Ending the EXCUSES by liberals


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
There isn't a dumbocrat on this board who has lived a life 1/10th as difficult as Michael Oher. He went from extreme poverty, to multi-millionare. And he did it without government. In fact, he achieved what he was able to achieve through his own hard work and through the charitable actions of free-willed Americans.

In his book "I Beat The Odds", he writes: “It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there

Oher, Michael (2012-02-07). I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blind Side, and Beyond (Kindle Locations 125-126). Gotham. Kindle Edition.
From homeless poverty to multi-millionaire, all without the help of government.


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Yes, Michael Oher would have likely died a violent ghetto death without help from a goodhearted woman.

So, now all you charitable righties have to do is help all the other Michael Ohers out of poverty (room, board, education, love and family) and then maybe we can talk about reducing government social programs for the poor.

Sooo, get busy...
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The guy is getting beaten badly by good pass rushers. Time to go back to his sugar mama
Yes, Michael Oher would have likely died a violent ghetto death without help from a goodhearted woman.

So, now all you charitable righties have to do is help all the other Michael Ohers out of poverty (room, board, education, love and family) and then maybe we can talk about reducing government social programs for the poor.

Sooo, get busy...
You can't help those who don't want to help themselves - look at how much money we pissed away on the Indians!
Here is the problem rott. Your pretty much saying only 1 in 150 million get pretty much what comes down to a lotto. Also your leaving out the part thet he is 6'7 360 lbs, what happened to that other ghetto kid? He died. Rott your logic never fails to amaze me with the epic levels at which you can't see or understand the bigger picture.
There isn't a dumbocrat on this board who has lived a life 1/10th as difficult as Michael Oher. He went from extreme poverty, to multi-millionare. And he did it without government. In fact, he achieved what he was able to achieve through his own hard work and through the charitable actions of free-willed Americans.

In his book "I Beat The Odds", he writes: “It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there

Oher, Michael (2012-02-07). I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blind Side, and Beyond (Kindle Locations 125-126). Gotham. Kindle Edition.

Lessee...he went to public schools (that's government help)

Was in and out of the foster care system (that's government help), put there by the actions of child protective services (that's government help).

He went to the University of Mississippi on a scholarship, (which is at least partially government help).

He drives to work each day on public highways (that's government help) and when the team flies to a game, they do so under the guidance of air traffic controllers (that's government help).

Need I go on?
There isn't a dumbocrat on this board who has lived a life 1/10th as difficult as Michael Oher. He went from extreme poverty, to multi-millionare. And he did it without government. In fact, he achieved what he was able to achieve through his own hard work and through the charitable actions of free-willed Americans.

In his book "I Beat The Odds", he writes: “It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there

Oher, Michael (2012-02-07). I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blind Side, and Beyond (Kindle Locations 125-126). Gotham. Kindle Edition.

Lessee...he went to public schools (that's government help)

Was in and out of the foster care system (that's government help), put there by the actions of child protective services (that's government help).

He went to the University of Mississippi on a scholarship, (which is at least partially government help).

He drives to work each day on public highways (that's government help) and when the team flies to a game, they do so under the guidance of air traffic controllers (that's government help).

Need I go on?

You are beyond stupid.
There isn't a dumbocrat on this board who has lived a life 1/10th as difficult as Michael Oher. He went from extreme poverty, to multi-millionare. And he did it without government. In fact, he achieved what he was able to achieve through his own hard work and through the charitable actions of free-willed Americans.

In his book "I Beat The Odds", he writes: “It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there

Oher, Michael (2012-02-07). I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blind Side, and Beyond (Kindle Locations 125-126). Gotham. Kindle Edition.

Lessee...he went to public schools (that's government help)

Was in and out of the foster care system (that's government help), put there by the actions of child protective services (that's government help).

He went to the University of Mississippi on a scholarship, (which is at least partially government help).

He drives to work each day on public highways (that's government help) and when the team flies to a game, they do so under the guidance of air traffic controllers (that's government help).

Need I go on?

Don't you have all those things? Don't we all? Why doesn't everyone do what he did?
Here is the problem rott. Your pretty much saying only 1 in 150 million get pretty much what comes down to a lotto. Also your leaving out the part thet he is 6'7 360 lbs, what happened to that other ghetto kid? He died. Rott your logic never fails to amaze me with the epic levels at which you can't see or understand the bigger picture.

There isn't a dumbocrat on this board who has lived a life 1/10th as difficult as Michael Oher. He went from extreme poverty, to multi-millionare. And he did it without government. In fact, he achieved what he was able to achieve through his own hard work and through the charitable actions of free-willed Americans.

In his book "I Beat The Odds", he writes: “It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there

Oher, Michael (2012-02-07). I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blind Side, and Beyond (Kindle Locations 125-126). Gotham. Kindle Edition.

Lessee...he went to public schools (that's government help)

Was in and out of the foster care system (that's government help), put there by the actions of child protective services (that's government help).

He went to the University of Mississippi on a scholarship, (which is at least partially government help).

He drives to work each day on public highways (that's government help) and when the team flies to a game, they do so under the guidance of air traffic controllers (that's government help).

Need I go on?

Don't you have all those things? Don't we all? Why doesn't everyone do what he did?

Dumb dee dumb dumb...
There isn't a dumbocrat on this board who has lived a life 1/10th as difficult as Michael Oher. He went from extreme poverty, to multi-millionare. And he did it without government. In fact, he achieved what he was able to achieve through his own hard work and through the charitable actions of free-willed Americans.

In his book "I Beat The Odds", he writes: “It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there

Oher, Michael (2012-02-07). I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blind Side, and Beyond (Kindle Locations 125-126). Gotham. Kindle Edition.

Lessee...he went to public schools (that's government help)

Was in and out of the foster care system (that's government help), put there by the actions of child protective services (that's government help).

He went to the University of Mississippi on a scholarship, (which is at least partially government help).

He drives to work each day on public highways (that's government help) and when the team flies to a game, they do so under the guidance of air traffic controllers (that's government help).

Need I go on?

Don't you have all those things? Don't we all? Why doesn't everyone do what he did?

You mean weigh 320 lbs and run a 4.9 40?
There isn't a dumbocrat on this board who has lived a life 1/10th as difficult as Michael Oher. He went from extreme poverty, to multi-millionare. And he did it without government. In fact, he achieved what he was able to achieve through his own hard work and through the charitable actions of free-willed Americans.

In his book "I Beat The Odds", he writes: “It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there

Oher, Michael (2012-02-07). I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blind Side, and Beyond (Kindle Locations 125-126). Gotham. Kindle Edition.

Lessee...he went to public schools (that's government help)

Was in and out of the foster care system (that's government help), put there by the actions of child protective services (that's government help).

He went to the University of Mississippi on a scholarship, (which is at least partially government help).

He drives to work each day on public highways (that's government help) and when the team flies to a game, they do so under the guidance of air traffic controllers (that's government help).

Need I go on?

Add soup kitchens, food stamps, staying at shelters, Head Start for his son.

He also stole and donated blood for money.

Instead of Rottweiler trying to tear this man down and not knowing anything about what he really did and accomplished, maybe he ought to READ THE BOOK.
There isn't a dumbocrat on this board who has lived a life 1/10th as difficult as Michael Oher. He went from extreme poverty, to multi-millionare. And he did it without government. In fact, he achieved what he was able to achieve through his own hard work and through the charitable actions of free-willed Americans.

In his book "I Beat The Odds", he writes: “It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there

Oher, Michael (2012-02-07). I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blind Side, and Beyond (Kindle Locations 125-126). Gotham. Kindle Edition.

Lessee...he went to public schools (that's government help)

Was in and out of the foster care system (that's government help), put there by the actions of child protective services (that's government help).

He went to the University of Mississippi on a scholarship, (which is at least partially government help).

He drives to work each day on public highways (that's government help) and when the team flies to a game, they do so under the guidance of air traffic controllers (that's government help).

Need I go on?

Indeed, no one ‘goes it alone,’ it’s a rightist myth, a fantasy, a fairytale.
In the movie, he's not paid for his training.

In real life, he was paid $1000 a month.

Not much, especially in such an expensive city.
There isn't a dumbocrat on this board who has lived a life 1/10th as difficult as Michael Oher. He went from extreme poverty, to multi-millionare. And he did it without government. In fact, he achieved what he was able to achieve through his own hard work and through the charitable actions of free-willed Americans.

In his book "I Beat The Odds", he writes: “It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there

Oher, Michael (2012-02-07). I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blind Side, and Beyond (Kindle Locations 125-126). Gotham. Kindle Edition.

that's nice...

what percentage of people in his situation get to that point?

jk rowling was on welfare when she wrote harry potter. if it wasn't so rare, it wouldn't be noteworthy.

and, for the record, my dad grew up poor...

and now he isn't...

it doesn't validate government letting people starve.
From homeless poverty to multi-millionaire, all without the help of government.

I take it you never saw the movie staring Will Smith? Take a look at the movie and then comeback and still try to make this claim of not receiving ANY Government help.

Seriously do you get up everyday and eat a big bowl of "dumb ass" for breakfast?

I saw the movie DUMB ASS, he did it WITHOUT government help. He was homeless. He was not living in government housing, he was living on the street.

Perhaps you should educate yourself about a subject before commenting...
There isn't a dumbocrat on this board who has lived a life 1/10th as difficult as Michael Oher. He went from extreme poverty, to multi-millionare. And he did it without government. In fact, he achieved what he was able to achieve through his own hard work and through the charitable actions of free-willed Americans.

In his book "I Beat The Odds", he writes: “It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there

Oher, Michael (2012-02-07). I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blind Side, and Beyond (Kindle Locations 125-126). Gotham. Kindle Edition.

that's nice...

what percentage of people in his situation get to that point?

jk rowling was on welfare when she wrote harry potter. if it wasn't so rare, it wouldn't be noteworthy.

and, for the record, my dad grew up poor...

and now he isn't...

it doesn't validate government letting people starve.

And sob stories don't validate government unconstitutionally involving themselves in social issues that are NONE of their concern.

Our founding father's, who unlike you and I, actually suffered under oppression, didn't add "feeding the people" or "housing the people" etc. to the Constitution for a reason.
There isn't a dumbocrat on this board who has lived a life 1/10th as difficult as Michael Oher. He went from extreme poverty, to multi-millionare. And he did it without government. In fact, he achieved what he was able to achieve through his own hard work and through the charitable actions of free-willed Americans.

In his book "I Beat The Odds", he writes: “It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there

Oher, Michael (2012-02-07). I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blind Side, and Beyond (Kindle Locations 125-126). Gotham. Kindle Edition.

that's nice...

what percentage of people in his situation get to that point?

A small percentage, because so many of the U.S. has become lazy thanks to liberal dumbocrat policy which taught them that simply being born means they are entitled to everything and anything they want - all at someone else's expense.

You want the percentage to skyrocket? Take away the endless cushy entitlements that have de-incentivised people from making their own way in life. And, in the process, has given us a $16 trillion debt that will soon collapse the United States (just like the former U.S.S.R.).

As Benjamin Franklin once said, "If you want to get people out of poverty, make them uncomfortable in their poverty". You've made them ultra comfortable in their poverty, and there is no reason for them to do anything about it.

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