Environmental activists want energy park instead of coal gasification plant


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Environmental activists want energy park instead of coal gasification plant

October 10, 2012 9:10 pm • By Gregory Tejeda

CHICAGO | The environmental activists who opposed development of a coal gasification plant at the one-time site of Republic Steel on the city's Southeast Side said Wednesday they support development of an “energy park” to convert existing silos along the Calumet River into a renewable clean energy resource.

Activists and area residents with the Environmental Justice Alliance of Greater Southeast Chicago met at The Zone community center, 11731 S. Ave. O, to review their opposition to many projects proposed for the 10th Ward. Those include the proposed plant near 114th Street and Burley Avenue that would have turned coal into a synthetic natural gas.

New York-based Leucadia National Corp. proposed the plant, but those plans were thwarted when Gov. Pat Quinn used his veto power to reject legislation that would have advanced the project. Company officials have said they are not seeking to have a veto override and will shift their attention to projects in other parts of the country.

That has the local activists both pleased and concerned.

That's because the site remains open. They used Wednesday's meeting to say they’d like to see development of a proposed Calumet Genesis Energy Park.


Environmental activists want energy park instead of coal gasification plant
Environmental activists want energy park instead of coal gasification plant

October 10, 2012 9:10 pm • By Gregory Tejeda

CHICAGO | The environmental activists who opposed development of a coal gasification plant at the one-time site of Republic Steel on the city's Southeast Side said Wednesday they support development of an “energy park” to convert existing silos along the Calumet River into a renewable clean energy resource.

Activists and area residents with the Environmental Justice Alliance of Greater Southeast Chicago met at The Zone community center, 11731 S. Ave. O, to review their opposition to many projects proposed for the 10th Ward. Those include the proposed plant near 114th Street and Burley Avenue that would have turned coal into a synthetic natural gas.

New York-based Leucadia National Corp. proposed the plant, but those plans were thwarted when Gov. Pat Quinn used his veto power to reject legislation that would have advanced the project. Company officials have said they are not seeking to have a veto override and will shift their attention to projects in other parts of the country.

That has the local activists both pleased and concerned.

That's because the site remains open. They used Wednesday's meeting to say they’d like to see development of a proposed Calumet Genesis Energy Park.


Environmental activists want energy park instead of coal gasification plant
They have no idea what they are in for and where it leads. You should think with the internet and all the international online news editions people would be better informed. No country has driven "green energy" to the extreme as Germany and it is a total disaster..despite or maybe because of the famed "German engineering". A few months ago I posted a video about the German wind energy power grid. A power grid is not a power grid unless it can deliver power on demand and not what wind or solar can supply at a given day or time. The first thing that happened was that most of the famous "Black Forest" hill tops have been clear-cut to give way for huge multi-billion Euro multi football field sized water reservoirs where wind and solar pumps water up...through huge tunnels...the entire region has been tunneled under like by some giant gopher infestation...just so that super huge hydro electric turbines that are at the bottom of these mountains can generate power on demand..from the power that wind and solar stored as potential energy up there in these basins. In the valley they had to dig out equally huge artificial lakes to make this system work.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2H38UpdQhM&list=UUvj7dbOY14kt_MFIR1Y1iwA&index=26&feature=plcp"]How Climate Science destroyed Germany.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
Now the rest of what was left of nature in Germany is being destroyed by all the extra power transmission lines to hook all this crap up to the main distribution grid...check this out...it`s all in German, but click on the video and the pictures You see tell the story in any language:

EEG: Ökostrom-Umlage steigt um 47 Prozent auf rund 5,3 Cent - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Check out the fat pig getting out of the fancy Merceds Benz...he is the German Environment Minister,


...he doesn`t give a shit about his "Carbon Foot Print" but he is pushing all that crap and wants to force every German into one of these ridiculous electric toy cars.
The headline of the article:
Ökostrom-Abgabe steigt auf Rekordniveau
Translates to "Eco-power tax climbs to record levels"...
Too bad You guys can`t read the reader responses..."pissed off" does not do justice to the gist of what is being said...
I`ll just pick out a typical one on the first page...even if You can`t speak German some of the words are not too hard to figure out:
Problem? Desaster ist wohl das Wort
Meaning problem..??? Disaster would be the right word.
Merkels FlipFlop Politik
Merkel is the bitch from the former communist Germany who usurped her way to power and pushed all this green crap...Obama loves her...

My God am I glad we destroyed these green and "liberal" freaks at the ballot box in our last federal election in Canada and have for the first time a majority conservative Government else we would be well down this road along...The first thing that happened was our P.M. told the U.N. to stick Kyoto up their ass and our Alberta Oil Fields are in full "boom" mode.
Well if Romney wins the Keystone pipeline will give You guys all the Oil You need...+ much more...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFqIS8hDV0o&list=UUvj7dbOY14kt_MFIR1Y1iwA&index=25&feature=plcp"]Northern pipelines.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

if Obama wins...well what will happen next...
keep reading "Der Spiegel"-online and then You`ll know :
Die auf den Strompreis aufgeschlagene Umlage zur Förderung erneuerbarer Energien steigt um 47 Prozent
The taxes to pay for the facilitation of renewable energy will be levied by an additional tax on hydro-electric which will increase by 47%

And You guys thought 5 buck$ at the gas pump is bad...!
Wait till these enviro freaks in Illinois get to re-elect Obama..
My prayers go out for You or would You rather have some DUI WMD`s to "clean house"...?
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Polar..........no worreis here. Not only is Romney going to win, its gonna be a fucking landslide. Watch...........and the k00ks are going to get dropped off a cliff on election night and the next day is going to be like a real life version of "The Walking Dead" on every street corner of America. It'll be the ultimate version of k00k losing. Then we can get ahead with the business of making energy cheaper instead of more expensive.


Polar........nobody talks about these guys from Colorado but I'lll go with 100% success rate with their model, thanks. Every single election since 1980, they call correctly between 45-48 states. Basically, when the economy blows, the incumbent gets decimated in a general election no matter the spin. Right now, they have Romney up by over 100 electoral votes and would have to be far, far off their historical success for Obama to even get 240 electoral votes.
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Could have been real jobs generating real money generating real energy generating real revenues for the state treasury.

Billions in unfunded pensions, tens of millions in debt.

Chicago flushes its sewers into Lake Michigan. Now that's a real environmental concern.
Polar..........no worreis here. Not only is Romney going to win, its gonna be a fucking landslide. Watch...........and the k00ks are going to get dropped off a cliff on election night and the next day is going to be like a real life version of "The Walking Dead" on every street corner of America. It'll be the ultimate version of k00k losing. Then we can get ahead with the business of making energy cheaper instead of more expensive.

Updated election forecasting model still points to Romney win, University of Colorado study says | University of Colorado Boulder

Polar........nobody talks about these guys from Colorado but I'lll go with 100% success rate with their model, thanks. Every single election since 1980, they call correctly between 45-48 states. Basically, when the economy blows, the incumbent gets decimated in a general election no matter the spin. Right now, they have Romney up by over 100 electoral votes and would have to be far, far off their historical success for Obama to even get 240 electoral votes.
I hope so. But it`s agonizing to watch and listen to these allegations and claims the democrats throw around. Especially so while all the while the same neo-commie ideas have ruined almost every country in Europe. Romney did mention Spain in the last debate, but I don`t think the "no matter what" Obama voters have any idea what`s going on not just in Spain, but also in Germany. North American (main stream & lefty) news media still talk about Germany as "the economic engine" or "the power house"....man...!!!... they have no idea what`s really going on there. This fucking "Der Spiegel" also has an English on-line edition, but what they write there gives You a totally different picture.
The project, which would use a process called anaerobic digestion to create natural gas from organic waste, would include an energy center, materials transportation areas and a visitor’s center.

Freeman said the latter is particularly important because the energy park also would have to maintain habitats for local wildlife, which could serve to draw people to visit the neighborhoods of the 10th Ward.

“We would be putting the ‘park’ back into industrial park,” Freeman said, adding that wetlands would have to be enhanced in the area because parts of the site do not have sewer systems. “We would need to develop, and in some cases construct, wetlands,” she said.

Ahhh -- Good plan.. Put a giant COMPOST PILE in the middle of the 10th ward.. That's not eco-injustice.. Just bring all your food waste, grass clippings, pet waste, and rotting vegetables and pack those silos FULL so the ducks and little froggies have a clean wetlands to play in and amuse the kiddies.

SOMEHOW -- that'll keep the lights on and increase real estate values. No enviromental racism associated with a GARBAGE DUMP... Is there?
The project, which would use a process called anaerobic digestion to create natural gas from organic waste, would include an energy center, materials transportation areas and a visitor’s center.

Freeman said the latter is particularly important because the energy park also would have to maintain habitats for local wildlife, which could serve to draw people to visit the neighborhoods of the 10th Ward.

“We would be putting the ‘park’ back into industrial park,” Freeman said, adding that wetlands would have to be enhanced in the area because parts of the site do not have sewer systems. “We would need to develop, and in some cases construct, wetlands,” she said.
Ahhh -- Good plan.. Put a giant COMPOST PILE in the middle of the 10th ward.. That's not eco-injustice.. Just bring all your food waste, grass clippings, pet waste, and rotting vegetables and pack those silos FULL so the ducks and little froggies have a clean wetlands to play in and amuse the kiddies.

SOMEHOW -- that'll keep the lights on and increase real estate values. No enviromental racism associated with a GARBAGE DUMP... Is there?

Really funny to read here in this forum the samo-samo pipe dreams the "Green Party" in Germany foisted on the German public many years ago when they usurped to power by forming a coalition with the other minority parties. Almost every town in Germany has since then such a "power plant" that runs on sewage and organic waste ferment gas...billion$ were spent on these and more billion$ of tax subsidies keep them "alive", because they simply can`t generate enough power to generate the revenue to offset their operating cost...and that is despite the fact that people in Germany are already taxed to near death on their existing hydro bills which will be raised by another 47 % ...My God what will it take till people wake up and smell the coffee?
Energiewende: Ökostrom-Abgabe steigt auf Rekordniveau - Seite 51

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