Enjoy the internet while it is free...government will control it soon

Thats great and all, but what does that have to do with Net Neutrality? Everytime you post, you reinforce the fact that you don't understand what Net Neutrality is about. You just go along with it because you're obviously just not smart enough to understand what is actually being proposed.

No offense,but you do sound like you work for the Government and are paid to be here. Next you'll probably be calling everyone 'Nutters" and "Wingnuts" right? I know the Government pays spammers to come to political message boards. You definitley fit the mold. So i wont be replying to your comments anymore. You are likely a Government bot. Have a nice day.

You dont need a link for something that is logical, and has a high probability. Campains funding is supposed to hit 1 billion dollars from both candidates in 2012. Kinda makes a salary for a english major small and insignificant doesnt it??

We will spend millions on advertising on the news networks, but we wont spend 50k a year for a propagandist to spam dumb shit on the net?? Yea right.
the FCC is a government body. It will decide what websites show up on searches. Therefore, it will be controlling the internet in a way that picks what it wants people to see.
its not fucking rocket science.

LOL, it will? Please show ANYWHERE that this is what will be happening or even remotely close to what will be happening. So if the government is deciding "who shows up on searches" that means the government will be taking over Microsoft and Google and telling them what to do?

Obviously to you, this topic is as equally confusing as rocket science. You're arguing a topic you are making blatantly clear you don't understand at all.

Without getting to far into this I would just like to point out that china's internet is not free, it is state controlled.

So in light of that, all this talk about government not being able to do it is total bullshit. They can do it, they want to do it, and soon they will. They will use the premise of copywrite laws, or child predators, or whatever they think will manufacture enough fear to gain support for it.

Our government fucking sucks, and to even think for one second that it is not after more power just to further secure the power it does have is one second where sanity has left the room.

And what does China have to do with us?

They speak chinese there, does that mean we will be speaking chinese soon too?
No offense,but you do sound like you work for the Government and are paid to be here. Next you'll probably be calling everyone 'Nutters" and "Wingnuts" right? I know the Government pays spammers to come to political message boards. You definitley fit the mold. So i wont be replying to your comments anymore. You are likely a Government bot. Have a nice day.

You dont need a link for something that is logical, and has a high probability. Campains funding is supposed to hit 1 billion dollars from both candidates in 2012. Kinda makes a salary for a english major small and insignificant doesnt it??

We will spend millions on advertising on the news networks, but we wont spend 50k a year for a propagandist to spam dumb shit on the net?? Yea right.
In other words...you're just making stuff up. Once again...just like the RepubliCON$.

That's what I thought. Thanks.
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Without getting to far into this I would just like to point out that china's internet is not free, it is state controlled.

So in light of that, all this talk about government not being able to do it is total bullshit.

Actually, "all this talk about government not being able to do it" is nonexistent. I suggest understanding what is being said, if you want to respond to it.

You dont need a link for something that is logical, and has a high probability. Campains funding is supposed to hit 1 billion dollars from both candidates in 2012. Kinda makes a salary for a english major small and insignificant doesnt it??

We will spend millions on advertising on the news networks, but we wont spend 50k a year for a propagandist to spam dumb shit on the net?? Yea right.
In other words...you're just making stuff up. Once again...just like the RepubliCON$.

That's what I thought. Thanks.

All Im saying is A) They definatly have the means B) Its really just marketing and C) Its more cost effective then alot of the other things we see political 'think tanks' doing D) There is really no reason for them not to

I mean really, you cant put this together??? FFS

The government will have you paying for content, and will restrict what content is available. When the FCC slaps a $10,000 a month tax on USMB to fund the content monitoring agents, this won't be a free site, nor will any others.

And thats the truth isnt it. People are amazed at how the internet has exploded in the last decade, but its not that hard to understand it. It has exploded because it is free of the government. Same applies to the market. Government has strangled it with manipulations on every aspect of it.

What government needs is regulation on the government, oh wait we have that. Its called the constitution. People just ignore that though cause they got there hands out like beggers, waiting on the government to provide for them.
Here we go again....

Please explain how government will be controlling the internet. Specifically.

the FCC is a government body. It will decide what websites show up on searches. Therefore, it will be controlling the internet in a way that picks what it wants people to see.
its not fucking rocket science.

It pains me that someone could be this completely and utterly misguided. Which radio host told you this information?

The government will have you paying for content, and will restrict what content is available. When the FCC slaps a $10,000 a month tax on USMB to fund the content monitoring agents, this won't be a free site, nor will any others.

You sound a little paranoid. I'll worry about it when there is an actual bill that passes and a President that would sign it. :rolleyes:

The government will have you paying for content, and will restrict what content is available. When the FCC slaps a $10,000 a month tax on USMB to fund the content monitoring agents, this won't be a free site, nor will any others.

You sound a little paranoid. I'll worry about it when there is an actual bill that passes and a President that would sign it. :rolleyes:

When does paranoia become outright lying? I don't think the poster believes much of what he says. It's just posting for the sake of shock value. :trolls:
The government will have you paying for content, and will restrict what content is available. When the FCC slaps a $10,000 a month tax on USMB to fund the content monitoring agents, this won't be a free site, nor will any others.

You sound a little paranoid. I'll worry about it when there is an actual bill that passes and a President that would sign it. :rolleyes:

When does paranoia become outright lying? I don't think the poster believes much of what he says. It's just posting for the sake of shock value. :trolls:

Uncensored is a Class A troll. Don't even waste your time with him.
You sound a little paranoid. I'll worry about it when there is an actual bill that passes and a President that would sign it. :rolleyes:

When does paranoia become outright lying? I don't think the poster believes much of what he says. It's just posting for the sake of shock value. :trolls:

Uncensored is a Class A troll. Don't even waste your time with him.

Truer words have not been spoken, on this Eleventh day of November.
It's a known fact that our current Government employs spammers & spies to go onto political message boards and Social Media sites

Oh, for the love of God. First truthers, then birthers, now spammers. If it's a "known fact" then how come nobody seems to know about it other than you?
We will spend millions on advertising on the news networks, but we wont spend 50k a year for a propagandist to spam dumb shit on the net?? Yea right.

This is some Jasone Bourne shit right there. You seem to be suffering from the myth of the hyper-capable government. The damn government can't even balance it's checkbook.

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