End times deception spoken by Jesus

The best Catholics I know went through RCIA.

I have to admit I'm more than a bit sympathetic to the SSPX because I love the Latin Mass; outside of the local minor basilica (which performs the Tridentine only on Sundays) the only parish church in my local diocese that offers the Latin Mass belongs to the SSPX (which performs the Tridentine Mass every day of the week and twice on Saturdays). :( When I went through RCIA I was literally flabbergasted that, at times, I literally knew more about Catholic dogmas than the folks teaching the classes. Other than the kind, portly fellow was was being raised to the diaconate. He nicely took me aside one night after the classes ended and said something like "You'll do fine, just stick to your path of being an old-school Catholic." It was great. Most of my RCIA class consisted of cradle Catholics who were returning to the Faith, agnostics, etc. I was the one cradle Protestant in the class (having been born and raised in Methodism) and I specifically remember the lady who oversaw the RCIA classes said that it's very rare for Protestants to become Catholics- but very common in the case of Catholics who become Protestants. :O
The forum flood trolls are avoiding & trying to burry this simple fact:
When Jesus is speaking to the apostles saying : "they will say I am christ and deceive many"
In this context of him speaking means, Jesus will be deceptively called christ not some future persona whereby a future third person tense would be used.
Sorry Christians and theologians, but you really need to notice tenses, because this isn't the only blunder and scam done on you for not having precise reading comprehension.
Isaiah 53 is plurality past and present tense not singular future. A sign for Ahaz in Isaiah has to be in Ahaz time not 600 years after where it does him no good.
John of Patmos says present tense AntiChrist was already in his time period and events occured on 70ad. match the verses. John was not talking future tense that Rome would deceive the world using the false prophet deceiving even the elect says the Apostles.
So reread the Tenses least you be the deceived.
Someone was teaching third person tense son of man to come.
This is liken to Rabbi Schneerson teaching about Moshiach to come, but some in Chabad making him that Moshiach which he spoke of third person tense as another.
Proof: Jesus is not God-Ephesians 1:18-19,
That Jesus is not the son of man he was emulating/impostering(like unto)-rev 1:13
Son of Man will not be in the person of Jesus, but in a different incarnation involving a totally different human being LUKE 6:5, 9:26 , 9:55-56, 12:10 , 17:30 , 18:8, 22:69, John 3:13, Matthew 25:11-13, Mark 14:62
and Mathew20:28 Just as the son of man did not come to be served', but to serve.
But Jesus answered, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." (Luke 9:55-56)
"Jesus said to him: You yourself said [it]; Yet I say to YOU MEN, FROM HENCEFORTH YOU WILLSEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Temple Priests) of heaven (time to come=future)."Matthew26:64
"Then, Jesus said: I am and YOU PERSONS WILL SEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand ofpower and coming with ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Priests) of heaven (Olam Habah=world to come=future)." -- Mark 14:62
Schneerson made Moshiach resembles the mistaken zealous creation of the Christ against his warning people would be deceived.
Matthew reads specifically and is being taught by pastors that Jesus is saying seek first "his"(third person tense) kingdom, not saying "my"(first person tense) kingdom.
Which christ is this Jesus speaking of ANOTHER & Who's kingdom is this?
“War Scroll” (4Q471)
Where in verse XVII, it says, “God will send eternal bliss by the might of the Princely Angel of the "Kingdom of Michael". He will enlighten with joy the children of Israel.
Also Blessings scroll (1QSb=1Q28b)
V:20 "blessings of the Prince of the Congregation (Michael)
Renew him the covenant of the community, so he might "establish the kingdom of his people for ever", that he might judge the poor with righteousness & dispense Justice with equity to the oppressed.
The Lord Jesus said that in the Last Days, false prophets will rise to deceive - if possible - the very elect. We are living in dangerous times, and if we refuse to test and examine the foundations of our faith through Bible truth, we are running a great risk of being entangled in treacherous deception.

More info: Heidi Baker Kenneth Hagin deception false prophet apostasy Bible truth

Or you could just be running the risk of wasting your time. I mean, there's one chance that you're right, and a billion trillion that you're wrong....
The best Catholics I know went through RCIA.

I have to admit I'm more than a bit sympathetic to the SSPX because I love the Latin Mass; outside of the local minor basilica (which performs the Tridentine only on Sundays) the only parish church in my local diocese that offers the Latin Mass belongs to the SSPX (which performs the Tridentine Mass every day of the week and twice on Saturdays). :( When I went through RCIA I was literally flabbergasted that, at times, I literally knew more about Catholic dogmas than the folks teaching the classes. Other than the kind, portly fellow was was being raised to the diaconate. He nicely took me aside one night after the classes ended and said something like "You'll do fine, just stick to your path of being an old-school Catholic." It was great. Most of my RCIA class consisted of cradle Catholics who were returning to the Faith, agnostics, etc. I was the one cradle Protestant in the class (having been born and raised in Methodism) and I specifically remember the lady who oversaw the RCIA classes said that it's very rare for Protestants to become Catholics- but very common in the case of Catholics who become Protestants. :O
My assessment has been confirmed once again. Old School Catholics tend to be my favorite.
Old school? Like Father Sheen with his cape? *LOL*
Never trust a man in a scarlot color cape, especially if he's an over actor liken to a John Lovitz SNL skit .
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Old school? Like Father Sheen with his cape? *LOL*
Never trust a man in a scarlot color cape, especially if he's an over actor liken to a John Lovitz SNL skit .
Your trolling is starting to show through "holy man".
You are the one with disturbing amounts of posts for a short period of time.
1) you call humor trolling, yet call your off topic stalking, topic flaming and flooding, and bashing disabled people as Christian sermon.
2) if you become Jewish you too can have a sense of humor-see Seinfeld's dentist for reference you anti dentite.
3)Father Sheen was a rediculous performer perfectly on topic with this OP and most people would agree, if they act like the devil, talk like the devil, supported devils, and dress like the devil, amd John of Patmos called them the scarlot beast, then chances are they are your father you do hate to name. Because you are that 1/3 deceived.

4)because it was on topic your post to me was trolling=deflected what you are doing again-once again stop "doing a Clinton".
You are the one with disturbing amounts of posts for a short period of time.
1) you call humor trolling, yet call your off topic stalking, topic flaming and flooding, and bashing disabled people as Christian sermon.
2) if you become Jewish you too can have a sense of humor-see Seinfeld's dentist for reference you anti dentite.
3)Father Sheen was a rediculous performer perfectly on topic with this OP and most people would agree, if they act like the devil, talk like the devil, supported devils, and dress like the devil, amd John of Patmos called them the scarlot beast, then chances are they are your father you do hate to name. Because you are that 1/3 deceived.

4)because it was on topic your post to me was trolling=deflected what you are doing again-once again stop "doing a Clinton".
Do you love the Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob?
All that it written about what Jesus said is hearsay as it is commonly accepted that nobody was writing anything down as Jesus purportedly spoke.
All that it written about what Jesus said is hearsay as it is commonly accepted that nobody was writing anything down as Jesus purportedly spoke.
I always believed that you and HaShev were the same person.
All that it written about what Jesus said is hearsay as it is commonly accepted that nobody was writing anything down as Jesus purportedly spoke.
not to mention the forgeries that created the christian religion in the 4th century ...
All that it written about what Jesus said is hearsay as it is commonly accepted that nobody was writing anything down as Jesus purportedly spoke.
I always believed that you and HaShev were the same person.

That's because your ego can't accept both a
"nut job" and an Alfred E Newman fan can both be serving you up.
If you can't tell the difference between a Rabbi and an Atheist then no wonder you can't tell the difference between Moshiach and Lucifer, Shalem and Baal, right and wrong, Bible and Toilet Paper, sanity and insanity, love and hate, teacher and abuser.
All that it written about what Jesus said is hearsay as it is commonly accepted that nobody was writing anything down as Jesus purportedly spoke.
I always believed that you and HaShev were the same person.

That's because your ego can't accept both a
"nut job" and an Alfred E Newman fan can both be serving you up.
If you can't tell the difference between a Rabbi and an Atheist then no wonder you can't tell the difference between Moshiach and Lucifer, Shalem and Baal, right and wrong, Bible and Toilet Paper, sanity and insanity, love and hate, teacher and abuser.
You are just another anti-Christian bigot in my book. I don't believe you are Jewish let alone a rabbi. You are no man of God.
All that it written about what Jesus said is hearsay as it is commonly accepted that nobody was writing anything down as Jesus purportedly spoke.
I always believed that you and HaShev were the same person.
You don't disagree with me. Good for you.

He doesn't even know what Jesus birth name is nor the name of that mystery father.
Instead of answering he just bully baits like some Scientologist protecting his cult.
Classic Santa isn't real syndrome.

A religion based on not knowing your basic tenants, not knowing the religion you claim to come from, and not able to defend it without lying and abusing or harming others is classic cultism.
All that it written about what Jesus said is hearsay as it is commonly accepted that nobody was writing anything down as Jesus purportedly spoke.
I always believed that you and HaShev were the same person.
You don't disagree with me. Good for you.

He doesn't even know what Jesus birth name is nor the name of that mystery father.
Instead of answering he just bully baits like some Scientologist protecting his cult.
Classic Santa isn't real syndrome.

A religion based on not knowing your basic tenants, not knowing the religion you claim to come from, and not able to defend it without lying and abusing or harming others is classic cultism.
I'm glad you and mudda are buddies.
All that it written about what Jesus said is hearsay as it is commonly accepted that nobody was writing anything down as Jesus purportedly spoke.
I always believed that you and HaShev were the same person.

That's because your ego can't accept both a
"nut job" and an Alfred E Newman fan can both be serving you up.
If you can't tell the difference between a Rabbi and an Atheist then no wonder you can't tell the difference between Moshiach and Lucifer, Shalem and Baal, right and wrong, Bible and Toilet Paper, sanity and insanity, love and hate, teacher and abuser.
You are just another anti-Christian bigot in my book. I don't believe you are Jewish let alone a rabbi. You are no man of God.

The ole "you're not really a Jew" shtick, classic! You pulled that out of the ole church and nazis handbooks, so is my train ride next?
You are becoming so unraveled and pathetic that you used your other posting identity to agree with your own post. Sad how low they can go through frail human ego.
You know he turned you wormwood, he's inside of you like a pineapple. Ouch no wonder you are so irritable.
All that it written about what Jesus said is hearsay as it is commonly accepted that nobody was writing anything down as Jesus purportedly spoke.
I always believed that you and HaShev were the same person.

That's because your ego can't accept both a
"nut job" and an Alfred E Newman fan can both be serving you up.
If you can't tell the difference between a Rabbi and an Atheist then no wonder you can't tell the difference between Moshiach and Lucifer, Shalem and Baal, right and wrong, Bible and Toilet Paper, sanity and insanity, love and hate, teacher and abuser.
You are just another anti-Christian bigot in my book. I don't believe you are Jewish let alone a rabbi. You are no man of God.

The ole "you're not really a Jew" shtick, classic! You pulled that out of the ole church and nazis handbooks, so is my train ride next?
You are becoming so unraveled and pathetic that you used your other posting identity to agree with your own post. Sad how low they can go through frail human ego.
You know he turned you wormwood, he's inside of you like a pineapple. Ouch no wonder you are so irritable.

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