EON chief warns of a cost explosion due to transition to green energies.”

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Blackout News: “EON chief warns of a cost explosion due to transition to green energies.”

Blackout News here reports that there’s no end in sight for Germany’s self-inflicted energy crisis. Energy prices are expected to continue rising, thus posing a huge risk to industry.

This is of course no surprise as Germany, driven by radical green dogmatism, has shut down its fleet of nuclear power plants and is moving to also eliminate power plants fired by coal and natural gas. The country’s economy and environmental policy is led by economics minister Robert Habeck.

The problem is that Habeck is woefully unqualified for leading the country’s federal economics ministry.

In 2000,Habeck received his doctorate in literature and philosophy at University Hamburg, and has no experience in any fields of economics, business, engineering or energy.

Recently Habeck claimed that companies do not go bankrupt, rather they just stop producing, and that the economy was okay – “only the numbers are bad

Look at that everything is fine ....said Habeck the out of touch highly educated xspurt
Pfft what would the greedy utility company know

Forward comrades
Blackout News: “EON chief warns of a cost explosion due to transition to green energies.”

Blackout News here reports that there’s no end in sight for Germany’s self-inflicted energy crisis. Energy prices are expected to continue rising, thus posing a huge risk to industry.

This is of course no surprise as Germany, driven by radical green dogmatism, has shut down its fleet of nuclear power plants and is moving to also eliminate power plants fired by coal and natural gas. The country’s economy and environmental policy is led by economics minister Robert Habeck.

The problem is that Habeck is woefully unqualified for leading the country’s federal economics ministry.

In 2000,Habeck received his doctorate in literature and philosophy at University Hamburg, and has no experience in any fields of economics, business, engineering or energy.

Recently Habeck claimed that companies do not go bankrupt, rather they just stop producing, and that the economy was okay – “only the numbers are bad

Look at that everything is fine ....said Habeck the out of touch highly educated xspurt
Pfft what would the greedy utility company know

Forward comrades

So you have an opinion piece that isn't grounded in science. Great.
I think honesty, logic and common sense are more desirable qualities for a representative than education. Just look at what education did for AOC with her economics degree from Boston U or Barack Obama with his Harvard degree in (whatever?). Two dimwits with degrees who have proved they're incapable of leading. So, it looks like Germany has a similar problem. Maybe having piss poor, albeit educated, leaders is the new trend in the formerly free world. Back to MAGA before it's too late
Blackout News: “EON chief warns of a cost explosion due to transition to green energies.”

Blackout News here reports that there’s no end in sight for Germany’s self-inflicted energy crisis. Energy prices are expected to continue rising, thus posing a huge risk to industry.

This is of course no surprise as Germany, driven by radical green dogmatism, has shut down its fleet of nuclear power plants and is moving to also eliminate power plants fired by coal and natural gas. The country’s economy and environmental policy is led by economics minister Robert Habeck.

The problem is that Habeck is woefully unqualified for leading the country’s federal economics ministry.

In 2000,Habeck received his doctorate in literature and philosophy at University Hamburg, and has no experience in any fields of economics, business, engineering or energy.

Recently Habeck claimed that companies do not go bankrupt, rather they just stop producing, and that the economy was okay – “only the numbers are bad

Look at that everything is fine ....said Habeck the out of touch highly educated xspurt
Pfft what would the greedy utility company know

Forward comrades
Germany is famous for starting wars, but even more famous for losing them!
So you have an opinion piece that isn't grounded in science. Great.

Youre following the science...

What kind of bugs will you have for breakfast?
You're the carbon they want to reduce...I'm cheering them on right now .
SInce when do you leftards believe in real objective science anyway?
All you have is a slogans ...follow the science...the science is settled ..
Germany is famous for starting wars ...

Famous for: "yes". But this is totally wrong. This lie of the USA is existing only on reason because Germany never did do anything bad to the USA - but the USA decided to murder in masses Germans and to destroy together with Russia for them and the Brits the multi-national Osman empire, the multi-national empire Austria-Hungaria and the new German nation. Result: Nazis, Commies and Islamists. You always fought with Russia (monarchy and Soviet-Union) against Germany (monarchy, democracy and Nazi-tyranny). And Russia has much more to do with the begin of world war 1+2 - also with part 2 of this world war - than the USA likes to see in their own ideological mirrors.

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