Enjoy the moment that broke Laura Ingraham...

ā€œMy belief is I don't know if the election was stolen or not. Before I take a stance on anything, I have to see irrefutable evidence of something.ā€

What is there not to accept about this? Looks pretty clear to me.
So yes. You do believe the election was stolen.

Great, thanks for making that more difficult than it needed to be.
Here, let me post my answer again...

"I have said before, that while I think there was ā€œfunny businessā€ concerning the election, I canā€™t refute that Biden is the Presidentā€¦"

Now nowhere in there did I say that the election was stolen....I said there was clearly, "funny business" going on...However, Biden is the elected and sworn in President of the United States....

Why is it that you can't accept, or seem to be able to comprehend plain english when presented without lying about what I say?

You want me to be open minded about what you present, then I am going to have to require you to cut the bull shit then...
Here, let me post my answer again...

"I have said before, that while I think there was ā€œfunny businessā€ concerning the election, I canā€™t refute that Biden is the Presidentā€¦"

Now nowhere in there did I say that the election was stolen....I said there was clearly, "funny business" going on...However, Biden is the elected and sworn in President of the United States....

Why is it that you can't accept, or seem to be able to comprehend plain english when presented without lying about what I say?

You want me to be open minded about what you present, then I am going to have to require you to cut the bull shit then...
Maybe the problem is our inability to communicate with each other.

I asked you if you think the election was stolen, right? Right. Hereā€™s your response.

"I have said before, that while I think there was ā€œfunny businessā€ concerning the election, I canā€™t refute that Biden is the Presidentā€¦"
Letā€™s start with the ā€œfunny businessā€ part. I agree that there was ā€œfunny businessā€. There were illegal votes that happened. Some of those people were caught and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if there were more illegal votes that were not caught. So weā€™re in agreement there.

But my question to you wasnā€™t if you think there was ā€œfunny businessā€ or not. The questions is whether you think itā€™s a sufficient amount of ā€funny businessā€ that essentially flipped what would have been a win for Trump into a win for Biden. In other words, if the election was stolen or not. I didnā€™t ask you if there was ā€œfunny businessā€. I asked you if you think the election was stolen.

On to the next part.

You said that you canā€™t refute that Biden is president. Thatā€™s great, but once again, thatā€™s not what I asked. I asked you if the election was stolen, not if if Biden is president. See, thereā€™s a difference here. Itā€™s possible that you could believe that the election was stolen and that Biden shouldnā€™t have been sworn in as President, but was. Or itā€™s possible that you think Biden won legitimately and was rightfully sworn in as President. In both cases, you would think that Biden is president but once again that fails to answer the question that I asked: do you think the 2020 election was stolen?

Itā€™s a simple yes or no question. I donā€™t understand why you guys feel the need to dance around the one-word answer and answer different questions.

So here it is again. do you think the 2020 election was stolen? Yes or no.

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