English – The Official Language of the USA

Why should it be the "official" language when 1/4 of our country was founded in Spanish and then taken over by us?

English is the defacto language like it or not. If you want to succeed in this country you need to speak good English. You don't need a law for that, it's natural selection. The law is just another way of tellling those who's first or best language isn't English that "you aren't American, we don't like you".
Many countries have more than one official language. So probably it would make sense to include English, Spanish, sign language, and the Native American languages (at the very least) if the government is going to establish official languages.
the United States was founded in English.....why should we include Mexico's language or Comanche.....?
Why should it be the "official" language when 1/4 of our country was founded in Spanish and then taken over by us?

English is the defacto language like it or not. If you want to succeed in this country you need to speak good English. You don't need a law for that, it's natural selection. The law is just another way of tellling those who's first or best language isn't English that "you aren't American, we don't like you".
Many countries have more than one official language. So probably it would make sense to include English, Spanish, sign language, and the Native American languages (at the very least) if the government is going to establish official languages.
the United States was founded in English.....why should we include Mexico's language or Comanche.....?
English, the language of anther country, so what are you so damn worried about?
We need to make American the official language....screw the English
Why should it be the "official" language when 1/4 of our country was founded in Spanish and then taken over by us?

English is the defacto language like it or not. If you want to succeed in this country you need to speak good English. You don't need a law for that, it's natural selection. The law is just another way of tellling those who's first or best language isn't English that "you aren't American, we don't like you".
Many countries have more than one official language. So probably it would make sense to include English, Spanish, sign language, and the Native American languages (at the very least) if the government is going to establish official languages.
the United States was founded in English.....why should we include Mexico's language or Comanche.....?
English, the language of anther country, so what are you so damn worried about?
English, the language of the USA, since its founding....

the use of English is all-American......it helps promote unity and the American 'melting pot'.......or would you prefer the US to splinter apart like the liberals want.... to destroy the USA....?
Why should it be the "official" language when 1/4 of our country was founded in Spanish and then taken over by us?

English is the defacto language like it or not. If you want to succeed in this country you need to speak good English. You don't need a law for that, it's natural selection. The law is just another way of tellling those who's first or best language isn't English that "you aren't American, we don't like you".
Many countries have more than one official language. So probably it would make sense to include English, Spanish, sign language, and the Native American languages (at the very least) if the government is going to establish official languages.
the United States was founded in English.....why should we include Mexico's language or Comanche.....?
English, the language of anther country, so what are you so damn worried about?
English, the language of the USA, since its founding....

the use of English is all-American......it helps promote unity and the American 'melting pot'.......or would you prefer the US to splinter apart like the liberals want.... to destroy the USA....?
English is the language here, there's no reason besides saying fuck you to anyone who can speak anything else, which you can't. Hell, most of you can't speak English.
Fricking Mexicans. My coins say E Pluribus Unum on them! :eek-52:
Why should it be the "official" language when 1/4 of our country was founded in Spanish and then taken over by us?

English is the defacto language like it or not. If you want to succeed in this country you need to speak good English. You don't need a law for that, it's natural selection. The law is just another way of tellling those who's first or best language isn't English that "you aren't American, we don't like you".
Many countries have more than one official language. So probably it would make sense to include English, Spanish, sign language, and the Native American languages (at the very least) if the government is going to establish official languages.
the United States was founded in English.....why should we include Mexico's language or Comanche.....?
English, the language of anther country, so what are you so damn worried about?
English, the language of the USA, since its founding....

the use of English is all-American......it helps promote unity and the American 'melting pot'.......or would you prefer the US to splinter apart like the liberals want.... to destroy the USA....?
English is the language here, there's no reason besides saying fuck you to anyone who can speak anything else, which you can't. Hell, most of you can't speak English.

are you referring to all the illegals on this board.....?
Why should it be the "official" language when 1/4 of our country was founded in Spanish and then taken over by us?

English is the defacto language like it or not. If you want to succeed in this country you need to speak good English. You don't need a law for that, it's natural selection. The law is just another way of tellling those who's first or best language isn't English that "you aren't American, we don't like you".
Many countries have more than one official language. So probably it would make sense to include English, Spanish, sign language, and the Native American languages (at the very least) if the government is going to establish official languages.
the United States was founded in English.....why should we include Mexico's language or Comanche.....?
English, the language of anther country, so what are you so damn worried about?
English, the language of the USA, since its founding....

the use of English is all-American......it helps promote unity and the American 'melting pot'.......or would you prefer the US to splinter apart like the liberals want.... to destroy the USA....?

Not really....at one time Dutch was the main language. Spanish held a huge portion of what is now the US. French was another major language.
I would be very much in favor of the passage and enacting of such a bill, but I seriously doubt that it is going to unfold that way.

Haven't there been several-such attempts in the past... attempts which have failed miserably?

There are far too many self-hating idjits-without-borders internationalist Lib-Progs holding Congressional seats or Executive power for any such measure to be enacted.

It would take passage-caliber Conservative margins in House and Senate, and a Conservative in the White House, and a sizable Conservative representation on the bench at SCOTUS, in order to make the enactment of such a measure more likely.

This latest will probably die in Committee, or get bitch-slapped in open session, long before it might otherwise land on Obumble's desk.
So are you afraid of those that cannot speak "English" taking over?

S. 678: A bill to declare English as the official language of the United States, to establish a uniform English language rule for naturalization, and to avoid misconstructions of the English language texts of the laws of the United States, pursuant to Congress’ powers to provide for the general welfare of the United States and to establish a uniform rule of naturalization under article I, section 8, of the Constitution.

Introduced by Senator Inhofe and sent to committee Mar 9, 2015

I appreciate that we have a diverse American society. But, official correspondence and material should be written by the language of the majority of American citizens – and that's English.
Why should it be the "official" language when 1/4 of our country was founded in Spanish and then taken over by us?

English is the defacto language like it or not. If you want to succeed in this country you need to speak good English. You don't need a law for that, it's natural selection. The law is just another way of tellling those who's first or best language isn't English that "you aren't American, we don't like you".
Many countries have more than one official language. So probably it would make sense to include English, Spanish, sign language, and the Native American languages (at the very least) if the government is going to establish official languages.
the United States was founded in English.....why should we include Mexico's language or Comanche.....?
English, the language of anther country, so what are you so damn worried about?
English, the language of the USA, since its founding....

the use of English is all-American......it helps promote unity and the American 'melting pot'.......or would you prefer the US to splinter apart like the liberals want.... to destroy the USA....?

Not really....at one time Dutch was the main language. Spanish held a huge portion of what is now the US. French was another major language.
what language was the US Constitution written in....?
It has nothing to do with borders but a rather a respect to the many ethnic groups that founded our country and a nod to reality - English is the major language. Without good English skills, you will not get very far in this country in terms of being hired, advancing etc. Why do we need to waste our time on money on a bill that is essentially - a solution looking for a problem which doesn't exist?
Many countries have more than one official language. So probably it would make sense to include English, Spanish, sign language, and the Native American languages (at the very least) if the government is going to establish official languages.
the United States was founded in English.....why should we include Mexico's language or Comanche.....?
English, the language of anther country, so what are you so damn worried about?
English, the language of the USA, since its founding....

the use of English is all-American......it helps promote unity and the American 'melting pot'.......or would you prefer the US to splinter apart like the liberals want.... to destroy the USA....?

Not really....at one time Dutch was the main language. Spanish held a huge portion of what is now the US. French was another major language.
what language was the US Constitution written in....?


Where in the Constitution does it specify English must be the official language?
It has nothing to do with borders but a rather a respect to the many ethnic groups that founded our country and a nod to reality - English is the major language. Without good English skills, you will not get very far in this country in terms of being hired, advancing etc. Why do we need to waste our time on money on a bill that is essentially - a solution looking for a problem which doesn't exist?
A problem that doesnt exist NOW. But in 25 years it might.
I have seen bilingual societies, like Canada and Belgium. They fucking dont work. Screw people. You want to communicate with the govt, speak English. You want to do business in Chinese, no problem.
It has nothing to do with borders but a rather a respect to the many ethnic groups that founded our country and a nod to reality - English is the major language. Without good English skills, you will not get very far in this country in terms of being hired, advancing etc. Why do we need to waste our time on money on a bill that is essentially - a solution looking for a problem which doesn't exist?
A problem that doesnt exist NOW. But in 25 years it might.
I have seen bilingual societies, like Canada and Belgium. They fucking dont work. Screw people. You want to communicate with the govt, speak English. You want to do business in Chinese, no problem.

We've had centuries of immigrant waves bringing with them their languages and customs. At times - major immigration hubs like NYC hosted native-language posters and business' in Chinese, Russian, Yiddish, Italian amongst many. Eventually, they all end up speaking good English even if it takes several generations.

We're not heading to a bilinqual society like Canada which has two officially recognized languages. We have one, it does not need to be "official". I
English is the defacto language like it or not. If you want to succeed in this country you need to speak good English. You don't need a law for that, it's natural selection. The law is just another way of tellling those who's first or best language isn't English that "you aren't American, we don't like you".
I agree completely regarding your point on natural selection, but you have it backwards in your last sentence.

Wanting people to assimilate tells them "we DO like you, we want you to succeed, we don't want you isolated from the American dream and we want you to take advantage of the benefits of assimilation".

Seems to me that isolating people from society is far more hurtful. Lowering standards helps no one in the long run.

English is the defacto language like it or not. If you want to succeed in this country you need to speak good English. You don't need a law for that, it's natural selection. The law is just another way of tellling those who's first or best language isn't English that "you aren't American, we don't like you".
I agree completely regarding your point on natural selection, but you have it backwards in your last sentence.

Wanting people to assimilate tells them "we DO like you, we want you to succeed, we don't want you isolated from the American dream and we want you to take advantage of the benefits of assimilation".

Seems to me that isolating people from society is far more hurtful.


It would be, but how is making a law stating that English is the official language telling them we do like you? Providing the means to learn the language and the encouragement to do so is sufficient.
English is the defacto language like it or not. If you want to succeed in this country you need to speak good English. You don't need a law for that, it's natural selection. The law is just another way of tellling those who's first or best language isn't English that "you aren't American, we don't like you".
I agree completely regarding your point on natural selection, but you have it backwards in your last sentence.

Wanting people to assimilate tells them "we DO like you, we want you to succeed, we don't want you isolated from the American dream and we want you to take advantage of the benefits of assimilation".

Seems to me that isolating people from society is far more hurtful.


It would be, but how is making a law stating that English is the official language telling them we do like you? Providing the means to learn the language and the encouragement to do so is sufficient.
I'm ambivalent on the law per se, but we have committed a de facto lowering of standards already.

It's no surprise we're becoming more and more separated. Instead of promoting (via laws or culture) assimilation, we're going in the opposite direction.


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