End times deception spoken by Jesus

Maybe. Maybe not. Probably only God and Simon Magus know, but since He uses it all for the good of men of goodwill, I don't worry too much about these things. Everything works out eventually because error cannot stand. It eventually fails.

In Simon's case the failure had catastrophic consequences when he failed to continue to live after his magic trick failed.
Maybe. Maybe not. Probably only God and Simon Magus know, but since He uses it all for the good of men of goodwill, I don't worry too much about these things. Everything works out eventually because error cannot stand. It eventually fails.

In Simon's case the failure had catastrophic consequences when he failed to continue to live after his magic trick failed.
You don't say.
I see. It seems that nothing is as it seems.

That's the esoteric way to say they worship the the entity called Lucifer in the Bible. So much of it is wrapped up in esoteric terminology in the writings of men like Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall (to say nothing of the more vile occultists like Crowley or the more mystical ones like John Dee) that you won't grasp it at first but if you keep reading you'll grasp it sooner or later. The mythology of the ancient world, predicated mainly upon the 'dying and rising god' and his various names, is based upon the worship of this entity of the serpent transformed into sun god.
I see. It seems that nothing is as it seems.

That's the esoteric way to say they worship the the entity called Lucifer in the Bible. So much of it is wrapped up in esoteric terminology in the writings of men like Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall (to say nothing of the more vile occultists like Crowley or the more mystical ones like John Dee) that you won't grasp it at first but if you keep reading you'll grasp it sooner or later. The mythology of the ancient world, predicated mainly upon the 'dying and rising god' and his various names, is based upon the worship of this entity of the serpent transformed into sun god.
I see, but you don't have a very favorable opinion of the Bible either, do you?
I see, but you don't have a very favorable opinion of the Bible either, do you?

It largely depends upon what version
Why? Does it change your opinion?

The prodigal son isn't allowed to come back home after a few years away from the Father's house? I've made my peace with God mate.
No worries, mate. I just like to understand where someone is coming from before I have a conversation with them. It saves us from having meaningless conversations and wasting time.
Long story short it was the old 'crisis of faith' moment and so I spent some time swirling the drain down to the abyss. If not for the moral support of a dear friend of mine, a fellow Catholic lady I've known for many, many years, I'd basically still be among the lapsed (or a fullblown apostate).
The prodigal son isn't allowed to come back home after a few years away from the Father's house? I've made my peace with God mate.
The interesting thing about that prodigal son thingee.... the father was waiting outside for his son to return. That would have been unthinkable back then. The prodigal son had to rehearse what he was going to say before he came back because when he came back he never got the chance to say it because the father rushed at him with open arms. They had to tell us what he was going to say before he said it otherwise we would have never have had the opportunity to know what he was thinking. The older son represents all the people who do things the right way and can't bear someone else being forgiven at the late hour of their return after they have squandered what good fortune they had been given. And finally... the father will only come rushing to the son IF the son will only make the first move to return, but he is always waiting for him to do so. Good stuff, mate. Don't take too long to come home.
The interesting thing about that prodigal son thingee.... the father was waiting outside for his son to return. That would have been unthinkable back then. The prodigal son had to rehearse what he was going to say before he came back because when he came back he never got the chance to say it because the father rushed at him with open arms. They had to tell us what he was going to say before he said it otherwise we would have never have had the opportunity to know what he was thinking. The older son represents all the people who do things the right way and can't bear someone else being forgiven at the late hour of their return after they have squandered what good fortune they had been given. And finally... the father will only come rushing to the son IF the son will only make the first move to return, but he is always waiting for him to do so. Good stuff, mate. Don't take too long to come home.

I flirted with different religions and whatnot, secular humanism, deism, even a bit of that neo-paganism like the Odin religion, but it was all stale at the end of the day. Something my friend, P., said to me one day amounted to: "You were having a bad time because the Devil had his hands on you and the Devil only does this to people he really, really wants. She more than anyone else is what brought me back to Christianity.
The interesting thing about that prodigal son thingee.... the father was waiting outside for his son to return. That would have been unthinkable back then. The prodigal son had to rehearse what he was going to say before he came back because when he came back he never got the chance to say it because the father rushed at him with open arms. They had to tell us what he was going to say before he said it otherwise we would have never have had the opportunity to know what he was thinking. The older son represents all the people who do things the right way and can't bear someone else being forgiven at the late hour of their return after they have squandered what good fortune they had been given. And finally... the father will only come rushing to the son IF the son will only make the first move to return, but he is always waiting for him to do so. Good stuff, mate. Don't take too long to come home.

I flirted with different religions and whatnot, secular humanism, deism, even a bit of that neo-paganism like the Odin religion, but it was all stale at the end of the day. Something my friend, P., said to me one day amounted to: "You were having a bad time because the Devil had his hands on you and the Devil only does this to people he really, really wants. She more than anyone else is what brought me back to Christianity.
It was a little different for me. I was a cradle Catholic who never really understood it. I stopped attending after I went to college. Got married, had kids and had a good job. I had I pretty much everything I wanted. Then after my last child was born, I had an awakening that led me to search myself. I spent about 5 years trying to "fix" myself without much luck. I spent another 5 years searching for truth without much luck. I had two friends of deep faith that I had known for some time, neither of whom ever talked to me about religion. They had a deep peace about them. Good men. So I began studying the major religions. It was then that I realized that I had never really believed in God. Sure, I had a notional belief, but not a logical belief. Heck, He probably believes I still don't believe in Him. I mean after all, if we really did believe that there was an omnipotent being who would hold us accountable would we really do the things we do? Anyway, I believe that when I got serious, He started putting things in front of me (not religious texts mind you but other things) that started clicking and I started to understand how everything was upside down. That everything that I thought was good for me was really bad and vice versa. It was like He gave me a key to understand the teaching of the Word of God. For instance, the 4thTurning which is a secular book written by historians, demographers and economists chronicles the saeculum cycle. I instantly saw the connection to the OT which is really an account of a people who cycle between remembering God's ways and forgetting God's ways. I can tell you that seeds of failure are sown in success where man becomes satisfied and proud and forgets God's ways. And that the seeds of success are sown in failure and it is his suffering which humbles him and makes him repent (i.e. transform) and remember God and His ways. The OT is essentially a how to book. How to live and how not to live. It must tell the good and the bad. It teaches that successful (i.e. virtuous) behaviors will naturally lead to success in all things and that failed behaviors will naturally lead to failure. This is just one example of many. I could go on for hours, but it is getting late and I have work tomorrow. May His peace be with you.

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