Enough Crony Capitalism

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Enough Crony Capitalism
Crony capitalism is as much a betrayal of true capitalism as postmodern art is a betrayal of true art. It results in those who have made $zillions in the free market calling for more suffocating government regulation. Like socialism, it is a way for those who have succeeded to pull up the ladder after them so that others cannot follow and compete with them.

John Stossel has had enough of it. The solution: to reduce the power of the government to reward its friends and break the kneecaps of its enemies.

wait till he gets to microsoft ...

Enough Crony Capitalism - Moonbattery
Enough Crony Capitalism
Crony capitalism is as much a betrayal of true capitalism as postmodern art is a betrayal of true art. It results in those who have made $zillions in the free market calling for more suffocating government regulation. Like socialism, it is a way for those who have succeeded to pull up the ladder after them so that others cannot follow and compete with them.

John Stossel has had enough of it. The solution: to reduce the power of the government to reward its friends and break the kneecaps of its enemies.

wait till he gets to microsoft ...

Enough Crony Capitalism - Moonbattery

Yeah, it's always amazing how often the left-wing screams about crony Capitalism, and then turns around and supports mega-wealthy people with their regulations.

I have two examples of this. Back when they were talking about "Net Neutrality", who was the biggest proponent of this? Reed Hastings, a California Billionaire in the tech industry. Citing how companies should not be able to prioritize service to higher paying customers, Hastings pushed and lobbied government on "behalf of the people", to make the internet fair.

What Hastings neglected to mention was that the biggest beneficiary of preventing companies from charging more for faster larger bandwidth services..... was of course Hasting's own company, NetFlix. As you can imagine, streaming high Def movies over the internet sucks down tons of bandwidth. The internet companies were rationally, charging Netflix for using up the most bandwidth.


Obivously having the FCC demand 'net neutrality', and thus preventing companies for charging Netflix for better performance.... when Netflix was using up the most resources... Helped this multi-Billionaire make billions more.

Crony Capitalism.... Net Neutrality.... same thing.

The other example was Monsanto, and GMOs. The anti-GMO crowd demanded that the Feds dump a butt load of new regulations on Monsanto's seed business. At some point, Monsanto actually agreed with them, and lobbied themselves to increase regulations. The Feds seeing an opportunity to make political supporters happy, and get some free positive press, passed a bunch of regulations on Monsanto.

Everyone cheered.... which you would think when the company you claim to be regulating, is cheering with you over those regulations that you should re-think what you are doing. Of course the stupid left-wing didn't do that. What no one noticed was that over the next few years, several other seed supply companies, exited the market. Monsanto not only increased their share of the market, but they also increased prices while increasing their market share. The company grew larger, and was even more profitable.

Regulating GMOs = Crony Capitalism. Same thing.

The left-wing is the most ignorant supporters of the top 1%, at the expenses of the middle and lower class.
Enough Crony Capitalism
Crony capitalism is as much a betrayal of true capitalism as postmodern art is a betrayal of true art. It results in those who have made $zillions in the free market calling for more suffocating government regulation. Like socialism, it is a way for those who have succeeded to pull up the ladder after them so that others cannot follow and compete with them.

John Stossel has had enough of it. The solution: to reduce the power of the government to reward its friends and break the kneecaps of its enemies.

wait till he gets to microsoft ...

Enough Crony Capitalism - Moonbattery

crony capitalism is much like socialism in that govt and business are combined. Is Obamacare socialism or crony capitalism?

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