England lets Muslim Fascist Destroy their Christimas

London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas
Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Thats what happens when you let fascists run things, just like fascist Democrats run some states.
It's what happens when idiotic English-speaking conservatives and the orange clown the leader of the Free world goes on and on with conspiracies and idiotic misinformation. Rugged individualists my butt, just idiotic fools. Only English speaking conservatives, brainwashed by their swine leaders, don't know the difference between communism and socialism. Democracy dumbbell LOL

There is no difference between communists and socialists. They both go "spalt" when dropped out of helicopters at high altitude.
That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parties in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world period only brainwashed English-speaking conservative functional idiots believe as you do. It's been the Savage capitalist propaganda for almost a hundred years now works great except for the regular people in their countries....

I swear when I read that, the first line read: "That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parasites in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world..."

London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas
Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Thats what happens when you let fascists run things, just like fascist Democrats run some states.
It's what happens when idiotic English-speaking conservatives and the orange clown the leader of the Free world goes on and on with conspiracies and idiotic misinformation. Rugged individualists my butt, just idiotic fools. Only English speaking conservatives, brainwashed by their swine leaders, don't know the difference between communism and socialism. Democracy dumbbell LOL
What in the hell are you babbling about?
Actually it's what happens when you have idiotic bad hair conservatives running governments and screwing up the reaction to covid-19 totally. It is also what happens when they let covid-19 get out of control. You wouldn't know. Change the channel get some reality. Thanks to the orange clown and doops like you for 90% of the deaths. Great job

Yea that's why it's going so well in france and germany /s


Do you know anything about the science? Just appealing to an authority doesn't make our reaction rational science

It was insane to lock down unless we were going to have a true quarantine with closed borders until we had a vaccine, without that we barely changed the numbers of deaths at all. We've just delayed them in some places.
conservatives around the modern world were taken in by the leader of the Free world, in this case Fox noise and the dunce donald. They kept trying to open up without half the conservatives on board. America is the worst of all and we still don't have enough equipment for healthcare workers......

London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas
Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Thats what happens when you let fascists run things, just like fascist Democrats run some states.
It's what happens when idiotic English-speaking conservatives and the orange clown the leader of the Free world goes on and on with conspiracies and idiotic misinformation. Rugged individualists my butt, just idiotic fools. Only English speaking conservatives, brainwashed by their swine leaders, don't know the difference between communism and socialism. Democracy dumbbell LOL

There is no difference between communists and socialists. They both go "spalt" when dropped out of helicopters at high altitude.
That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parties in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world period only brainwashed English-speaking conservative functional idiots believe as you do. It's been the Savage capitalist propaganda for almost a hundred years now works great except for the regular people in their countries....

I swear when I read that, the first line read: "That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parasites in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world..."
Yes you are totally brainwashed, Pavlov's dog....

London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas
Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Thats what happens when you let fascists run things, just like fascist Democrats run some states.
It's what happens when idiotic English-speaking conservatives and the orange clown the leader of the Free world goes on and on with conspiracies and idiotic misinformation. Rugged individualists my butt, just idiotic fools. Only English speaking conservatives, brainwashed by their swine leaders, don't know the difference between communism and socialism. Democracy dumbbell LOL

There is no difference between communists and socialists. They both go "spalt" when dropped out of helicopters at high altitude.
That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parties in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world period only brainwashed English-speaking conservative functional idiots believe as you do. It's been the Savage capitalist propaganda for almost a hundred years now works great except for the regular people in their countries....

I swear when I read that, the first line read: "That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parasites in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world..."
Yes you are totally brainwashed, Pavlov's dog....

And you like most brainless leftists, are a willing middle-participant in a human centipede. All you know is what the one in front of you is feeding you, and you're feeding it to the one behind you.

How's that shit taste? Pretty nasty I bet.

Last edited:
Looking at your posts, it's evident you don't have an understanding of rudimentary English grammar.
and what school did you attend to miss the whole common sense and logic class...

Where does a clueless uneducated jerk like you get off lecturing others on anything? You wouldn't know an axiomatic tautology or a boolean term if it flew up and bit you on the lip! :21:
You too are an uneducated jerk. So many people are educated in accountancy or mathematics or even medicine and engineering and think they are geniuses at politics. Too bad you are an ignoramus at politics and a brainwashed functional gop-based moron.

London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas
Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Thats what happens when you let fascists run things, just like fascist Democrats run some states.

I think breibart is playing an early April's fool. Stop biting.

London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas
Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Thats what happens when you let fascists run things, just like fascist Democrats run some states.
It's what happens when idiotic English-speaking conservatives and the orange clown the leader of the Free world goes on and on with conspiracies and idiotic misinformation. Rugged individualists my butt, just idiotic fools. Only English speaking conservatives, brainwashed by their swine leaders, don't know the difference between communism and socialism. Democracy dumbbell LOL

There is no difference between communists and socialists. They both go "spalt" when dropped out of helicopters at high altitude.
That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parties in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world period only brainwashed English-speaking conservative functional idiots believe as you do. It's been the Savage capitalist propaganda for almost a hundred years now works great except for the regular people in their countries....

I swear when I read that, the first line read: "That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parasites in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world..."
Yes you are totally brainwashed, Pavlov's dog....

And you like most brainless leftists, are a willing middle-participant in a human centipede. All you know is what the one in front of you is feeding you, and you're feeding it to the one behind you.

How's that shit taste? Pretty nasty I bet.

Actually it is the GOP base that is like that. The rest of the world listens to respected media and journalists and law enforcement. You believe everything the scumbag Rupert Murdoch tells you and probably can't change the channel and look at reality. I admit our cable news all sucks and never says anything about actual news but have very divisive arguments between pundits all day long, giving way too much respect to GOP bologna propaganda. But at least they don't lie endlessly like the GOP propaganda machine period Fox news prime time is a total disgrace. And it is the best of the GOP propaganda machine omg. Biden should try and pull off the 15% of the GOP that still lives in the real world.

London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas
Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Thats what happens when you let fascists run things, just like fascist Democrats run some states.
It's what happens when idiotic English-speaking conservatives and the orange clown the leader of the Free world goes on and on with conspiracies and idiotic misinformation. Rugged individualists my butt, just idiotic fools. Only English speaking conservatives, brainwashed by their swine leaders, don't know the difference between communism and socialism. Democracy dumbbell LOL

There is no difference between communists and socialists. They both go "spalt" when dropped out of helicopters at high altitude.
That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parties in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world period only brainwashed English-speaking conservative functional idiots believe as you do. It's been the Savage capitalist propaganda for almost a hundred years now works great except for the regular people in their countries....

I swear when I read that, the first line read: "That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parasites in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world..."
Yes you are totally brainwashed, Pavlov's dog....

And you like most brainless leftists, are a willing middle-participant in a human centipede. All you know is what the one in front of you is feeding you, and you're feeding it to the one behind you.

How's that shit taste? Pretty nasty I bet.

Actually it is the GOP base that is like that. The rest of the world listens to respected media and journalists and law enforcement. You believe everything the scumbag Rupert Murdoch tells you and probably can't change the channel and look at reality. I admit our cable news all sucks and never says anything about actual news but have very divisive arguments between pundits all day long, giving way too much respect to GOP bologna propaganda. But at least they don't lie endlessly like the GOP propaganda machine period Fox news prime time is a total disgrace. And it is the best of the GOP propaganda machine omg. Biden should try and pull off the 15% of the GOP that still lives in the real world.

Quit trying to project your sick inner beliefs on others. You're the one who's fucked in the head, not everyone else.

Now go choke on a bag of dicks, you little wanna-be socialist rat bastard. Nobody is buying the crap you're peddling.

London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas
Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Thats what happens when you let fascists run things, just like fascist Democrats run some states.
It's what happens when idiotic English-speaking conservatives and the orange clown the leader of the Free world goes on and on with conspiracies and idiotic misinformation. Rugged individualists my butt, just idiotic fools. Only English speaking conservatives, brainwashed by their swine leaders, don't know the difference between communism and socialism. Democracy dumbbell LOL

There is no difference between communists and socialists. They both go "spalt" when dropped out of helicopters at high altitude.
That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parties in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world period only brainwashed English-speaking conservative functional idiots believe as you do. It's been the Savage capitalist propaganda for almost a hundred years now works great except for the regular people in their countries....

I swear when I read that, the first line read: "That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parasites in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world..."
Yes you are totally brainwashed, Pavlov's dog....

And you like most brainless leftists, are a willing middle-participant in a human centipede. All you know is what the one in front of you is feeding you, and you're feeding it to the one behind you.

How's that shit taste? Pretty nasty I bet.

Actually it is the GOP base that is like that. The rest of the world listens to respected media and journalists and law enforcement. You believe everything the scumbag Rupert Murdoch tells you and probably can't change the channel and look at reality. I admit our cable news all sucks and never says anything about actual news but have very divisive arguments between pundits all day long, giving way too much respect to GOP bologna propaganda. But at least they don't lie endlessly like the GOP propaganda machine period Fox news prime time is a total disgrace. And it is the best of the GOP propaganda machine omg. Biden should try and pull off the 15% of the GOP that still lives in the real world.

Quit trying to project your sick inner beliefs on others. You're the one who's fucked in the head, not everyone else.

Now go choke on a bag of dicks, you little wanna-be socialist rat bastard. Nobody is buying the crap you're peddling.
Any actual argument, brainwashed functional moron? Stupid ignorant and vulgar the GOP base trifecta....

London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas
Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Thats what happens when you let fascists run things, just like fascist Democrats run some states.
It's what happens when idiotic English-speaking conservatives and the orange clown the leader of the Free world goes on and on with conspiracies and idiotic misinformation. Rugged individualists my butt, just idiotic fools. Only English speaking conservatives, brainwashed by their swine leaders, don't know the difference between communism and socialism. Democracy dumbbell LOL

There is no difference between communists and socialists. They both go "spalt" when dropped out of helicopters at high altitude.
That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parties in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world period only brainwashed English-speaking conservative functional idiots believe as you do. It's been the Savage capitalist propaganda for almost a hundred years now works great except for the regular people in their countries....

I swear when I read that, the first line read: "That will come as a great surprise to the socialist parasites in France Germany Scandinavia the Netherlands Spain Italy and around the world..."
Yes you are totally brainwashed, Pavlov's dog....

And you like most brainless leftists, are a willing middle-participant in a human centipede. All you know is what the one in front of you is feeding you, and you're feeding it to the one behind you.

How's that shit taste? Pretty nasty I bet.

Actually it is the GOP base that is like that. The rest of the world listens to respected media and journalists and law enforcement. You believe everything the scumbag Rupert Murdoch tells you and probably can't change the channel and look at reality. I admit our cable news all sucks and never says anything about actual news but have very divisive arguments between pundits all day long, giving way too much respect to GOP bologna propaganda. But at least they don't lie endlessly like the GOP propaganda machine period Fox news prime time is a total disgrace. And it is the best of the GOP propaganda machine omg. Biden should try and pull off the 15% of the GOP that still lives in the real world.

Quit trying to project your sick inner beliefs on others. You're the one who's fucked in the head, not everyone else.

Now go choke on a bag of dicks, you little wanna-be socialist rat bastard. Nobody is buying the crap you're peddling.
I'm not a wannabe socialist I am a socialist because I know what it means unlike you and the GOP base and half of Democrats. It is always democratic, just fair capitalism. Every other modern country has it. Only you fools in the GOP base stop it from happening here period in other words healthcare daycare paid rental leave cheap collagen training great infrastructure and vacations and ID card to end illegal work and mainly texting the rich so we can invest in America and Americans again. Canada is not that scary stupid period keep fighting for the rights of the greedy idiot Rich dumbass. France Spain Italy Germany Scandinavia Russia the Netherlands have all had socialist and communist parties at the same time and the difference is democracy. The Communist parties have all disappeared since the end of the USSR period but carry on with the garbage GOP conservative idiocy.....
Looking at your posts, it's evident you don't have an understanding of rudimentary English grammar.
and what school did you attend to miss the whole common sense and logic class...

Where does a clueless uneducated jerk like you get off lecturing others on anything? You wouldn't know an axiomatic tautology or a boolean term if it flew up and bit you on the lip! :21:

ahh, here is the other clueless moron...
did you check what a "bit" means before using it in a sentence, idiot... :)
Looking at your posts, it's evident you don't have an understanding of rudimentary English grammar.
and what school did you attend to miss the whole common sense and logic class...

Where does a clueless uneducated jerk like you get off lecturing others on anything? You wouldn't know an axiomatic tautology or a boolean term if it flew up and bit you on the lip! :21:
You too are an uneducated jerk. So many people are educated in accountancy or mathematics or even medicine and engineering and think they are geniuses at politics. Too bad you are an ignoramus at politics and a brainwashed functional gop-based moron.

engineering... this idiot... no way...
unless of course it is bullshit engineering...
Please tell me what religion has to do with this. People of all religions and none understand science. It's only the baboons of all religions and none who don't understand science. How many people claiming to be Christians have rejected the science that comes into play in stopping the spread of this pandemic? There are plenty of "Christian" idiots in this world who insist on this "spread the virus, wave your hands in the air at Jesus" stuff.

London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas
Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Thats what happens when you let fascists run things, just like fascist Democrats run some states.
As only `12.4% of the population of London are Muslim Khan was elected by mainly non-Muslims.
Not that his religion had anything to do with it, he is simply the best man for the job and is on course to win the mayoral contest in next year's election.
Many cities in England were put into tier 3 recently and infection rates have started to fall.
London was put into tier 2 and infection rates are beginning to spike, thus the need for further restrictions. It was Johnson's central conservative government that has made that decision not Khan.

Just as in the US infection rates have increased dramatically after Thanksgiving costing lives. Scientists have warned that the same will happen in the UK with a Christmas relaxation of restrictions. We can postpone Christmas till April or August, we can't bring back people who die of Covid because of a silly knees up.

London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas
Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Thats what happens when you let fascists run things, just like fascist Democrats run some states.

London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas
Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Thats what happens when you let fascists run things, just like fascist Democrats run some states.
Looking at your posts, it's evident you don't have an understanding of rudimentary English grammar.
and what school did you attend to miss the whole common sense and logic class...

Where does a clueless uneducated jerk like you get off lecturing others on anything? You wouldn't know an axiomatic tautology or a boolean term if it flew up and bit you on the lip! :21:

ahh, here is the other clueless moron...
did you check what a "bit" means before using it in a sentence, idiot... :)

Yes. You have just a bit of your brain left worth donating to science.

--- And don't try to include me in YOUR group.
Looking at your posts, it's evident you don't have an understanding of rudimentary English grammar.
and what school did you attend to miss the whole common sense and logic class...

Where does a clueless uneducated jerk like you get off lecturing others on anything? You wouldn't know an axiomatic tautology or a boolean term if it flew up and bit you on the lip! :21:
You too are an uneducated jerk. So many people are educated in accountancy or mathematics or even medicine and engineering and think they are geniuses at politics. Too bad you are an ignoramus at politics and a brainwashed functional gop-based moron.

engineering... this idiot... no way...
unless of course it is bullshit engineering...
no matter how good of an engineer or a doctor you are, your training tells you nothing about politics so on that front you are an ignoramus who will actually believe the Rupert Murdoch propaganda machine period which is not allowed anywhere else in the world and he's been thrown out of his home country.
Looking at your posts, it's evident you don't have an understanding of rudimentary English grammar.
and what school did you attend to miss the whole common sense and logic class...

Where does a clueless uneducated jerk like you get off lecturing others on anything? You wouldn't know an axiomatic tautology or a boolean term if it flew up and bit you on the lip! :21:
You too are an uneducated jerk. So many people are educated in accountancy or mathematics or even medicine and engineering and think they are geniuses at politics. Too bad you are an ignoramus at politics and a brainwashed functional gop-based moron.

engineering... this idiot... no way...
unless of course it is bullshit engineering...
no matter how good of an engineer or a doctor you are, your training tells you nothing about politics so on that front you are an ignoramus who will actually believe the Rupert Murdoch propaganda machine period which is not allowed anywhere else in the world and he's been thrown out of his home country.
Looking at your posts, it's evident you don't have an understanding of rudimentary English grammar.
and what school did you attend to miss the whole common sense and logic class...

Where does a clueless uneducated jerk like you get off lecturing others on anything? You wouldn't know an axiomatic tautology or a boolean term if it flew up and bit you on the lip! :21:
You too are an uneducated jerk. So many people are educated in accountancy or mathematics or even medicine and engineering and think they are geniuses at politics. Too bad you are an ignoramus at politics and a brainwashed functional gop-based moron.

engineering... this idiot... no way...
unless of course it is bullshit engineering...
no matter how good of an engineer or a doctor you are, your training tells you nothing about politics so on that front you are an ignoramus who will actually believe the Rupert Murdoch propaganda machine period which is not allowed anywhere else in the world and he's been thrown out of his home country.
View attachment 429954
only knowledge of politics gives you knowledge of politics for crying out loud d u h

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