the physical world but your words here will relieve her pain over time and let her live again, in a way free from the torment she must still be experiencing.

You are right, Sandy is one beautiful and tenacious woman who has helped so many with her energy and kindness. She is a survivor who will be looking forward to a loving reunion with you, Josh, and all the others who have been a part of her life. You said it right, about Sandy being deserving of those "angel wings" and I have respectfully become very fond of her myself. I send her the gentleness of my embrace and virtually wish to hold her up when you fade into eternity. Sandy needs relief from emotional pain so she can move on, in an earthly direction. May God bless her. May she look forward to helping herself recover from the sadnesses, and the memories of all her loved ones be only of the good times. May she smile again.

Yours in faith, as always,

Hey, peeps! I wanted to share this with you all. I think it's the most poignant thing I have ever written and it has to do with the grieving process. I hope you will read this and all feedback good or bad will be greatly appreciated.

"Sandy, I really appreciate the time you afforded me today. I forgot the horrific pain I have been in today for 42 minutes. Life can still be beautiful and I can find that beauty. I see it in the eyes of children, random acts of kindness I have witnessed and wish to participate in. Then there is the ugliness and the suffering of people that don't deserve the pain they are dealing with. No one that claims to love and care about me would want me to continue to live the way I have and continue to do. I have people tell me that they are praying for a "miracle" that isn't going to happen nor do I want . How about praying for my suffering to end and that I go quickly when the time comes? That I don't become a burden on people just to keep me alive? I can really get onboard with that type of praying and intercession on my behalf. Below are some very salient points I want to express to you that I know you have the intellect to understand....part of the very few that will "get it". Some of these thoughts are mine and some are borrowed.....

"Don't die with your dead". We cry for ourselves and not them. We cry because we "lost" them .....we don't have access to them anymore, we lost having the pleasure of their company and we think it all ends with death and a burial....that they are not there anymore. That isn't the way it is. We will have a re-birth that is glorious and in a much better place than this prison planet where we have to work so hard to eek out an existence. They are gone, never forgotten but most importantly they are out of pain and no longer suffer from the demons that made their life so hard. You cry because you “lost them”, because you don’t HAVE THEM by your side. You think they are NOT there anymore. They have left but they are not "gone" Are they in a better place? You better believe that they are and if one is receptive, they give us signs. My situation has "red-pilled" me and given me a clarity of thought that I never thought would be possible for someone of my limited intellect. It all makes perfect sense and it gives me peace....not a false peace or belief but one that is rock-solid in it's logic.

I have finished accepting that they are no longer "NOT here" and that they are in another place better than this.......they’re where they are no longer sick, or suffering.
Once we accept this, we can stop mourning them and you'll get them back in memory so they keep accompanying you with the joy of all that you've lived.
If you truly loved them? LOVE them AGAIN and this time with greater strength, with greater purity, with greater delivery.
Today, there will be no more reproach of any kind for me.
Only LOVE, will be the essence between you, between us, between them.

I respect your pain and I know you respect mine, and the way we express it. I know you cry and you will cry without comfort as I do and have done. Today I ask you and say to you....don't die with your dead. We are only seeing one side and not what awaits us. We both have good hearts and we should be proud of the body of work we will leave behind.......

Don't die with your dead and start seeing the wonderful place of light where they stand. Honor them by living your life as they wanted you to. Let them transcend....and you keep living. Today I declare that I will do my best to never cry again over what was lost. It has been one year, four months and nearly three weeks since we lost our son. It almost killed me and I didn't care and wanted to grieve myself to death and almost made it. Joshua wouldn't have wanted me to do what I did. I know that he is thriving and happy and wants us to be happy as well and thrive the best we can until we are united and it is going to happen. It's why I am not afraid nor dreading what is to be. People are utterly amazed by my attitude but most of them don't understand the glorious future that awaits me....awaits us where we get that victory hug from all that love us and have crossed. I love you with all my heart, Sandy...Jul as well. It hurts my heart knowing you are hurting and continue to suffer. If I could take it from you, I would in a heart beat. Please remember these words and refer back to them and allow them to comfort you. You have the power.

Much love, are very special and always have been......
Dale love you so much
Dale's brother, Dr. Eric Smith, called me to inform the Forum that Dale is very sick and can't respond. His new pain medicine is very powerful. Dr. Smith has taken Dale's phone and blocked the Leave Message feature. My daughter, who cares for my wife, is on a trip until August 8 and I can't drive to Amarillo to see Dale until the 9th. I hope I'm not too late. Please keep Dale in your prayers. I will pass along any news and I hope it is good news.
Dale's brother, Dr. Eric Smith, called me to inform the Forum that Dale is very sick and can't respond. His new pain medicine is very powerful. Dr. Smith has taken Dale's phone and blocked the Leave Message feature. My daughter, who cares for my wife, is on a trip until August 8 and I can't drive to Amarillo to see Dale until the 9th. I hope I'm not too late. Please keep Dale in your prayers. I will pass along any news and I hope it is good news.

I'm sorry to hear this.

Thanks so much for keeping us informed. Dale's a great fella.
Dale's brother, Dr. Eric Smith, called me to inform the Forum that Dale is very sick and can't respond. His new pain medicine is very powerful. Dr. Smith has taken Dale's phone and blocked the Leave Message feature. My daughter, who cares for my wife, is on a trip until August 8 and I can't drive to Amarillo to see Dale until the 9th. I hope I'm not too late. Please keep Dale in your prayers. I will pass along any news and I hope it is good news.

Dale's brother Eric (who is a nurse) announced on Dale's Facebook page that Dale passed away just after 11:00 a.m. today. I didn't want to link the Facebook page here. If I can figure out how to send you a private message, I will do so with the link.

I am very sad at this news but at the same time, I am glad he is no longer in pain and is now with his son.

I will never, ever forget how he shared his trials, hopes, dreams, opinions with us during this time, and Hossfly for all he has done for Dale.

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