England Court PROVES "climate change" is a FARCE

Man is polluting the planet

Pollution does NOT cause climate change

You libs need to learn the difference.

Mankind is changing the composition of the atmosphere. There is no accurate model that explains exactly how the climate works. Therefore you cannot say absolutely one way or the other.

Plan to adapt.
Man is polluting the planet

Pollution does NOT cause climate change

You libs need to learn the difference.

Mankind is changing the composition of the atmosphere. There is no accurate model that explains exactly how the climate works. Therefore you cannot say absolutely one way or the other.

Plan to adapt.

you are correct that we need to adapt, because the climate is indeed changing, it has been changing for milliions of years and will be changing millions of years from now.

man is a pimple on the ass of a flea on the ass of an elephant as to the climate of this planet.

If its a clear day where you are, look up. See that big ball of fire, its called the sun, it controls the climate of earth, not us.

BTW, man is NOT changing the composition of the atmosphere. You have been lied to.
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Man is polluting the planet

Pollution does NOT cause climate change

You libs need to learn the difference.

Mankind is changing the composition of the atmosphere. There is no accurate model that explains exactly how the climate works. Therefore you cannot say absolutely one way or the other.

Plan to adapt.

you are correct that we need to adapt, because the climate is indeed changing, it has been changing for milliions of years and will be changing millions of years from now.

man is a pimple on the ass of a flea on the ass of an elephant as to the climate of this planet.

If its a clear day where you are, look up. See that big ball of fire, its called the sun, it controls the climate of earth, not us.

BTW, man is NOT changing the composition of the atmosphere. You have been lied to.

Prove it
Mankind is changing the composition of the atmosphere. There is no accurate model that explains exactly how the climate works. Therefore you cannot say absolutely one way or the other.

Plan to adapt.

you are correct that we need to adapt, because the climate is indeed changing, it has been changing for milliions of years and will be changing millions of years from now.

man is a pimple on the ass of a flea on the ass of an elephant as to the climate of this planet.

If its a clear day where you are, look up. See that big ball of fire, its called the sun, it controls the climate of earth, not us.

BTW, man is NOT changing the composition of the atmosphere. You have been lied to.

Prove it

Its not necessary for me to prove a negative. You libs made the claim that the acts of human beings are warming (now changing) the climate of the earth-----You made the claim, you prove it.

As to the atmosphere. CO2 is .039% of the atmosphere, it has been that level for all of the years that it has been measured, and its not a static thing, it varies slightly with the seasons, winds, tides, etc.

Now, I understand that you AGW fans believe that a gas that makes up less than 1/2 of one percent is the dominent factor in the earth's climate, but------------------------------------------------------------think about it.
I thought they put these threads on the Environment Board?

alleged man made climate change is a political issue pushed by the left as a way to gain more control over our daily lives.

So the entire scientific community - thousands of scientists from dozens of different countries - all got together to perpetrate a hoax?

Yeah, OK.
you are correct that we need to adapt, because the climate is indeed changing, it has been changing for milliions of years and will be changing millions of years from now.

man is a pimple on the ass of a flea on the ass of an elephant as to the climate of this planet.

If its a clear day where you are, look up. See that big ball of fire, its called the sun, it controls the climate of earth, not us.

BTW, man is NOT changing the composition of the atmosphere. You have been lied to.

Prove it

Its not necessary for me to prove a negative. You libs made the claim that the acts of human beings are warming (now changing) the climate of the earth-----You made the claim, you prove it.

As to the atmosphere. CO2 is .039% of the atmosphere, it has been that level for all of the years that it has been measured, and its not a static thing, it varies slightly with the seasons, winds, tides, etc.

Now, I understand that you AGW fans believe that a gas that makes up less than 1/2 of one percent is the dominent factor in the earth's climate, but------------------------------------------------------------think about it.

You said he's been lied too. Wheres the proof?
Man is polluting the planet

Pollution does NOT cause climate change

You libs need to learn the difference.

Mankind is changing the composition of the atmosphere. There is no accurate model that explains exactly how the climate works. Therefore you cannot say absolutely one way or the other.

Plan to adapt.

you are correct that we need to adapt, because the climate is indeed changing, it has been changing for milliions of years and will be changing millions of years from now.

man is a pimple on the ass of a flea on the ass of an elephant as to the climate of this planet.

If its a clear day where you are, look up. See that big ball of fire, its called the sun, it controls the climate of earth, not us.

BTW, man is NOT changing the composition of the atmosphere. You have been lied to.

While CO2 absorption and release is always happening as a result of natural processes, the recent rise in CO2 levels in the atmosphere is known to be mainly due to human activity.[25] Researchers know this both by calculating the amount released based on various national statistics, and by examining the ratio of various carbon isotopes in the atmosphere,[25] as the burning of long-buried fossil fuels releases CO2 containing carbon of different isotopic ratios to those of living plants, enabling them to distinguish between natural and human-caused contributions to CO2 concentration.

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I thought they put these threads on the Environment Board?

alleged man made climate change is a political issue pushed by the left as a way to gain more control over our daily lives.

So the entire scientific community - thousands of scientists from dozens of different countries - all got together to perpetrate a hoax?

Yeah, OK.

Most scientist just know not to bite the hand that feeds them. That means government bureaucrats. If you don't conform to the AGW cult, then you don't get funding research. It's as simple as that.
alleged man made climate change is a political issue pushed by the left as a way to gain more control over our daily lives.

So the entire scientific community - thousands of scientists from dozens of different countries - all got together to perpetrate a hoax?

Yeah, OK.

Most scientist just know not to bite the hand that feeds them. That means government bureaucrats. If you don't conform to the AGW cult, then you don't get funding research. It's as simple as that.

Wow thats one complete circle of bullshit you got there. You dont believe scientist because you believe you know their motivations. You dont believe the science because it comes from scientists. But you do believe that AGW is not happening because you just dont believe it.

Well then...who can argue with that? Ahaha

Its not necessary for me to prove a negative. You libs made the claim that the acts of human beings are warming (now changing) the climate of the earth-----You made the claim, you prove it.

As to the atmosphere. CO2 is .039% of the atmosphere, it has been that level for all of the years that it has been measured, and its not a static thing, it varies slightly with the seasons, winds, tides, etc.

Now, I understand that you AGW fans believe that a gas that makes up less than 1/2 of one percent is the dominent factor in the earth's climate, but------------------------------------------------------------think about it.

You said he's been lied too. Wheres the proof?

I proved it in the initial post. You're inability to read is not our problem...

Game. Set. Match.

England Court PROVES... 09-27-2013 12:51 PM Rottweiler Dumbest...post...EVER. You're a fuck'n moron. Considering the polar ice caps are NOT "nothing" a 60% increase is huge

No, dude, your to stupid to grasp the obvious.

a 60% increase isn't "huge". It isn't even double. It's is a little more than 1/2. 2x is not even as big as 3x. 3x would be huge. 100x would be huge. 1/2 is 0.5. 60% is 0.60. That is a fraction, 3/5ths, to be precise.

Your a number illiterate idiot that thinks that it is "huge" because the number "60" seems so big.

The reality is that a small percentage increase of 0.60 over a really low minimum is a really small amount.

It is only "huge" because you have no clue of proportions or scaling.

You may be a self-declared mathematical genius and a stellar expert on climate change/global warming, your spelling and grammar leave a lot to be desired.

But I acquiesce that your arrogance and ability to offend have no equal.
I thought they put these threads on the Environment Board?

alleged man made climate change is a political issue pushed by the left as a way to gain more control over our daily lives.

So the entire scientific community - thousands of scientists from dozens of different countries - all got together to perpetrate a hoax?

Yeah, OK.

there is no concensus of the scientific community that man is causing the climate to change. Again, you have been lied to.

Prison Planet.com » Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore Questions Man-Made Global Warming, Calls it ?Obviously a Natural Phenomenon?
Mankind is changing the composition of the atmosphere. There is no accurate model that explains exactly how the climate works. Therefore you cannot say absolutely one way or the other.

Plan to adapt.

you are correct that we need to adapt, because the climate is indeed changing, it has been changing for milliions of years and will be changing millions of years from now.

man is a pimple on the ass of a flea on the ass of an elephant as to the climate of this planet.

If its a clear day where you are, look up. See that big ball of fire, its called the sun, it controls the climate of earth, not us.

BTW, man is NOT changing the composition of the atmosphere. You have been lied to.

While CO2 absorption and release is always happening as a result of natural processes, the recent rise in CO2 levels in the atmosphere is known to be mainly due to human activity.[25] Researchers know this both by calculating the amount released based on various national statistics, and by examining the ratio of various carbon isotopes in the atmosphere,[25] as the burning of long-buried fossil fuels releases CO2 containing carbon of different isotopic ratios to those of living plants, enabling them to distinguish between natural and human-caused contributions to CO2 concentration.

Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

regardless of where its coming from, CO2 is .039% of the atmosphere. It is not changing the climate of the planet.
I think warming would be good for mankind not bad. I know I am sick of the white global warming crap we seem to be getting everyday. It has been quite some time since I remember the Great Lakes freezing over or our local river. Which is to say if we are warming why do things seem to be getting colder or no different then it was in the past? I remember the river freezing over every couple of years and causing major damage. So when exactly is my temperate climate going to change to tropical?
Antarctic ice has been growing record high FOR YEARS.

and now when the Arctic one INCREASED (instead of alarmist "it is disappearing") more than half - they are going to play the game "oh, more than half, it is not much, if that would be three times, than it is much, but 60% I don't know, that's nothing, because my masters said so in the talking points memo today" :lol:

Satellites measure Antarctica is gaining sea ice but losing land ice at an accelerating rate which has implications for sea level rise.

Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice?

Sea Ice will not raise sea levels. Melting on Antarctica and Greenland will.

This is like drowning man grabbing at straws.
More than half of registered democrats aren't aware that the earth rotates around the sun and about the same percentage believe in global warming. Is there a connection?

And neither one of those have anything to do with proving the peer reviewed AGW papers wrong.

One word for you:


Game over...


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dul_hYde0nk"]Hide The Decline - Climategate - YouTube[/ame]

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