England lets Muslim Fascist Destroy their Christimas

London’s Khan: Make Public Wear Masks Outside, Don’t Relax Corona Rules For Christmas

London mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to force the public to wear masks in public, to shut down secondary schools, and cancel Christmas
Mayor Khan, of the left-wing Labour party, published a statement demanding “regular asymptomatic testing [be] extended to all those unable to work from home and to [pupils] and staff at London’s secondary schools, sixth-form college and FE [Further Education] colleges,” adding that “Face coverings should also be made mandatory in busy outdoor public spaces, given the numbers on our high streets in the run-up to Christmas.”

Thats what happens when you let fascists run things, just like fascist Democrats run some states.
Outdoors in busy public places is not outside everywhere. The usual misleading GOP garbage propaganda, super duper.....

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