England Court PROVES "climate change" is a FARCE

Do you ignorant fucks on the left think that, maybe... Just maybe the Earth is warming a little bit because we just emerged from a "Little Age" in just over an eye blink ago, geologically speaking?

Little Ice Age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you ignorant fucks even bother to think at all?

Maybe there is Global Warming. Maybe it's because compared to a FUCKING ICE AGE we think it's warmer. Maybe human ARE contributing to GW.

Maybe pollution of the air, rivers, streams and oceans of the world are having an adverse effect on our environment and everything in it.

But before I'd let stupid motherfuckers like leftist scum have any more control over us, I'd rather see us implode in a ball of fire.

You people just simply lie too much. In fact, it's about all you're capable of doing.

I hate liars


It's always revealing when one's argument depends entirely on rhetorical diaper rash peppered with a rash of "maybe"s. Obviously whether we affect the climate or not is irrelevant, and the real point here is emotional meltdown on "leftist scum motherfuckers" and the horrifying possibility that said motherfuckers are correct.

Because clearly, ensuring one's own ego dominates on a message board is far more important than melting glaciers or driving shellfish into extinction. Way more.

Thanks for that. Makes it simple. :thup:

What "horrifying possibility?" Anyone who believes the scary scenarios dreamed up by the AGW cult is the ultimate in gullible. Every theory and pronouncement of the AGW witch doctors is wrapped in dozens of "maybes." Every one of their predictions has turned out to be false.

The turds who are promoting this con are scumbag mother fuckers. They are trying to defraud the taxpayers out of $76 trillion dollars and then sell themselves into slavery to prevent a temperature increase of 1 degree C. I can't imagine anything scummier than that.

It's always revealing when one's argument depends entirely on rhetorical diaper rash peppered with a rash of "maybe"s. Obviously whether we affect the climate or not is irrelevant, and the real point here is emotional meltdown on "leftist scum motherfuckers" and the horrifying possibility that said motherfuckers are correct.

Because clearly, ensuring one's own ego dominates on a message board is far more important than melting glaciers or driving shellfish into extinction. Way more.

Thanks for that. Makes it simple. :thup:

What "horrifying possibility?" Anyone who believes the scary scenarios dreamed up by the AGW cult is the ultimate in gullible. Every theory and pronouncement of the AGW witch doctors is wrapped in dozens of "maybes." Every one of their predictions has turned out to be false.

The turds who are promoting this con are scumbag mother fuckers. They are trying to defraud the taxpayers out of $76 trillion dollars and then sell themselves into slavery to prevent a temperature increase of 1 degree C. I can't imagine anything scummier than that.

The possiblities stated by Edge who then says even if its true he doesnt care. All he cares about if going against liberals and if that means cutting his own throat then thats the price he's willing to pay.

His ego is the reason he doesnt believe GW. No other reason
It's always revealing when one's argument depends entirely on rhetorical diaper rash peppered with a rash of "maybe"s. Obviously whether we affect the climate or not is irrelevant, and the real point here is emotional meltdown on "leftist scum motherfuckers" and the horrifying possibility that said motherfuckers are correct.

Because clearly, ensuring one's own ego dominates on a message board is far more important than melting glaciers or driving shellfish into extinction. Way more.

Thanks for that. Makes it simple. :thup:

What "horrifying possibility?" Anyone who believes the scary scenarios dreamed up by the AGW cult is the ultimate in gullible. Every theory and pronouncement of the AGW witch doctors is wrapped in dozens of "maybes." Every one of their predictions has turned out to be false.

The turds who are promoting this con are scumbag mother fuckers. They are trying to defraud the taxpayers out of $76 trillion dollars and then sell themselves into slavery to prevent a temperature increase of 1 degree C. I can't imagine anything scummier than that.

The possiblities stated by Edge who then says even if its true he doesnt care. All he cares about if going against liberals and if that means cutting his own throat then thats the price he's willing to pay.

His ego is the reason he doesnt believe GW. No other reason

No, he said that he would prefer the world blew up to letting libturds have control over him. I understand the sentiment, although I wouldn't go that far. It's just hyperbole anyway.
I believe that the only thing that has been clearly proven is that there are people who are so invested into their political leanings that they will allow it to trump everything - overwhelming scientific evidence included.

There is no certainty - science doesn't deal in certainties - but the overwhelming (like 97%) of scientists in appropriate fields say the evidence is pointing so strongly in that direction (AGW) that they are extremely confident of the findings.

It's like this: If you are standing on a beach with 100 oceanographers and 97 of them start heading for higher ground screaming "a tsunami is coming" and three just stand there saying, "I'm not sure there is enough evidence to say with 100% certainty that a tsunami is coming," what are you gonna do?

I'm heading for the hills.

There is no overwhelming evidence, scientific or otherwise, that human caused global warming is occurring. Your assertions are based entirely on faith that the self-serving opinions of climate scientists, that human caused global warming MAY be occurring, are somehow scientific evidence of the same.

The earth is warming, and has been warming since the apex of the last ice age, some 20,000 years ago. Glaciers and ice caps are melting, and have been melting since the apex of the last ice age, some 20,000 years ago. Geologic evidence exists of thousands of glaciers and ice fields that melted and disappeared centuries before man had a recorded history. We are getting warmer, and will continue to get warmer, until the planet begins its cycle to another ice age.

The planet does not warm in a straight line pattern. It zigs and zags, just like any other natural ecological phenomenon. It exhibits warming spikes and cooling spikes. It exhibits short and long term warming and cooling trends. The point is that "science" has little to nil understanding of what natural forces drive this earth through ice age cycles.

Science does not know whether we are experiencing a spike or short term trend, or whether man is contributing significantly to global warming. That is why that cabal of climate scientists also qualify their opinions with the "maybe" escape clause.

Anyone who believes that opinions containing a "maybe" or "very likely" is science, is an utter fool, someone with another agenda, or both
Patrick Moore:

Mr. Moore drew headlines for disputing the environmental movement’s doomsday scenario, depicting climate change over the past century as “minor warming” and arguing that “there is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide are the dominant cause.”

Read more: Former Greenpeace insider Patrick Moore who questions climate change says he can stand the heat - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Oh now I see. He's one of the people who say "Its not going to be that bad." But doesnt deny GW is happening.

No one "denies" that global warming is happening. We dispute (with loads of empirical evidence) the computer generated fiction of human causation.

Typical of you libtards though..... attack the messenger....ignore the message.
What "horrifying possibility?" Anyone who believes the scary scenarios dreamed up by the AGW cult is the ultimate in gullible. Every theory and pronouncement of the AGW witch doctors is wrapped in dozens of "maybes." Every one of their predictions has turned out to be false.

The turds who are promoting this con are scumbag mother fuckers. They are trying to defraud the taxpayers out of $76 trillion dollars and then sell themselves into slavery to prevent a temperature increase of 1 degree C. I can't imagine anything scummier than that.

The possiblities stated by Edge who then says even if its true he doesnt care. All he cares about if going against liberals and if that means cutting his own throat then thats the price he's willing to pay.

His ego is the reason he doesnt believe GW. No other reason

No, he said that he would prefer the world blew up to letting libturds have control over him. I understand the sentiment, although I wouldn't go that far. It's just hyperbole anyway.

Thats the problem. He did go that far. So he doesnt care if its happening or not. He doesnt care about the consequences, he doesnt care about who it affects.

The only thing he cares about is his ego.

Everyone knew that....I'm just glad he stopped pretending
Patrick Moore:

Mr. Moore drew headlines for disputing the environmental movement’s doomsday scenario, depicting climate change over the past century as “minor warming” and arguing that “there is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide are the dominant cause.”

Read more: Former Greenpeace insider Patrick Moore who questions climate change says he can stand the heat - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Oh now I see. He's one of the people who say "Its not going to be that bad." But doesnt deny GW is happening.

No one "denies" that global warming is happening. We dispute (with loads of empirical evidence) the computer generated fiction of human causation.

Typical of you libtards though..... attack the messenger....ignore the message.

So when someone says Global Warming is fake what they really mean is its real?
I believe that the only thing that has been clearly proven is that there are people who are so invested into their political leanings that they will allow it to trump everything - overwhelming scientific evidence included.

There is no certainty - science doesn't deal in certainties - but the overwhelming (like 97%) of scientists in appropriate fields say the evidence is pointing so strongly in that direction (AGW) that they are extremely confident of the findings.

It's like this: If you are standing on a beach with 100 oceanographers and 97 of them start heading for higher ground screaming "a tsunami is coming" and three just stand there saying, "I'm not sure there is enough evidence to say with 100% certainty that a tsunami is coming," what are you gonna do?

I'm heading for the hills.

There is no overwhelming evidence, scientific or otherwise, that human caused global warming is occurring. Your assertions are based entirely on faith that the self-serving opinions of climate scientists, that human caused global warming MAY be occurring, are somehow scientific evidence of the same.

The earth is warming, and has been warming since the apex of the last ice age, some 20,000 years ago. Glaciers and ice caps are melting, and have been melting since the apex of the last ice age, some 20,000 years ago. Geologic evidence exists of thousands of glaciers and ice fields that melted and disappeared centuries before man had a recorded history. We are getting warmer, and will continue to get warmer, until the planet begins its cycle to another ice age.

The planet does not warm in a straight line pattern. It zigs and zags, just like any other natural ecological phenomenon. It exhibits warming spikes and cooling spikes. It exhibits short and long term warming and cooling trends. The point is that "science" has little to nil understanding of what natural forces drive this earth through ice age cycles.

Science does not know whether we are experiencing a spike or short term trend, or whether man is contributing significantly to global warming. That is why that cabal of climate scientists also qualify their opinions with the "maybe" escape clause.

Anyone who believes that opinions containing a "maybe" or "very likely" is science, is an utter fool, someone with another agenda, or both

Actually, people who understand science, understand the language perfectly. Those who don't understand the scientific language prefer to state their opinions in political terms.

I would argue that the oil company geologists have a far greater stake in trying to muddy the water with doubt that climatologists have in misrepresenting the data. And those in the fossil fuel business are certainly doing their best to fight their battle in the political arena. Because I haven't seen any good science supporting one of these alternative theories. What I see is an avalanche of good science supporting AGW.

In short, you have presented nothing at all that undermines my analogy. You've simply put yourself squarely in the corner of the three.
Last edited:
Patrick Moore:

Mr. Moore drew headlines for disputing the environmental movement’s doomsday scenario, depicting climate change over the past century as “minor warming” and arguing that “there is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide are the dominant cause.”

Read more: Former Greenpeace insider Patrick Moore who questions climate change says he can stand the heat - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Oh now I see. He's one of the people who say "Its not going to be that bad." But doesnt deny GW is happening.

No one "denies" that global warming is happening. We dispute (with loads of empirical evidence) the computer generated fiction of human causation.

Typical of you libtards though..... attack the messenger....ignore the message.

Uhmm.... how is using the phrase "you libtards" not itself attacking the messenger?
Patrick Moore:

Oh now I see. He's one of the people who say "Its not going to be that bad." But doesnt deny GW is happening.

No one "denies" that global warming is happening. We dispute (with loads of empirical evidence) the computer generated fiction of human causation.

Typical of you libtards though..... attack the messenger....ignore the message.

So when someone says Global Warming is fake what they really mean is its real?

They are referring to the computer generated fictional prognostications that you so love to trot out. But, I don't expect you to understand that. You're too much of a propagandist to pay attention to facts.
Patrick Moore:

Oh now I see. He's one of the people who say "Its not going to be that bad." But doesnt deny GW is happening.

No one "denies" that global warming is happening. We dispute (with loads of empirical evidence) the computer generated fiction of human causation.

Typical of you libtards though..... attack the messenger....ignore the message.

Uhmm.... how is using the phrase "you libtards" not itself attacking the messenger?

You get what you give bucko.
The possiblities stated by Edge who then says even if its true he doesnt care. All he cares about if going against liberals and if that means cutting his own throat then thats the price he's willing to pay.

His ego is the reason he doesnt believe GW. No other reason

No, he said that he would prefer the world blew up to letting libturds have control over him. I understand the sentiment, although I wouldn't go that far. It's just hyperbole anyway.

Thats the problem. He did go that far. So he doesnt care if its happening or not. He doesnt care about the consequences, he doesnt care about who it affects.

The only thing he cares about is his ego.

Everyone knew that....I'm just glad he stopped pretending

You and your ilk obviously don't care how many people your so-called "solution" harms. You have made that abundantly clear. The costs of your solutions is always treated as if it was trivial or not an issue. The reality is that your so-called "solution" will cost $73 trillion and consign billions of people to abject poverty.

What makes you any better than him?
No one "denies" that global warming is happening. We dispute (with loads of empirical evidence) the computer generated fiction of human causation.

Typical of you libtards though..... attack the messenger....ignore the message.

Uhmm.... how is using the phrase "you libtards" not itself attacking the messenger?

You get what you give bucko.

What in the blue fuck are you talking about?

What exactly did I "give" here? You've got your own hypocrisy staring you in the face -- complaining about ad hominem by using ad hominem, and then doubling down with a blanket generalization fallacy.

No, he said that he would prefer the world blew up to letting libturds have control over him. I understand the sentiment, although I wouldn't go that far. It's just hyperbole anyway.

Thats the problem. He did go that far. So he doesnt care if its happening or not. He doesnt care about the consequences, he doesnt care about who it affects.

The only thing he cares about is his ego.

Everyone knew that....I'm just glad he stopped pretending

You and your ilk obviously don't care how many people your so-called "solution" harms. You have made that abundantly clear. The costs of your solutions is always treated as if it was trivial or not an issue. The reality is that your so-called "solution" will cost $73 trillion and consign billions of people to abject poverty.

Where you get that figure from and the info that people will be put into poverty from it?

Only one person said they dont care and that aint me.

What makes you any better than him?

Only one person said they dont care and that aint me thats what.
Time for another installment of Spot-the-rhetorical-pattern:

Typical of you libtards though..... attack the messenger....ignore the message.

Maybe pollution of the air, rivers, streams and oceans of the world are having an adverse effect on our environment and everything in it. But before I'd let stupid motherfuckers like leftist scum have any more control over us, I'd rather see us implode in a ball of fire.

You people just simply lie too much. In fact, it's about all you're capable of doing.

I hate liars

dimocraps are stupid.
I'm not saying that because they have a competing political ideology.... They're mouth-breathing, booger-eating, drooling idiots of the lowest order.

They will swallow whatever pablum is shoved in front of them by their masters. None of them have had an original thought in their miserable excuses for lives.

They are good for -- Nothing. And their opinions are even more stupid than they are.

ROFL! You just proved that you're a low grade moron.

I already told you what the harm is, moron: spending $76 trillion and consigning the bulk of humanity to abject poverty. The fact that you think that result is "harmless" proves once again that you're a moron.

Here's what sinks in: you're a moron who doesn't care about the human cost of your schemes.

As already noted -- none of this is about climate or pollution or real world effects. It's all about Al Gore and "libtards" and emotional meltdown arguments.

Ride the Ego Trip, it's free. Create demons, demonize them, and the population and its ecology can go to hell. The important thing is that you win the personal insult race. Step right up, ride the Ego Trip.

Last edited:
Patrick Moore:

Mr. Moore drew headlines for disputing the environmental movement’s doomsday scenario, depicting climate change over the past century as “minor warming” and arguing that “there is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide are the dominant cause.”

Read more: Former Greenpeace insider Patrick Moore who questions climate change says he can stand the heat - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Oh now I see. He's one of the people who say "Its not going to be that bad." But doesnt deny GW is happening.

No one "denies" that global warming is happening. We dispute (with loads of empirical evidence) the computer generated fiction of human causation.

Typical of you libtards though..... attack the messenger....ignore the message.

Actually the human causation calculation doesn't take a computer model.

C02 in the atmosphere warms the planet.

Humans are dumping extraordinary amounts of C02 into the atmosphere.

Do you really need a computer model to figure that out.

NOW, what is the overall impact of that going to be over the next 50 years - yeah, that takes a computer model and I agree that I don't find any of them really compelling.

Honestly, I think Al Gore and his racing to the worst possible scenarios that are not scientifically supported was a real disservice to the issue. The fact that he was a very divisive political figure, presenting scientific data (and not real accurately at that) didn't help at all either.
You people need to climb out from under your rock once in a while.

Canada reveals climate stance with praise for Australian carbon tax repeal | Environment | theguardian.com

Canada reveals climate stance with praise for Australian carbon tax repeal
Canada discourages other industrialised nations from following through on their own climate change commitments

Canada has dropped any remaining pretences of supporting global action on climate change by urging other countries to follow Australia's example in gutting its climate plan.

Repealing the Carbon Tax | Department of the Environment

The Australian Government will abolish the carbon tax from 1 July 2014. This will lower costs for Australian businesses and ease cost of living pressures for households.

But you won't.

You're dimocraps, which means you're stupid beyond belief.

And dishonest. And lying, scum-sucking, back-stabbing, greedy, lowlife douchebags. You just want the money. EVERYTHING is about money with you people. Everything.

You live to steal other people's money. It's what you do. And lie. And cheat. And dirty up the landscape with your presence

Those are your better points
Time for another installment of Spot-the-rhetorical-pattern:

Typical of you libtards though..... attack the messenger....ignore the message.

Maybe pollution of the air, rivers, streams and oceans of the world are having an adverse effect on our environment and everything in it. But before I'd let stupid motherfuckers like leftist scum have any more control over us, I'd rather see us implode in a ball of fire.

You people just simply lie too much. In fact, it's about all you're capable of doing.

I hate liars

ROFL! You just proved that you're a low grade moron.

I already told you what the harm is, moron: spending $76 trillion and consigning the bulk of humanity to abject poverty. The fact that you think that result is "harmless" proves once again that you're a moron.

Here's what sinks in: you're a moron who doesn't care about the human cost of your schemes.

As already noted -- none of this is about climate or pollution or real world effects. It's all about Al Gore and "libtards" and emotional meltdown arguments.

Ride the Ego Trip, it's free. Create demons, demonize them, and the population and its ecology can go to hell. The important thing is that you win the personal insult race. Step right up, ride the Ego Trip.


And neither one of those have anything to do with proving the peer reviewed AGW papers wrong.

Your right, I'm sure it's not about Al Gore profiting from his global warming rhetoric. Mr Gore couldn't possibly have any self interests associated with the funding of Fisker Automotive, or Harry Reed's name with the self interests parties of Nevada Geothermal Power and Sun Power, or Democrat financial contributors George Kaiser, Steven Spinner & David Prend linked to Solyndra. It's all about bringing awareness to a global crisis through the attention of Global Warming, not lining a politician's pockets or the bread and butter of campaign contributions (you won't find any evidence of that I'm sure, it's COMPLETELY legit and trustworthy).

When you cant prove the information wrong you have to do something. I KNOW!! Belittle a man and hope that no one notices you didnt touch the subject at hand.

Saul ALinsky and the Heritage Foundation would be very proud

The thing about playing poker, you have to be holding a better hand when you decide to call a bluff. I got plenty of links and facts that prove the Democrats and Al Gore's self interest motives behind their cause. How are you looking?

Solyndra (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributors George Kaiser, Steven Spinner & David Prend

Executive bonuses before bankruptcy - November 4, 2011
Solyndra Execs Reaped Bonuses Before Bankruptcy, Documents Show | Fox News

"Solyndra executives were awarded quarterly bonuses worth up to $60,000 apiece earlier this year as the California solar-panel company headed for bankruptcy, court documents show."

Violated loan 2010, got more money 2011 - September 28, 2011
Solyndra violated loan terms in 2010 but received more federal money, DOE confirms - The Washington Post

"The U.S. Department of Energy learned in December that Solyndra was violating its federal loan deal, but the agency changed the loan terms to allow the solar company to continue receiving taxpayer funds, federal officials confirmed Wednesday." []Chu takes responsibility for a loan deal that put more taxpayer money at risk in Solyndra - The Washington Post

SunPower (solar power technology)
Self-interested parties: Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. George Miller, Democrat lobbyist Patrick Murphy

More last-minute DOE loans favor Dem donors - September 29, 2011
"...troubling financial revelations have emerged about SunPower, which sponsored a solar project that received a $1.2 billion loan, more than twice the money approved for Solyndra, which filed for bankruptcy last month after receiving a $528 million loan. ...SunPower posted $150 million in losses during the first half of this year and its debt is nearly 80 percent of its market value. The company is also facing class action lawsuits for misstating its earnings."

Nevada Geothermal Power (owned by U.S. Geothermal Inc.)
Director paid six figures for Obama loans - October 31, 2011
Broke Green Co. Greases Director Six Figures for Obama Loans - John Ransom - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

Self-interested parties: Former Harry Reid aides Kai Anderson & Paul Thomsen[/B]
"A financially-troubled Canadian alternative energy company with ties to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid paid a director the lion's share of $758,828 (CAD) in reported consulting fees, according to an analysis of the filings made by the company. The fee was a part of a consulting agreement in order to successfully arrange a loan guarantee by the Department of Energy."

Two more green energy loans in trouble - October 31, 2011 Financial turmoil grips two more ?green energy? companies receiving federal loan guarantees
"Executives, board members and investors involved with all three companies are closely linked to Obama, Reid and other prominent Democrats. Kai Anderson, a lobbyist for Nevada Geothermal’s partner corporation, Ormat Technology, is a former Senate aide to Harry Reid. Ormat’s CEO Paul Thomsen is another former Reid aide."

Beacon Power Corporation (energy storage company)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributors Bill Capp, Matthew Polimeno & James Spiezio

Another Obama "green energy" bankruptcy - November 1, 2011 Onswipe
"Just two days after the Administration announced its review of Energy Department loans, another "green energy" company dropped dead. This one is called Beacon Power Corporation, an energy storage company based out of Massachusetts."

First Solar (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributor Michael Ahearn, GE, NextEra

Another Obama green CEO bites the dust - October 26, 2011 Luck of O'bama: Another CEO Bites the Dust - John Ransom - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
"First Solar got the financial equivalent of four (4) Solyndra-type deals in September. First Solar received $2 billion worth of loan guarantees on projects in California in the waning days of the controversial Department of Energy’s loan program. The company then sold the projects to other, better-connected companies within hours of getting the guarantees. And when I say better connected, I’m not talking transmission lines. Which other companies you ask? GE and NextEra Energy."

More last-minute DOE loans favor Dem donors - September 29, 2011 New DoE loans favor even more Democratic donors « Hot Air
"First Solar got $2.1 billion in loan guarantees, despite it looking like a very bad investment. ... Who are the investors? One is Michael Ahearn, who pulled out a $69 million stake in the company last month, obviously not as interested in betting on First Solar as the Obama administration. However, he did invest $123,000 in the Democratic Party over the last three cycles."

Fisker Automotive (hybrid cars)
Self-interested parties: Al Gore, Government-owned GM

Karma mileage no better than SUV - October 20, 2011 Update: Fisker Karma Electric Car Gets Worse Mileage Than an SUV - Forbes
"In the case of the Fisker Karma, we get a true MPGe of 19. This makes it worse than even the city rating of a Ford Explorer SUV. Congrats to the Fisker Karma, which now joins corn ethanol in the ranks of heavily subsidized supposedly green technologies that are actually worse for the environment than current solutions."

Gets U.S. loan, builds cars in Finland - October 20, 2011 Car Company Gets U.S. Loan, Builds Cars In Finland - ABC News
"...an electric car company that received a $529 million federal government loan guarantee is assembling its first line of cars in Finland, saying it could not find a facility in the United States capable of doing the work. Fisker is more than a year behind rolling out its $97,000 luxury vehicle bankrolled in part with DOE money. While more are promised soon, just 40 of its Karma cars... have been manufactured and only two delivered to customers' driveways, including one to movie star Leonardo DiCaprio."

Keystone Pipeline (oil pipeline cancelled by Obama)
Self-interested parties: Obama supporter Warren Buffet

Buffett's Bakken boom - November 16, 2011 Billionaire Buffett's Bakken Boom - Investors.com
"Killing the Keystone XL pipeline may help one of the world's richest men get richer. North Dakota's booming oil fields will now grow more dependent on a railroad the president's economic guru just bought."

Siga Technologies Inc. (smallpox drug)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributor Ronald O. Perelman, former SEIU boss Andy Stern

SEIU Boss, no-bid contract, anthrax for kids - November 13, 2011 The Ex-SEIU Boss, Donor Dollars, No-Bid Contracts & Testing Anthrax Vaccines on Kids | RedState
"...the Obama administration’s ties to Siga become even more questionable, considering the recent recommendation to start experimenting with an Anthrax vaccine on America’s children."

Questionable $433-million smallpox drug deal - November 13, 2011 $443 million for a smallpox drug some experts say we don't need - Los Angeles Times
"Senior officials have taken unusual steps to secure the contract for New York-based Siga Technologies Inc., whose controlling shareholder is billionaire Ronald O. Perelman, one of the world's richest men and a longtime Democratic Party donor."
Uhmm.... how is using the phrase "you libtards" not itself attacking the messenger?

You get what you give bucko.

What in the blue fuck are you talking about?

What exactly did I "give" here? You've got your own hypocrisy staring you in the face -- complaining about ad hominem by using ad hominem, and then doubling down with a blanket generalization fallacy.


You pointed out a logical fallacy in my use of the term libtard. The poster is not a messenger, he is a parrot. The messengers sre those who contribute original information to whatever scientific discussion is going on. Moncton is a messenger as are the warmists.

Monckton however has presented information which shows the warmist message to be incorrect. Instead of attacking his message, they attack him. It's analogous to a rapist in court attacking his victim....it's deplorable in that situation, and ridiculous in this one. Yet you all resort to it ad infinitum.

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