Enough Of "Assuming Polls",Can't We All Just Wait For Romney&VP To Campaign First?

Mar 16, 2012

Every time Obama polls ahead in the Gallup,Raz,and Dog Eating Polls, the left will already be claiming that Obama has already won.:up:
But any intelligent American is very aware that 8 to 10% are still undecided. They are going to wait and see how Romney & VP perform at thier rallies this summer. And don't give us that BS that undecided's always go for the incompetent, sorry, I meant, incumbent(same thing anyway)
Just remember, when O'Bozo was running againt Hillary in the early days, he was never beating anyone.
Romney is holding steady at around 48/49%. Just wait till he picks his VP. We all know that if its either Rubio,McDonnell or Christie, you can add another 5 points to Romneys tally. And being Obama finds it impossible to fill a stadium anymore, he's already become Old News !!!:dig:
and why doesn't the left ever explain on any cable news show that the "Undecided" are going to be undecided until they see how the economy is doing come October. If unemployment isnt down to 5% by the election, odds are 75% of them will vote for Romney.
and every time Obama is ahead by 2 points, Bob Beckel tells off the "Other 4", and when Romney is ahead, he will claim polls are all over the place,,too early to make any assumptions,,right?

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