Entitled old Women causes simple ticket to become a felony arrest

If I had been that cop I would have tased her again.
Then when I had her handcuffed I would have used the taser like a cattle prod to install her in the back of my patrol car.
Good thing I am not a cop, huh?

Where were you on 5/25/20? George Floyd could have used you!
I probably agree. As a cop, pulling someone over for a busted taillight or whatever, whether the old lady refused to sign the stupid pad or even drove off, I probably would have asked myself if I really wanted to taz the lady, arrest her, give pursuit, aim a gun at her head and give her a criminal record over that? I mean, what could go wrong?

Chances are good that in a few days, she will get pulled over again. Maybe by then, she will have given the matter more thought and cooperate that time.

I would have warned her and moved on !!!
If she drove off. I would do nothing.

Glad we agree

off topic ! I am very di
Hahaha, I was right here in Arizona. If it had been in town on a day I was there, maybe I would have jumped in. Although it likely would have been "Jorge Fernandez" instead of "George Floyd" here.

I am seeing Brit Pink Floyd in Downtown Phoenx next week
Police are just people doing their jobs. They get disrespected and crapped on for doing even the simplest parts of it.

There is no civilized society without them. She took a "nothing" that she was guilty of and blew it up by arguing and giving him a hard time.

You always get more flies with honey than vinegar. Even in the drive through window of fast food. Just because you are upset doesn't give you license to be a butthole. And when faced with police....they have a wealth of experience, training, and knowledge of how to literally hogtie you until you are over your temper tantrum.

And then comes the fines from the judge who will not like that you have been giving his officers a hard time...because they are officers of the court. He has a LOT of fines and jail cells to put you in until you decide that you are done with your temper tantrum.
A tail light broken for 6 months? Meaning there was probably rust or dirt or both in and around that tail light. Sure it costs money to fix....she still shouldn't have let it go for so long. She had to have noticed at some point. But she gambled and lost...time to pay.
If you drive, you should try acting like that woman when a cop pulls you over. See what happens.
Cops have it tough enough and she made it tougher by being an ignoramus.
It's best to follow the directions, and certainly a legal order from a cop when he pulls you over. Read what you signed when you got that drivers license. You basically agreed to do just that.
If you have a problem with what the cop is telling you, the proper place and time to address it is in court. You can tell the judge whatever you want.

When she drove off after being told she was under arrest she sealed her fate.

The cop came up with gun drawn and was taking no shit
Requiring an officer to get a signature on a simple ticket is asking for trouble. You are not required to sign anything when you are arrested.
If someone refuses, just inform them the fine will be doubled
Good, honest cops should work by "three strikes, you're shot".

They don't need to repeat themselves, or scream, or threaten.
Tell them whats going to happen, and what will happen if they don't do as requested.
Repeat 3 times, and then go into action.

Thats ALL that is needed.
More and more people do not trust law enforcement. Are we a free people or not? To constantly e told to comply on stupid simple issues is tyranny. It is an abuse of power from authoritarians who get away with because the system says it can. They have a chance due to the divisiveness of the last several years to make changes that would benefit near all including them. The stresses on people are increasing and they do not need sadistic, inept, power hungry, incompetent, corrupted or any other quality with people who can destroy other people. It is clear in some areas of the nation they are reaping the whirlwind. Even if the citizens acting out are more likely to be criminals. If a cop is fair and not looking to make a score for a notch on his belt, he will be respected more than you know from those he crosses path with. Perhaps law enforcement and judicial duties need to be Artificial Intelligence controlled. The worst part is there are people who have done ten times or a hundred times more in putting their lives on the line in physical and psychological ways in other employment over a long period of years who they have shit on.
Requiring an officer to get a signature on a simple ticket is asking for trouble.

Requiring a signature is the lowest level of guarantee that a person will either pay the fine or appear in court, By providing a signature, there is no need to arrest a person while they arrange bail or are presented directly to the court.

Without proof that the offender has been issued a ticket at the time of the offense, they could claim the officer never gave them a ticket.
Requiring a signature is the lowest level of guarantee that a person will either pay the fine or appear in court, By providing a signature, there is no need to arrest a person while they arrange bail or are presented directly to the court.

Without proof that the offender has been issued a ticket at the time of the offense, they could claim the officer never gave them a ticket.
The whole thing was on video

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