Enough is enough! It's fight time!

hylandrdet said:
A man with a violent past; My life revolved around a lot of deaths. I became a born again christian because my life was out of control. That's why I take pride in humanitarian work; I appreciate life and will fight to perserve innocent lives; even if those lives possesses ill will towards me.

Are you currently in the can? Are or were you ever a made member of the 5 families? Damn I wish sometimes I was Sicilian!

Hyland take a pill and relax, its just a board man.
hylandrdet said:
Ask your questions? What do you want to know, outside of my true ID?

Today is my day off, it's time to fight. Give me what you got.

You have my full attention; get it off your chest; I have nothing to hide!

I'm ready; let's go!!!
Do you wear pantyhose everyday?
Johnney said:
anyone whose had a few fights in the past could be said to come from a violent past. hell ask my rehab therapist, shes convinced im the next manson

And this is supposed to surprise us?


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