Zone1 Encouragement for member and friend Dale Smith

I know you meant well. It's a fitting song..except the part where she sings she is doing fine. Other than that...its exactly how I feel. I am thankful for this place too, because many have gone thru or are going thru the same emotions I am. The company is appreciated.

Well, you know that you can call me anytime you start feeling the blues. I have a willing ear that you can bend if you need to. I have become very attached to you and feel honored that you befriended me like you have.

Hugs ya......

Gracie's advice is a good one. I remember offering her the same advice about a year ago when she lost Dennis. Only it was for a cat. One lady where I live adopted a 14-year-old dog from the shelter and he was a sweet charmer. She knew he didn't have long on this side of the rainbow and about a year later he died. But the two of them were happy, took walks every day and I really miss seeing him. They each had someone to love. She knew to expect him to go sooner than later but he really made her happy and was prepared when he left. Now she has a cat. Something to put your arms around during any day or night can be a great way to uplift the spirits. I know for I have had cats and dogs all my life, and they add so much meaning to one who likes them and the love they return.

Dale, good luck with this day. You are in my prayers. I am so glad you have your music to express yourself. It helps so much for you, I know. Keep playing my man. :boohoo:



AquaAthena, Gracie, et al.......

Well, as per our conversation about getting things said while there was still time? Here is what I wrote. Sandy said it was beautiful and that she loved me as well. I told you I would share it so here it is. Thank you for prodding me into doing this.....

Dearest, Sandy and Jul....I know I promised you an e-mail after you read my text and you said you would call me on Saturday. Please allow me to reiterate to you both that you don't owe me any correspondence whatsoever. Of course it goes without saying that just hearing your voice and expressing concern about me certainly brings on the waterworks but neither you or Jul owe me that. You both have so much to take care of and it has to be such a daunting task that the last thing I want to be is a "needy whiner". I was talking to some friends on this political message board that is the biggest forum going. Up until I got sick, I was a major player and I have a huge fan base of posters that see things the way we do. Well, they have found out that I am sick, they know all about us losing Joshua and they have been an incredible source of support. I quit posting after Josh died because it just seemed pointless but they refuse to let me go and check up on my all the time. The impending issues I am dealing with has caused them to circle the wagons around me. They love to hear me post songs from my you tube channel and some of the conversations get pretty intense. One of the biggest topics we talk about is you, Sandy.

The consensus (especially amongst the ladies there) is that I should tell you how I feel and the incredible love I still have for you and always have. I must preface this by including my brother from another mother, Jul and I hope and pray that you will not take offense. I wan t you to read this as well so that you know how grateful I am to you for being the man that you didn't have to be but choose to. I doubt that you will ever fully understand as to how much I admire you. I failed Joshua, Chelsea and Sandy but you stepped up to the plate. Any other man would have held my feet to the fire and ripped me a new one for not being what I should have been. You did make out "ok" because you won the love of the most incredible lady that God ever saw fit to put here on this earth.

Sandy, I failed you even after you gave me so many chances that I didn't deserve. I didn't fail you because I didn't love you with all that I was....not at all. I was simply immature and selfish and I deserve to be alone and I deserve what has happened to me......that is just the way it is. Thank God that you finally gave Jul a chance. I remember the day like it was yesterday. The Summer of 2011. I had come over to see you and after realizing that I was never going to find someone or love someone and have the feelings I still had for you? I was going to beg for another chance but before I could even get the words out you said "Hey, Dale, I got myself a fella" heart was crushed but I gave you the biggest hug I could with tears rolling down my face because it was over for good this time. Time has a way of healing and old memories of "what was" starts to fade but it never happened for me. The memories are still just as fresh as they ever were and the desire that I could have been what you needed still haunt me and always will. There is a song by this singer named Brandi Carlile .and it describes you. It's called "Every Time I hear That Song" and I hope you will listen to it. The words that crush me are "I gave you all I had but got the worst of you". I know you have forgiven me and I am grateful but you had to do that in order to give someone else a chance.

Please don't be sad about what is to be.....I have caused you enough tears. I regret not being the dad and husband that I should have been and what you and the kids deserved. You can't assuage my feelings and guilt that I have by telling me to forgive myself because it's not going to happen. I love you, life was better than I deserved just because of you.
Real bummer to hear that! I've long since joining here considered Dale Smith as one of my best liked and most valued contributors here! Over time I guess I had just assumed he had changed names or something, drifted away or whatever as many do here! But I definitely wish Dale the best of luck and a speedy recovery to get over whatever he is dealing with now feeling well again and hopefully someday, we will see him back posting here again!
Thank you for the kind words, Toob. I am a big admirer of your body of work here and you always had my back. My son dying really did a number on my head and I never felt like returning and posting like I once did. I have a lot of posters not only here on this thread but others that post whose work I enjoy. MisterBeale is my all-time favorite for information. I am a mere piker compared to him. BTW, I have thousands of documentaries and lectures that you can't find on the internet anymore that I need to lift off of my old hard-drive before I go. I am not meaning to come across as boasting but a LOT of information is going to die when I do and I hate that. Posters like MisterBeale will keep the torch lit but I sure did digest soooo much information. Looks like I am going to make my last appearance on the "Anomic Age" with John Age sometime this week or next. I will post the link. Youtube banned him recently just like they do to anyone that isn't onboard with the marxist agenda.
Hope this brightens the day for everyone.
All green lights today....

Awww yes, 4 non blondes.....they were a huge part of the angry/angst filled lesbian/ liberal music movement that became all the rage at the turn of the century. They are good musicians....I will give them that much.
Thank you for the kind words, Toob. I am a big admirer of your body of work here and you always had my back. My son dying really did a number on my head and I never felt like returning and posting like I once did. I have a lot of posters not only here on this thread but others that post whose work I enjoy. MisterBeale is my all-time favorite for information. I am a mere piker compared to him. BTW, I have thousands of documentaries and lectures that you can't find on the internet anymore that I need to lift off of my old hard-drive before I go. I am not meaning to come across as boasting but a LOT of information is going to die when I do and I hate that. Posters like MisterBeale will keep the torch lit but I sure did digest soooo much information. Looks like I am going to make my last appearance on the "Anomic Age" with John Age sometime this week or next. I will post the link. Youtube banned him recently just like they do to anyone that isn't onboard with the marxist agenda.

Here ya go, Dale Smith

And all this as a result of cancer?
How did it start?

Concerning the firestick, l have one too. Everything was going great, TV from all over the world. Until it started buffering. Most annoying. Shall have to get that sorted out.

I also have a satellite system, but some of those channels pixilate, whiich is a recent development. Also most annoying.

And those lefties you mention, some of them come here just to be gratuitously nasty. Nothing to do with politics.
I agree with you....the leftists just come here to rant and rave. You will never learn anything from their angst. If you watch my watch the 20 minute video I posted? It answers a lot of your questions as to how I be
And all this as a result of cancer?
How did it start?

Concerning the firestick, l have one too. Everything was going great, TV from all over the world. Until it started buffering. Most annoying. Shall have to get that sorted out.

I also have a satellite system, but some of those channels pixilate, whiich is a recent development. Also most annoying.

And those lefties you mention, some of them come here just to be gratuitously nasty. Nothing to do with politics.
Yep, I agree with you. They come here to rant and rave. You will derive nothing from their postings. As far as your other question? Watch the 20 minute video I posted. It explains a lot and the story is pretty interesting. Thanks for inquiring....
Here ya go, Dale Smith

Hoss, John has been a tremendous friend and he has given me a platform via his website. He is as good as it gets when it comes to his interviewing prowess. We are good friends so I don't look at it as being interviewed but rather two old friends talking. I love his show whether he has a guest or he simply gives his take on what is going on. I wish I had his intellect for sure. He reminds me of a younger version of Tucker Carlson and John B. Wells. He is just that good.

P.S I am sure looking forward to your visit. We are going to have a great time!
Thank you for the kind words, Toob. I am a big admirer of your body of work here and you always had my back. My son dying really did a number on my head and I never felt like returning and posting like I once did. I have a lot of posters not only here on this thread but others that post whose work I enjoy. MisterBeale is my all-time favorite for information. I am a mere piker compared to him. BTW, I have thousands of documentaries and lectures that you can't find on the internet anymore that I need to lift off of my old hard-drive before I go. I am not meaning to come across as boasting but a LOT of information is going to die when I do and I hate that. Posters like MisterBeale will keep the torch lit but I sure did digest soooo much information. Looks like I am going to make my last appearance on the "Anomic Age" with John Age sometime this week or next. I will post the link. Youtube banned him recently just like they do to anyone that isn't onboard with the marxist agenda.

Well, you know Dale, I've been down that road myself, so I know how you feel. The first year or two are the hardest, and it can take up to ten years to get over such a loss, but you do get over it, you have to get over it--- life requires you to accept the things we cannot change and to move on or we all begin to whither and fade! A year after I came here, despite still not knowing a lot of people here yet, I tried to "grade" those whom I had enough experience with in my own "rating" system, and looking back, I was right--- your name was in my highest classification of best posters here period.

It isn't always the quantity but the quality that matters. You should consider all the good you have done here and could do and the many people here whom you could help by benefiting from even just a few salient, insightful, erudite words from you now and then in these insane times.

Here's hoping that you'll give that some thought and return here soon when you're ready. You are deeply missed.
Awww yes, 4 non blondes.....they were a huge part of the angry/angst filled lesbian/ liberal music movement that became all the rage at the turn of the century. They are good musicians....I will give them that much.
That's the good thing about being old school.
Well I never actually heard of them but I can get on YouTube and discover music that I've never heard before that either went under the radar for whatever reason .

It's new to me I guess what I'm saying and as far as movements go I can't think of anything worse than what's happening now.

The lead singer ended up strung out on heroin ....who knows what happened to her or the rest of them and I believe they only had two albums.

They love them down south.
For Dale and all the friends here, Happy Fourth! :thup:


We support you Dale, and I dedicate this to Dale and for all his great friends here:

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This is trhe kind of shit that made me quit posting to begin with. I am SO damn mad right now. Censor my one paragraph reply about the election fraud that was insult free but easily proved while allowing other posters to Scrutinized.....them? Not at all.....

Hello Dale,

It's been a while. When this thread started mentioning anything political I decided to back off but wanted you to know you are still in my prayers every night. I pray for you to be pain-free as much as possible.

I loved reading your letter to Sandy. It will bring her great peace. I've been there and I know the relief and subsequent acceptance and contentment your letter has brought to her mind and her heart forever. You did a wonderful thing for Sandy and for yourself. I'm sure you feel lighter now as well.

Dale, in my opinion, you are a very intelligent man with solid common sense and a loving heart. Now, you owe nothing to anybody it seems and your destiny will be a restful one because of your efforts. You were given time to redeem yourself because someone "up there" knows you well and wants you to leave a man who has reconciled his earlier years so you can begin anew and help others who have come to know you here as a fine person. You were given the gift of time to accomplish your goals. I am better off for knowing you.

You are on my mind and in a loving way. Bless you, and all others who have contributed to this thread in goodwill. :smiliehug:
Hello Dale,

It's been a while. When this thread started mentioning anything political I decided to back off but wanted you to know you are still in my prayers every night. I pray for you to be pain-free as much as possible.

I loved reading your letter to Sandy. It will bring her great peace. I've been there and I know the relief and subsequent acceptance and contentment your letter has brought to her mind and her heart forever. You did a wonderful thing for Sandy and for yourself. I'm sure you feel lighter now as well.

Dale, in my opinion, you are a very intelligent man with solid common sense and a loving heart. Now, you owe nothing to anybody it seems and your destiny will be a restful one because of your efforts. You were given time to redeem yourself because someone "up there" knows you well and wants you to leave a man who has reconciled his earlier years so you can begin anew and help others who have come to know you here as a fine person. You were given the gift of time to accomplish your goals. I am better off for knowing you.

You are on my mind and in a loving way. Bless you, and all others who have contributed to this thread in goodwill. :smiliehug:
Thank you, is the reply she sent me. We talked on the phone when they got back from Iowa but she wanted to send me a reply and it means a lot to me. I am glad I took ya'lls advice and said what I wanted to say while I still had time to say it. Some days I feel good and other days I feel like total dogshit. There is no rhyme or reason as to when and/or why. I have had some blackouts while out in public and I may be compelled to turn in my driver's license if they get worse. I don't remember anything that happened when I have one and that is scary. Thank you for your friendship and that applies to all of you that have (and continue) to check on me......

"That is a beautiful email Dale. I just got to read it because we are on our way back from Ginny’s burial. It was a beautiful event and she is now at peace. I don’t know how I can have any tears left but they sure keep flowing. It’s hard to drive away from CC ( Charles City) knowing mom, Ginny and Josh are there but they’re with all the rest of my family and are safe and tended to.

I have always known that you still loved me and I’m sorry things didn’t work out the way you would have wished. You are a good man and we have a long history good, and yes some bad but I choose to remember the good ones. You always made me laugh and you always tried your best but I know you had some emotional roadblocks that was hard for you to get past considering what you had to deal with growing up.

Well I didn’t finish this on the road and now we’re home. Talked to you last night but still wanted to send this. Live the rest of your life with your head up. What’s done is done and you have expressed all the regrets you have. We’re good. Jul and I would like to come out there on a weekend to see you. Just have to heal from our quick road trip and get it planned. We love you Dale! "
MisterBeale is my all-time favorite for information. I am a mere piker compared to him.
I am honored that any of my postings would have had influence at all on such a man of integrity and knowledge such as yourself, but this is clearly not the case. Back in 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote a book titled, "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era." In it, he outlines how by, I believe, 2012? 2015? There would be multiple methods of Geo-engineering by atmospheric cloud seeding, atmospheric heating and various other means. The UN even has a treaty on weather and climate engineering. I have missed that for years. This is a lynch pin in the global technocracy 2030 agenda. You had, for years been calling that out. Till the Great Reset came to fruition, I had been missing its critical importance. You never did.
I am not meaning to come across as boasting but a LOT of information is going to die when I do and I hate that.
If you have the energy, or motivation, you should gather it up, or have Hoss help you, and pass it on to John Age. ;)
Posters like MisterBeale will keep the torch lit but I sure did digest soooo much information.
Sometimes, I worry that we have no one after I am gone. I feel my time is coming soon myself. . . lol
they were a huge part of the angry/angst filled lesbian/ liberal music movement that became all the rage at the turn of the century.

I don't feel I have had anymore information & intelligence, than you, though, my background has always emphasized not just information, but also wisdom and empathy. I studied a lot of philosophy and different religious traditions. We NEED to be kind to each other, and not see each other as the enemy. All parts of society and the world, IMO, that creation made, have their role to play.

I noticed in this thread, you are finding, that some things are more important than just pure politics. Family, community, love. While this, "lgbtq," agenda has gotten, IMO, a bit more extreme, in the past, I don't think it had always been that extreme.

I once had a best friend in H.S. She was a lesbian, but she didn't even know it. I knew she was a lesbian before she did. We went to our first concert together.

It is about, finding who you are, learning from your mistakes, and then, moving on. We had a honors English class, and learned about existential literature together.

She ended up dating my best buddy in college, ended up breaking his heart. She would make fun of her roommate, calling her a lesbian. lol

A surprising number of LGB folks, are conservatives. Truth.

It takes all sorts, and we, as a nation, will have to stand together, as a collective, if we want to protect our individual civil liberties and civil rights. And if that isn't an oxymoron? I don't know what is. lol It is always, and forever, about finding balance IMO.

I will always pray for you, follow your progress, and hope you find peace and happiness at all times.

Know that you are always in our thoughts.
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Dale Smith and Gracie , here's a couple songs that are guaranteed to cheer you up. When I was younger and could buy beer at 18 in West Virginia, my buddies and I would hang out in honky tonks. As it was getting late in the evening we would play these songs just to see the older guys bawl and cry in their beer. I know Dale has played these songs. Enjoy!

I am honored that any of my postings would have had influence at all on such a man of integrity and knowledge such as yourself, but this is clearly not the case. Back in 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote a book titled, "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era." In it, he outlines how by, I believe, 2012? 2015? There would be multiple methods of Geo-engineering by atmospheric cloud seeding, atmospheric heating and various other means. The UN even has a treaty on weather and climate engineering. I have missed that for years. This is a lynch pin in the global technocracy 2030 agenda. You had, for years been calling that out. Till the Great Reset came to fruition, I had been missing its critical importance. You never did.

If you have the energy, or motivation, you should gather it up, or have Hoss help you, and pass it on to John Age. ;)

Sometimes, I worry that we have no one after I am gone. I feel my time is coming soon myself. . . lol

I don't feel I have had anymore information & intelligence, than you, though, my background has always emphasized not just information, but also wisdom and empathy. I studied a lot of philosophy and different religious traditions. We NEED to be kind to each other, and not see each other as the enemy. All parts of society and the world, IMO, that creation made, have their role to play.

I noticed in this thread, you are finding, that some things are more important than just pure politics. Family, community, love. While this, "lgbtq," agenda has gotten, IMO, a bit more extreme, in the past, I don't think it had always been that extreme.

I once had a best friend in H.S. She was a lesbian, but she didn't even know it. I knew she was a lesbian before she did. We went to our first concert together.

It is about, finding who you are, learning from your mistakes, and then, moving on. We had a honors English class, and learned about existential literature together.

She ended up dating my best buddy in college, ended up breaking his heart. She would make fun of her roommate, calling her a lesbian. lol

A surprising number of LGB folks, are conservatives. Truth.

It takes all sorts, and we, as a nation, will have to stand together, as a collective, if we want to protect our individual civil liberties and civil rights. And if that isn't an oxymoron? I don't know what is. lol It is always, and forever, about finding balance IMO.

I will always pray for you, follow your progress, and hope you find peace and happiness at all times.

Know that you are always in our thoughts.

MisterBeale, when I came across your postings when I first started posting here in October of 2015, I knew that you were "awake" and it gave me the confidence to start revealing the things I had been researching about. What impressed me the most was that as I quickly became a pariah to those on the left was that you stuck your neck out on my behalf and unabashedly backed me up when it wasn't popular to do so. Eventually, I developed a following and they did what you did....they had my back and that means a lot whether this is cyberville or real time. I have found a kinship to not only you but to many others here but YOU took the first step into accepting me and what I brought to the table. I lurk and read your stuff all the time and always find myself better for it.

Nearly all the right leaning posters here are "awake" and they have helped me evolve just like you have. There is so much I had yet to learn and understand. Exo-politics is one topic that you really got me interested in and that is one helluva rabbit hole to go down but you are absolutely dead on it's importance and that is pretty much all I read and research about. All the stuff going on in Antarctica and what I have discovered is mind blowing. I owe you for that because it goes a long ways towards explaining our predicament and it has brought home the point even harder that politics is simply theater and the politicians have no real power and those that do have any have been compromised. As far as my health goes, I really appreciate the prayers and accept them with a grateful heart. I am just really, really tired of living in chronic pain. It just wears you down and that is why I don't dread the other shoe that is going to drop eventually. I have lived much longer than they could ever of expected. I have defied modern science by living as long as I have. It could be the fact that I am not putting up a fight to live as to why I am still here. LOL!

Appreciate you so much. You were and are a "game changer" for me.

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