Environmental ‘Progress’, Leftist Style


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Yet another example of Leftistism that thinks by doing something, anything, they accomplished their goal. Results are irrelevant.

Two nuclear reactors at the Diablo Canyon plant in California are being forced to shut down in 2024 and 2025. When nuclear reactors are taken off the grid, fossil fuel use and the emissions that go along with them consistently increase. Independent groups have estimated that California will emit an extra 15.5 million metric tons (MMT) of global warming emissions due to the retirement of Diablo Canyon. In an attempt to prevent that from happening this time, bill SB 1090 was passed in 2018 requiring Diablo Canyon electricity generation to be replaced with clean energy.

Except Diablo (cleanest reliable energy source in the world) will be replaced at least partially by coal and mostly unreliable energy sources.

15 Megatonnes is a truly trivial amount of carbon dioxide ... converted to plankton, does that feed a single whale? ...

Glad to see it go ... poorly designed, poorly maintained, poorly sited ... nuclear power plants don't last forever, sometimes refurbishing is more expensive than building new ... better designs, better maintenance, better site ...

Carbon dioxide benefits life ... cesium-135 harms life ... I shouldn't have to explain this to you ...
Yet another example of Leftistism that thinks by doing something, anything, they accomplished their goal. Results are irrelevant.

Two nuclear reactors at the Diablo Canyon plant in California are being forced to shut down in 2024 and 2025. When nuclear reactors are taken off the grid, fossil fuel use and the emissions that go along with them consistently increase. Independent groups have estimated that California will emit an extra 15.5 million metric tons (MMT) of global warming emissions due to the retirement of Diablo Canyon. In an attempt to prevent that from happening this time, bill SB 1090 was passed in 2018 requiring Diablo Canyon electricity generation to be replaced with clean energy.

Except Diablo (cleanest reliable energy source in the world) will be replaced at least partially by coal and mostly unreliable energy sources.

Nuclear power is being replaced by solar and wind power, not more fossil fuel burning.

Try looking forward into the future. If we HAVE a future, it must involve FAR less burning of fossil fuels.
Yet another example of Leftistism that thinks by doing something, anything, they accomplished their goal. Results are irrelevant.

Two nuclear reactors at the Diablo Canyon plant in California are being forced to shut down in 2024 and 2025. When nuclear reactors are taken off the grid, fossil fuel use and the emissions that go along with them consistently increase. Independent groups have estimated that California will emit an extra 15.5 million metric tons (MMT) of global warming emissions due to the retirement of Diablo Canyon. In an attempt to prevent that from happening this time, bill SB 1090 was passed in 2018 requiring Diablo Canyon electricity generation to be replaced with clean energy.

Except Diablo (cleanest reliable energy source in the world) will be replaced at least partially by coal and mostly unreliable energy sources.

Results never matter to the progressive.

California is a model of a dystopia. Residents already pay 10% of their net income to energy costs. The pols have no interest in seeing this go to 15% or their asses get voted out. So invariably, the void will be filled with fossil fuels while the progressives take bows on closing the nuclear site.

Progressives stopped caring about the environment many decades ago now..........
Results never matter to the progressive.

California is a model of a dystopia. Residents already pay 10% of their net income to energy costs. The pols have no interest in seeing this go to 15% or their asses get voted out. So invariably, the void will be filled with fossil fuels while the progressives take bows on closing the nuclear site.

Progressives stopped caring about the environment many decades ago now..........it is solely about destroying capitalism. Thankfully for the rest of us, their impact on energy policy across the country is insignificant. But they'll still be taking bows on symbolic stuff.......... :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance:
Results never matter to the progressive.

California is a model of a dystopia. Residents already pay 10% of their net income to energy costs. The pols have no interest in seeing this go to 15% or their asses get voted out. So invariably, the void will be filled with fossil fuels while the progressives take bows on closing the nuclear site.

Progressives stopped caring about the environment many decades ago now..........
Yep. Illegal to buy a good computer in California, the same state that says you must buy an EV to plug into the failing grid.
que huele peor, right? Wind and solar work, numbnuts. Learn some science before gurgling like a fool.
Yep. Illegal to buy a good computer in California, the same state that says you must buy an EV to plug into the failing grid.
California continues to lead the nation in most positive respects. For negative respects, you'd have to look at Texas or Florida.
Results never matter to the progressive.

California is a model of a dystopia. Residents already pay 10% of their net income to energy costs. The pols have no interest in seeing this go to 15% or their asses get voted out. So invariably, the void will be filled with fossil fuels while the progressives take bows on closing the nuclear site.

Progressives stopped caring about the environment many decades ago now..........it is solely about destroying capitalism. Thankfully for the rest of us, their impact on energy policy across the country is insignificant. But they'll still be taking bows on symbolic stuff.......... :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance:
Another idiotic ideologue. Oh yeah, "the Left" is in charge and destroying civilization. When will they learn, those pesky Leftists?

You're inane. Energy is expensive in California in part due to high gasoline taxes. But... the big issue is that petroleum is finished, as is coal. Clean sources are the future, so get with the program and stop wailing like a whiny little bitch.
California continues to lead the nation in most positive respects. For negative respects, you'd have to look at Texas or Florida.
California leads the nation in no electricity, wildfires, no drinking water, electricity costs, crime, traffic, taxes, homeless, and illegals.
That’s why Uhaul rates are 5X the cost leaving than entering.

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