Environmentalists vs Reality


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Guess who wins.

1. "New England Wanted To Use All Renewable Energy… Then It Got Cold

2. ...trip to Maine, my wife and I noticed the large number of wind turbines cluttering the peaks of the ridges around the otherwise scenic New England countryside, particularly in Vermont. There really are a lot of them, and that’s the result of an ongoing push to get the region onto renewable energy as much as possible.

3. ...hammering wind power as the path to cut carbon emissions.... at least as long as the weather was pleasant. Now, however, as I’m sure any of you living in the northeast are aware, there’s a blistering bubble of arctic air throwing the region into a deep freeze. Suddenly the power grid is experiencing strains which aren’t generally seen in more clement weather conditions.

4. ...an alarming trend (or at least alarming to environmentalists). As the temperature dropped, wind energy production waned just as demand was rising. And the local power companies responded by… burning oil.

5. ....what happens to the grid as the temperature falls further. By the time it was down to one degree (!) the average cost of electricity on the grid had spiked from $200 per megawatt hour (Mwh) to over $300 / Mwh, with some areas reaching as high as $338. In addition to that, the percentage of energy on the grid coming from burning oil in dual-purpose plants (which can also use natural gas when it’s available) had jumped up to account for nearly one third of the total load.

6. ...renewables are only managing to produce 7% during peak demand hours. And of that 7% renewable energy, the wind farms were only kicking in 13% of it. Fully 85% of the renewable energy was coming from burning wood or refuse.

7. ...as we’ve been preaching here for years, what’s really required is an all of the above energy strategy which doesn’t fall victim to politics. That’s something that Rick Perry has been trying to get across since taking over as Secretary of Energy.

8. ...he’s been trying to ensure that we retain our ability to produce power using coal, oil and nuclear as needed. But this has resulted in withering criticism, primarily from Democrats.

9. Abandoning traditional energy sources in favor of politically popular but limited renewable options is foolish.

10. ...perhaps these critics should take a trip up to Vermont this weekend when the temperature is expected to hit negative 10 without the wind chill. Take a look at their power grid and then tell us how we need to all be converting to wind and solar. "
New England wanted to use all renewable energy... then it got cold - Hot Air


Relying on unreliable power sources such as solar and wind was never a good idea.


Are you trying to say it costs more to have a fossil fuel system on standby when the renewable system doesn't give us what we need?

Heresy! How else are we supposed to signal our virtue? Gaia will not be pleased with you.
Are you trying to say it costs more to have a fossil fuel system on standby when the renewable system doesn't give us what we need?

Heresy! How else are we supposed to signal our virtue? Gaia will not be pleased with you.

You be a funny dude, Ian

The cold is definitely caused by global warming. If you don't believe me I could link you up to any number of clever sillies that can explain how that works. Govt funding can explain anything you need. Or fix any inconvenient data as well.
In rural Oregon the epa leveled fines against elderly home owners who utilized wood heat. Wood is readily available and though not cheap, thanks to permit fees and restrictions that make it ridiculously complicated to obtain firewood off public lands, wood is always available. Then they instituted programs that funded conversion of wood stoves to oil. About the time they worked their way through that chunk of untold hundreds of millions of dollars....stove oil shot up to $3.50 a gallon (thanks to federal restrictions on mining and drilling) and elderly ppl out in the middle of nowhere had to shell out 350 a month to heat their homes....with no ability to fall back on wood heat.

Eliminate the EPA. Eliminate the usfs. They have no business dictating how we live or what we heat our fucking houses with.

The cold is definitely caused by global warming. If you don't believe me I could link you up to any number of clever sillies that can explain how that works. Govt funding can explain anything you need. Or fix any inconvenient data as well.

Soooo......how many chickens must I sacrifice to warm it up here in Brooklyn??????
In rural Oregon the epa leveled fines against elderly home owners who utilized wood heat. Wood is readily available and though not cheap, thanks to permit fees and restrictions that make it ridiculously complicated to obtain firewood off public lands, wood is always available. Then they instituted programs that funded conversion of wood stoves to oil. About the time they worked their way through that chunk of untold hundreds of millions of dollars....stove oil shot up to $3.50 a gallon (thanks to federal restrictions on mining and drilling) and elderly ppl out in the middle of nowhere had to shell out 350 a month to heat their homes....with no ability to fall back on wood heat.

Eliminate the EPA. Eliminate the usfs. They have no business dictating how we live or what we heat our fucking houses with.

Exactly how many BTUs would I accrue per burning Liberal bureaucrat???
Same shit happened in Germany. All the German people got all giddy about wanting to have all this renewable energy.........until the electric bills started rolling in. Politicians like to keep their jobs for a good long time so Germany is back to importing the shit out of natural gas and coal the last several years.

Anyway........RGGI, also known as "Reggie" has been just another liberal pubic policy failure. The Cato Institute recently did a study that compared RGGI states to a similar number of non-RGGI states. LOL...the non-RGGI states actually increased the % of renewable energy used in those states AND lowered costs compared to RGGI states. Of course, the one unescapable fact of life is for an effort like this is, when you place a direct tax or fee on carbon dioxide emissions, those costs are passed on from electric generators to consumers. duh........liberals will never get that dynamic with Crap and Tax schemes. Offuckingcourse also, the liberal politicians get away with it because they sell it as "taxing fossil fuel companies" which sounds awesome to the typical low information voter not understanding that in the end, they foot the cost when they get their electric bill.
Oh btw..........update from DRUDGE right now on the ball busting cold being seen almost country-wide >>>>







City threatens to condemn man's home -- for sheltering homeless during cold!

Frozen Iguanas Falling From Florida Trees...

Iguana's found frozen to death on Florida tree's........gee that should be a huge boom for the climate crusaders talking about "the decided science"!!:bye1::spinner::spinner::spinner:
In rural Oregon the epa leveled fines against elderly home owners who utilized wood heat. Wood is readily available and though not cheap, thanks to permit fees and restrictions that make it ridiculously complicated to obtain firewood off public lands, wood is always available. Then they instituted programs that funded conversion of wood stoves to oil. About the time they worked their way through that chunk of untold hundreds of millions of dollars....stove oil shot up to $3.50 a gallon (thanks to federal restrictions on mining and drilling) and elderly ppl out in the middle of nowhere had to shell out 350 a month to heat their homes....with no ability to fall back on wood heat.

Eliminate the EPA. Eliminate the usfs. They have no business dictating how we live or what we heat our fucking houses with.

Exactly how many BTUs would I accrue per burning Liberal bureaucrat???
WET DEAD WOOD takes more energy to burn than leaving it lay and having a bon fire in summer..
In rural Oregon the epa leveled fines against elderly home owners who utilized wood heat. Wood is readily available and though not cheap, thanks to permit fees and restrictions that make it ridiculously complicated to obtain firewood off public lands, wood is always available. Then they instituted programs that funded conversion of wood stoves to oil. About the time they worked their way through that chunk of untold hundreds of millions of dollars....stove oil shot up to $3.50 a gallon (thanks to federal restrictions on mining and drilling) and elderly ppl out in the middle of nowhere had to shell out 350 a month to heat their homes....with no ability to fall back on wood heat.

Eliminate the EPA. Eliminate the usfs. They have no business dictating how we live or what we heat our fucking houses with.

Liberal policy invariably hurts the people who can least afford the pain....same thing happened in europe a while back because it got about as warm as a typical chicago summer...more than 10,000 people, mostly elderly and poor on fixed incomes died because they had to decide whether to cool their homes or eat.
In rural Oregon the epa leveled fines against elderly home owners who utilized wood heat. Wood is readily available and though not cheap, thanks to permit fees and restrictions that make it ridiculously complicated to obtain firewood off public lands, wood is always available. Then they instituted programs that funded conversion of wood stoves to oil. About the time they worked their way through that chunk of untold hundreds of millions of dollars....stove oil shot up to $3.50 a gallon (thanks to federal restrictions on mining and drilling) and elderly ppl out in the middle of nowhere had to shell out 350 a month to heat their homes....with no ability to fall back on wood heat.

Eliminate the EPA. Eliminate the usfs. They have no business dictating how we live or what we heat our fucking houses with.
Permit fees?

Dude shut the fuck up it costs $10 to cut down your own trees in Oregon. For $10 you can cut a whole cord.
In rural Oregon the epa leveled fines against elderly home owners who utilized wood heat. Wood is readily available and though not cheap, thanks to permit fees and restrictions that make it ridiculously complicated to obtain firewood off public lands, wood is always available. Then they instituted programs that funded conversion of wood stoves to oil. About the time they worked their way through that chunk of untold hundreds of millions of dollars....stove oil shot up to $3.50 a gallon (thanks to federal restrictions on mining and drilling) and elderly ppl out in the middle of nowhere had to shell out 350 a month to heat their homes....with no ability to fall back on wood heat.

Eliminate the EPA. Eliminate the usfs. They have no business dictating how we live or what we heat our fucking houses with.
Permit fees?

Dude shut the fuck up it costs $10 to cut down your own trees in Oregon. For $10 you can cut a whole cord.

Shut the fuck up yourself.

"Firewood cutting dates and prices vary by location. Be sure to call your local district office for the latest updates on where, when, and how much you can cut. Permits are often first-come/first-served, and not issued during fire season or in active timber sale areas."


State of Oregon: About Us - Permits

And go to the link to see the tiny spot in Oregon where you can currently collect firewood.

Needless to say, Wheeler county elderly people won't be traveling to the upper western corner of our state to get firewood.

State of Oregon: Working Forests - Firewood
In rural Oregon the epa leveled fines against elderly home owners who utilized wood heat. Wood is readily available and though not cheap, thanks to permit fees and restrictions that make it ridiculously complicated to obtain firewood off public lands, wood is always available. Then they instituted programs that funded conversion of wood stoves to oil. About the time they worked their way through that chunk of untold hundreds of millions of dollars....stove oil shot up to $3.50 a gallon (thanks to federal restrictions on mining and drilling) and elderly ppl out in the middle of nowhere had to shell out 350 a month to heat their homes....with no ability to fall back on wood heat.

Eliminate the EPA. Eliminate the usfs. They have no business dictating how we live or what we heat our fucking houses with.


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