England Court PROVES "climate change" is a FARCE

The evidence that "Global Warming" is a scam is overwhelming...

Government cherry-picks the research it funds. The Feds have spent tens (hundreds?) of billions of dollars on global warming – oops, I mean climate change studies. I would bet there hasn’t been ten grand total spent on scientists who are man-made climate change skeptics. Because proving there’s no problem – means there’s no justification for government to grow.

But from 1998 until as recently as 2014, the global temperature has flat-lined. No warming. Virtually no change at all. Did a government-funded study find this empirical fact? No. In fact, the government has spent a lot of money, time and effort trying to suppress this information – and attacking those who cite it.

Because according to government – it ain’t science if it doesn’t grow government.

Why Is it Only ‘Science’ When It Grows Government? | RedState
Ahhh, Red State. :rolleyes:
While the left's leaders continue to LIE about "Climate Change" for power & control (and the left's subservient sheep continue to be willfully ignorant puppets refusing to question anything) - a court in England has now proven that the entire "climate change" issue is a farce.

Al Gore's people - when under oath before a court and facing perjury - were forced to admit that their data and claims in the movie were so false, they submitted 77 pages of correction to the court.

I'm going to repeat that: 77 pages worth of corrections to their movie.

Al Gore’s spokesman and “environment advisor,” Ms. Kalee Kreider, begins by saying that the film presented “thousands and thousands of facts.” It did not: just 2,000 “facts” in 93 minutes would have been one fact every three seconds. The film contained only a few dozen points, most of which will be seen to have been substantially inaccurate. The judge concentrated only on nine points which even the UK Government, to which Gore is a climate-change advisor, had to admit did not represent mainstream scientific opinion.

Ms. Kreider then states, incorrectly, that the judge himself had never used the term “errors.” In fact, the judge used the term “errors,” in inverted commas, throughout his judgment.

Couple Al Gore's people being forced to admit all of their lies with under penalty of perjury with the not one, but TWO different rounds of "Climate Gate" and the fact that the left predicted the polar ice caps would be melted by 2013 when in fact they have now expanded by 60% and, well, only an idiot libtard could ignore all of this indisputable concrete evidence in favor of their masters propaganda.

35 Inconvenient Truths: The errors in Al Gore?s movie | Monckton

Global cooling: Arctic ice caps grows by 60% against global warming predictions | Mail Online

Climate Gate News and Video - FOX News Topics - FOXNews.com
If Al gore says something is happening the fact is nothing is happening, so called climate change is an absolute fraud. Billions of dollars are being made over the myth of climate change… LOL
I still don't understand all the arguing about climate change. Regardless of if it's true or not, shouldn't we be looking for way to keep the environment clean? Seems like something both sides of the aisle agree with.
I still don't understand all the arguing about climate change. Regardless of if it's true or not, shouldn't we be looking for way to keep the environment clean? Seems like something both sides of the aisle agree with.
They don't care about that either.
I still don't understand all the arguing about climate change. Regardless of if it's true or not, shouldn't we be looking for way to keep the environment clean? Seems like something both sides of the aisle agree with.
It's a scam to get rich nations to give poor nations money.
The evidence that "Global Warming" is a scam is overwhelming...

Government cherry-picks the research it funds. The Feds have spent tens (hundreds?) of billions of dollars on global warming – oops, I mean climate change studies. I would bet there hasn’t been ten grand total spent on scientists who are man-made climate change skeptics. Because proving there’s no problem – means there’s no justification for government to grow.

But from 1998 until as recently as 2014, the global temperature has flat-lined. No warming. Virtually no change at all. Did a government-funded study find this empirical fact? No. In fact, the government has spent a lot of money, time and effort trying to suppress this information – and attacking those who cite it.

Because according to government – it ain’t science if it doesn’t grow government.

Why Is it Only ‘Science’ When It Grows Government? | RedState
Ahhh, Red State. :rolleyes:

Ahhh, This coming from the side that puts full faith and confidence in CBS and NBC.....proven liars to fit their narrative.
Did we really need a court to prove it? The 'Great Global Warming Swindle' is on its last legs. More & more people around the world are calling BULLSHITE on it. The earth cools, the earth warms. We're not gonna all die. Movin on...
. Regardless of if it's true or not, shouldn't we be looking for way to keep the environment clean?

How the FUCK does paying liars to FUDGE data keep the environment clean?

The taxpayer's money is being wasted on FRAUD. We DO need to clean up, and do things like build desalination plants in California to prevent humans from stealing ever more of nature's fresh water.
Gore pushed the envelope, don't know why each side wont get honest. We have a problem, lets deal with it together.
I still don't understand all the arguing about climate change. Regardless of if it's true or not, shouldn't we be looking for way to keep the environment clean? Seems like something both sides of the aisle agree with.
Not at the barrel of a gun! Stop forcing people to do it, stop spending trillions of tax payer dollars on it, and both sides will agree. Deal?
I still don't understand all the arguing about climate change. Regardless of if it's true or not, shouldn't we be looking for way to keep the environment clean? Seems like something both sides of the aisle agree with.

Absolutely. The worst aspect of this crime is the money that has been squandered that actually COULD have been used to mitigate and clean up real pollution. You have nailed it!
Gore pushed the envelope, don't know why each side wont get honest. We have a problem, lets deal with it together.
Sounds good to me. Start with getting rid of all of the progressives lying about this 24x7 so we can have an honest conversation about it. When you have to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" you know you've been proven wrong.

The real data says that the planet had been on a natural 15 year cooling phase and temperatures were actually cooler than normal. Now it is entering the next natural phase where it will be slightly warmer than the past 15 years. But all data indicates not a single change. And nothing that can be attributed to man.
I still don't understand all the arguing about climate change. Regardless of if it's true or not, shouldn't we be looking for way to keep the environment clean? Seems like something both sides of the aisle agree with.
They don't care about that either.

Actually we do. And we despise the criminals who have harmed actual real efforts to deal with real pollution by bankrupting those groups who actually were doing that sort of work. THAT is despicable.
The evidence that "Global Warming" is a scam is overwhelming...

Government cherry-picks the research it funds. The Feds have spent tens (hundreds?) of billions of dollars on global warming – oops, I mean climate change studies. I would bet there hasn’t been ten grand total spent on scientists who are man-made climate change skeptics. Because proving there’s no problem – means there’s no justification for government to grow.

But from 1998 until as recently as 2014, the global temperature has flat-lined. No warming. Virtually no change at all. Did a government-funded study find this empirical fact? No. In fact, the government has spent a lot of money, time and effort trying to suppress this information – and attacking those who cite it.

Because according to government – it ain’t science if it doesn’t grow government.

Why Is it Only ‘Science’ When It Grows Government? | RedState
Ahhh, Red State. :rolleyes:

Ahhh, This coming from the side that puts full faith and confidence in CBS and NBC.....proven liars to fit their narrative.
And 99% of scientists.
The evidence that "Global Warming" is a scam is overwhelming...

Government cherry-picks the research it funds. The Feds have spent tens (hundreds?) of billions of dollars on global warming – oops, I mean climate change studies. I would bet there hasn’t been ten grand total spent on scientists who are man-made climate change skeptics. Because proving there’s no problem – means there’s no justification for government to grow.

But from 1998 until as recently as 2014, the global temperature has flat-lined. No warming. Virtually no change at all. Did a government-funded study find this empirical fact? No. In fact, the government has spent a lot of money, time and effort trying to suppress this information – and attacking those who cite it.

Because according to government – it ain’t science if it doesn’t grow government.

Why Is it Only ‘Science’ When It Grows Government? | RedState
Ahhh, Red State. :rolleyes:

Ahhh, This coming from the side that puts full faith and confidence in CBS and NBC.....proven liars to fit their narrative.
And 99% of scientists.

Total BS. Maybe 99% of climatologists, but the rest of the scientific community isn't so lazy or stupid.

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