
Not sure how envy could be a virtue, but it is one of the "7 deadly sins."
Not sure how envy could be a virtue, but it is one of the "7 deadly sins."

But is our plight not caused by the 1%?

Why do our political leaders immerse us in sin?
Not sure how envy could be a virtue, but it is one of the "7 deadly sins."

But is our plight not caused by the 1%?

Why do our political leaders immerse us in sin?

I don't have any plights. I have what I have and I worked my ass off to get it. If I wanted something someone else had, I would just work my ass off to get the same.

Envy might be virtuous in that it give you the incentive to work hard.
Envy is a bad thing. It's childish to envy others instead of elevating yourself.

The left encourages envy because it leads to even worse feelings and sometimes violence. It keeps people separated and it's so easy to pit people against each other once you've managed to make them dislike or hate each other.

They prefer envious people over self-motivated people. Envy is the creed of socialism, which is why the left relishes the hatred between the haves and the have nots.

Envy is what causes people to feel justified in taking from those who make them jealous. It makes some think that others don't deserve what they have so it's okay to punish them.

I remember reading an article on one of the leftwing sites where a 3rd year college student was whining because he couldn't get more student aid for his final year. He was less than $2,000 short and only had 4 months to figure out how to get it. Being the typical snowflake, he spent days on his computer writing to various sources trying to get them to give him the money and wasted a lot of time crying about not having it. Never even fucking occurred to the idiot that a minimum wage summer job would have earned him enough to cover it. Instead, he thought whining was a better use of his time because he felt entitled to the money. .

Then there is the teen who decides they can't stand going to school anymore. They quit and somehow think they'll become reality stars or some other pipe dream and think nothing about asking for public assistance in the meanwhile. Why bust your ass doing stuff you hate, like attending classes or working some crappy job, when there are others who will do it for you? And they've had the idea planted in their brains that the left is robbing the nasty old wealthy people. No need to ever feel guilt about that, right?

Sandra Fluke, who seemed to make a career out of being a college student, turned more into an activist than an academic. She claimed to need so much money for birth control that people took time to compare prices of various kinds and all came to the conclusion that Sandra must have been on the most expensive pills and used a dozen condoms on top of that every day. But, her point was that her sex life should be funded by the tax payers. She and other libs found it absurd that a person should take full responsibility for their own choices. The horror!! Again, the wealthy people are somehow the root of all evil so anyone with more money than you somehow owes you something.

Of course, those who fail to use birth control or the birth control fails, think that other people should also pay for their abortion. Or to raise the child. The favorite argument is that it is cheaper for tax payers to pay to abort the pregnancy than to pay to care for the child, likely from cradle to grave. The idea that a woman, or the father of the child if she knows his name, could possibly make payments to fund their own solution. Raise taxes on the middle class since they were somehow handed all they have.

The left has made it "normal" for the responsible among us to extend our duties to include caring for those who are irresponsible. It's class warfare and they've included the average middle class person in the "wealthy" group. And the message is that those who refuse to take personal responsibility for their own actions are somehow entitled to get bailed out by others. If you don't like it, you'll get called greedy, racist or privileged. The things to envy these days, according to the left, is being white and financially secure.

The left pushes a screwed up notion that all those who are expected to pay somehow owe others because they are privileged in some way. Either you are white or born into a wealthy family and somehow it's your fault. As if half of us were somehow born with a silver spoon in our mouths or amazing luck that causes us to do the work to carve out a decent living. The left fails to acknowledge that most of us were not born wealthy and we got to middle class simply by finishing school (at least high school) and staying at our jobs even when we absolutely hated them. Most I know hate their jobs. But, they crawl out of bed every morning because they have a family to support. They have bills to pay. It's called personal responsibility.
It's a shame that the left extends that personal responsibility to include having to pay for other peoples' stupid choices.

If you're not a child, elderly or disabled then do something for yourself. When you do stupid shit, life gets tougher. So, stop making your own life so difficult and get your shit together. Sitting around being envious and feeling like others owe you something will get you nowhere.

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Envy is a bad thing. It's childish to envy others instead of elevating yourself.

The left encourages envy because it leads to even worse feelings and sometimes violence. It keeps people separated and it's so easy to pit people against each other once you've managed to make them dislike or hate each other.

They prefer envious people over self-motivated people. Envy is the creed of socialism, which is why the left relishes the hatred between the haves and the have nots.

Envy is what causes people to feel justified in taking from those who make them jealous. It makes some think that others don't deserve what they have so it's okay to punish them.

I remember reading an article on one of the leftwing sites where a 3rd year college student was whining because he couldn't get more student aid for his final year. He was less than $2,000 short and only had 4 months to figure out how to get it. Being the typical snowflake, he spent days on his computer writing to various sources trying to get them to give him the money and wasted a lot of time crying about not having it. Never even fucking occurred to the idiot that a minimum wage summer job would have earned him enough to cover it. Instead, he thought whining was a better use of his time because he felt entitled to the money. .

Then there is the teen who decides they can't stand going to school anymore. They quit and somehow think they'll become reality stars or some other pipe dream and think nothing about asking for public assistance in the meanwhile. Why bust your ass doing stuff you hate, like attending classes or working some crappy job, when there are others who will do it for you?

Sandra Fluke, who seemed to make a career out of being a college student, turned more into an activist than an academic. She claimed to need so much money for birth control that people took time to compare prices of various kinds and all came to the conclusion that Sandra must have been on the most expensive pills and used a dozen condoms on top of that every day. But, her point was that her sex life should be funded by the tax payers. She and other libs found it absurd that a person should take full responsibility for their own choices. The horror!!

Of course, those who fail to use birth control or the birth control fails, think that other people should also pay for their abortion. Or to raise the child. The favorite argument is that it is cheaper for tax payers to pay to abort the pregnancy than to pay to care for the child, likely from cradle to grave. The idea that a woman, or the father of the child if she knows his name, could possibly make payments to fund their own solution.

The left has made it "normal" for the responsible among us to extend our duties to include caring for those who are irresponsible. And the message is that those who refuse to take personal responsibility for their own actions are somehow entitled to get bailed out by others.

The left pushes a screwed up notion that all those who are expected to pay somehow owe others because they are privileged in some way. Either you are white or born into a wealthy family and somehow it's your fault. As if half of us were somehow born with a silver spoon in our mouths or amazing luck that causes us to do the work to carve out a decent living. The left fails to acknowledge that most of us were not born wealthy and we got to middle class simply by finishing school (at least high school) and staying at our jobs even when we absolutely hated them. Most I know hate their jobs. But, they crawl out of bed every morning because they have a family to support. They have bills to pay. It's called personal responsibility.
It's a shame that the left extends that personal responsibility to include having to pay for other peoples' stupid choices.

If you're not a child, elderly or disabled then do something for yourself. When you do stupid shit, life gets tougher. So, stop making your own life so difficult and get your shit together. Sitting around being envious and feeling like others owe you something will get you nowhere.


What you said bears repeating:

"Envy is the creed of socialism, which is why the left relishes the hatred between the haves and the have nots."

A man is no less or better than I because he makes more or less money than I do
Virtue or vice?

Depends on what's being envied

When does envy ever produce something productive?

Envy is destructive. Envy essentially cuts you off at the knees forcing to make you admit you don't measure up to someone else as you look up to them, only to want cut them off at the knees so that they can finally look them square in the eye.
Virtue or vice?

Depends on what's being envied

When does envy ever produce something productive?

Envy is destructive. Envy essentially cuts you off at the knees forcing to make you admit you don't measure up to someone else as you look up to them, only to want cut them off at the knees so that they can finally look them square in the eye.

Or envy makes one realize they can do or be better, it can be motivational
Virtue or vice?

Depends on what's being envied

When does envy ever produce something productive?

Envy is destructive. Envy essentially cuts you off at the knees forcing to make you admit you don't measure up to someone else as you look up to them, only to want cut them off at the knees so that they can finally look them square in the eye.

Or envy makes one realize they can do or be better, it can be motivational

I think a good measure of envy is to ask the question, "Can I rejoice with them when they rejoice, or cry with them as they cry?"

I don't think what you are describing is envy in that sense.
Virtue or vice?

Depends on what's being envied

When does envy ever produce something productive?

Envy is destructive. Envy essentially cuts you off at the knees forcing to make you admit you don't measure up to someone else as you look up to them, only to want cut them off at the knees so that they can finally look them square in the eye.

Or envy makes one realize they can do or be better, it can be motivational

I think a good measure of envy is to ask the question, "Can I rejoice with them when they rejoice, or cry with them as they cry?"

I don't think what you are describing is envy in that sense.

Our youngest daughter is a gymnast, a very good gymnast. Other girls are envious she invariably medals at meets, in turn they strive to be like her, follow her practice habits and work ethic.

They are improving due to it. Their envy motivates them to try harder
Not sure how envy could be a virtue, but it is one of the "7 deadly sins."
Which is why you can't be a liberal and a Christian. You must have envy to be a liberal or you don't have anyone to claim owes you something.
Virtue or vice?

Depends on what's being envied

When does envy ever produce something productive?

Envy is destructive. Envy essentially cuts you off at the knees forcing to make you admit you don't measure up to someone else as you look up to them, only to want cut them off at the knees so that they can finally look them square in the eye.

Or envy makes one realize they can do or be better, it can be motivational

I think a good measure of envy is to ask the question, "Can I rejoice with them when they rejoice, or cry with them as they cry?"

I don't think what you are describing is envy in that sense.

Our youngest daughter is a gymnast, a very good gymnast. Other girls are envious she invariably medals at meets, in turn they strive to be like her, follow her practice habits and work ethic.

They are improving due to it. Their envy motivates them to try harder
That's not envy. It's motivation. Envy is taking from or wanting others to lower themselves to your level. Envy doesn't work harder to get better. It lazily brings others down to their level.
Not sure how envy could be a virtue, but it is one of the "7 deadly sins."
Which is why you can't be a liberal and a Christian. You must have envy to be a liberal or you don't have anyone to claim owes you something.

Modern-day liberalism and progressivism is based on socialism or at worst, Marxism, which is horizontally opposed to everything religion stands for.

You can't be a true Christian then turn around and support the murder of unborn children. They cancel each other out.
Depends on what's being envied

When does envy ever produce something productive?

Envy is destructive. Envy essentially cuts you off at the knees forcing to make you admit you don't measure up to someone else as you look up to them, only to want cut them off at the knees so that they can finally look them square in the eye.

Or envy makes one realize they can do or be better, it can be motivational

I think a good measure of envy is to ask the question, "Can I rejoice with them when they rejoice, or cry with them as they cry?"

I don't think what you are describing is envy in that sense.

Our youngest daughter is a gymnast, a very good gymnast. Other girls are envious she invariably medals at meets, in turn they strive to be like her, follow her practice habits and work ethic.

They are improving due to it. Their envy motivates them to try harder
That's not envy. It's motivation. Envy is taking from or wanting others to lower themselves to your level. Envy doesn't work harder to get better. It lazily brings others down to their level.

I disagree, their envy is a motivational factor.
When does envy ever produce something productive?

Envy is destructive. Envy essentially cuts you off at the knees forcing to make you admit you don't measure up to someone else as you look up to them, only to want cut them off at the knees so that they can finally look them square in the eye.

Or envy makes one realize they can do or be better, it can be motivational

I think a good measure of envy is to ask the question, "Can I rejoice with them when they rejoice, or cry with them as they cry?"

I don't think what you are describing is envy in that sense.

Our youngest daughter is a gymnast, a very good gymnast. Other girls are envious she invariably medals at meets, in turn they strive to be like her, follow her practice habits and work ethic.

They are improving due to it. Their envy motivates them to try harder
That's not envy. It's motivation. Envy is taking from or wanting others to lower themselves to your level. Envy doesn't work harder to get better. It lazily brings others down to their level.

I disagree, their envy is a motivational factor.
I have to disagree as well. Envy is not a motivation to do better yourself. It's dragging those that do better down.
Envy and resentment are evil cousins. Admiration and appreciation are good cousins. Which are your relations?
Or envy makes one realize they can do or be better, it can be motivational

I think a good measure of envy is to ask the question, "Can I rejoice with them when they rejoice, or cry with them as they cry?"

I don't think what you are describing is envy in that sense.

Our youngest daughter is a gymnast, a very good gymnast. Other girls are envious she invariably medals at meets, in turn they strive to be like her, follow her practice habits and work ethic.

They are improving due to it. Their envy motivates them to try harder
That's not envy. It's motivation. Envy is taking from or wanting others to lower themselves to your level. Envy doesn't work harder to get better. It lazily brings others down to their level.

I disagree, their envy is a motivational factor.
I have to disagree as well. Envy is not a motivation to do better yourself. It's dragging those that do better down.

You look at the dark side of envy, I'm looking at the brighter side but then I'm an optimist. If their envy of our daughter motivates them to try harder and improve then their envy became an asset

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