Democrats and the Abortion Issue

The fetus cannot assigned a "value" by those who presume to dictate values.

That is a personal and private matter for the person whose womb constitutes the essential context.
Except Roe v Wade does exactly that.

And my proposal leaves it a personal and private matter, maybe even more so.

Did you have a point?
Well, no it isn't. This is truly bizarre logic.
Euthanasia is already legal in some of the US. Filicide is already being lobbied for. It seems Bizarre to me as well and so does Abortion.
Euthanasia is already legal in some of the US. Filicide is already being lobbied for. It seems Bizarre to me as well and so does Abortion.
Nobody is lobbying for filicide.

Euthanasia is a choice. You guys are fine with suicide when someone uses a gun.
Nobody is lobbying for filicide.

Euthanasia is a choice. You guys are fine with suicide when someone uses a gun.
There are people lobbying for filicide. Yes sir sure are. I am not fine with suicide. Seems by you saying Euthanasia is a choice you favor it.
There are people lobbying for filicide. Yes sir sure are. I am not fine with suicide. Seems by you saying Euthanasia is a choice you favor it.
Really, who are these people? Do you have names? A link?

I watched both of my parents die from Cancer. I could perfectly understand why someone wouldn't want to go through that if they knew the cancer was terminal. I don't think I'd make that choice personally, but I can respect someone who did.
Dems are desperately trying to deflect attention form Biden's dismal record when it comes to inflation, the border etc. That's all it takes for the habitual Dem voter to do his "duty" as he braces to dig deeper into his pocket for groceries and awaits the onslaught of illegals into his neighborhood.

Abortion really is about freedom and economics. Republicans are telling people if they accidentally get pregnant at a time they don't want a child, that they have to have it, and that costs a lot of money. Plus the whole freedom thing.

It's easy for a rich Republican to be pro life. Even half of them get abortions. But it's not so easy for a typical Trump voter

There are people lobbying for filicide. Yes sir sure are. I am not fine with suicide. Seems by you saying Euthanasia is a choice you favor it.

My dad says he wishes he could walk into a hospital and have them put him to sleep. He misses ma. I wonder if he would really do it or if he'd talk himself out of it. Because you may not go to heaven if you commit suicide. I think I'm going to tell him that next time he tells me he wishes that. Be patient dude. You're 80. You'll see her soon enough and have eternity.

To those of us with three-digit IQ's, the Dobbs decision took abortion off the table as a FEDERAL issue. It is a matter for the States to decide, period. In fact, if Congress passed a law trying to establish a Federal/National position on abortion, "we" all know that law would be nullified as unconstitutional as quickly as a case could be brought and appealed up through the Federal court pyramid.

But look at what has happened in recent months. Our Addled President has openly stated that if he were permitted to do so, he would pass just such an unconstitutional law to "protect a woman's so-called Right to Choose." And although we all know that he is no Constitutional scholar, even he knows that is bullshit.

Democrat (Biden) television ads have grotesquely painted a picture of some woman rushing to an out-of-state abortion clinic being stopped by police and forced to do a pregnancy test. [A pox on the house of every Leftist who was involved in any way with that abortion of an ad].

Clearly, the Democrats are determined to make this non-issue their biggest pitch in the coming general election campaign.

What can you say about this? They are knowingly focusing on something they know the President can literally do NOTHING about, in the hope that their voters are too ignorant to realize it.

And of course, the Media, far from pointing out Democrat duplicity, are constantly posting articles and opinion pieces that support this false Narrative of Biden "protecting abortion rights."

Sometimes I think the Left is stupid, but in this case, I think it's evil.
Good luck getting good doctors in your red state

My dad says he wishes he could walk into a hospital and have them put him to sleep. He misses ma. I wonder if he would really do it or if he'd talk himself out of it. Because you may not go to heaven if you commit suicide. I think I'm going to tell him that next time he tells me he wishes that. Be patient dude. You're 80. You'll see her soon enough and have eternity.
Sad the way your dad lives. I am older than him and have intentions of being much older. Why not? What else do I have to do? I am no longer married. I have two daughters. I also have step kids and when I visit them they tell me how great I am. I don't ask them to talk that way.
Sad the way your dad lives. I am older than him and have intentions of being much older. Why not? What else do I have to do? I am no longer married. I have two daughters. I also have step kids and when I visit them they tell me how great I am. I don't ask them to talk that way.
He’s as miserable as he wants to be. Everyone said it would get better over time he insisted he’s different. For him it will get worse. Lol self fulfilling prophecy? Or he’s convinced himself. It’s all in his head. And I’m not a psychiatrist so I only put up with so much and remind myself he’s only going to get older and worse so just listen, nod, and try not to snap. He just wants someone to listen to him.

Me, my bro, my dad and a childhood friend who always makes him laugh are going out on my boat today. He says he has a good time yes but when he goes home he gets even more depressed because ma isn’t here to see all we have accomplished.

Two grandkids one going to MSU and the other graduated and now is going to law school. So he’s proud and happy about it but says nothing makes him happy without ma.

I tried to tell him in a nice way after 8 years, no one cares. We’ve heard it enough.

To those of us with three-digit IQ's, the Dobbs decision took abortion off the table as a FEDERAL issue. It is a matter for the States to decide, period. In fact, if Congress passed a law trying to establish a Federal/National position on abortion, "we" all know that law would be nullified as unconstitutional as quickly as a case could be brought and appealed up through the Federal court pyramid.

But look at what has happened in recent months. Our Addled President has openly stated that if he were permitted to do so, he would pass just such an unconstitutional law to "protect a woman's so-called Right to Choose." And although we all know that he is no Constitutional scholar, even he knows that is bullshit.

Democrat (Biden) television ads have grotesquely painted a picture of some woman rushing to an out-of-state abortion clinic being stopped by police and forced to do a pregnancy test. [A pox on the house of every Leftist who was involved in any way with that abortion of an ad].

Clearly, the Democrats are determined to make this non-issue their biggest pitch in the coming general election campaign.

What can you say about this? They are knowingly focusing on something they know the President can literally do NOTHING about, in the hope that their voters are too ignorant to realize it.

And of course, the Media, far from pointing out Democrat duplicity, are constantly posting articles and opinion pieces that support this false Narrative of Biden "protecting abortion rights."

Sometimes I think the Left is stupid, but in this case, I think it's evil.
keep bringing up abortion sez your President.
He’s as miserable as he wants to be. Everyone said it would get better over time he insisted he’s different. For him it will get worse. Lol self fulfilling prophecy? Or he’s convinced himself. It’s all in his head. And I’m not a psychiatrist so I only put up with so much and remind myself he’s only going to get older and worse so just listen, nod, and try not to snap. He just wants someone to listen to him.

Me, my bro, my dad and a childhood friend who always makes him laugh are going out on my boat today. He says he has a good time yes but when he goes home he gets even more depressed because ma isn’t here to see all we have accomplished.

Two grandkids one going to MSU and the other graduated and now is going to law school. So he’s proud and happy about it but says nothing makes him happy without ma.

I tried to tell him in a nice way after 8 years, no one cares. We’ve heard it enough.
Your mom was his life. I agree with your idea of trying to get him to enjoy what is left. What about him seeing a professional?
And she made another when she went to the clinic!

But not the same as a human being. We don't have funerals for miscarriages. We don't count them in the census. You can't claim them as tax deductions. and, yes, you can suck them into a medical waste container. Because they are NOT the same.

No, because the death is because it can't live outside the womb. It's unviability makes it less so

I don't have to.

Women are going to get abortions whether you like it or not, and most people will support that.
Your mom was his life. I agree with your idea of trying to get him to enjoy what is left. What about him seeing a professional?
He won’t.

He is as happy as he’s ever going to be. We had a nice time on the lake. Dad, bro and a childhood friend. He’s not going to stop eulogizing her. Lol

she is already pregnant,,
not being able to murder your own child is not someone controlling your body,, whats happened has already happened,,,

how is it you sick mother fuckers look in a mirror is beyond me,,

Abortion isn't murder, and a fertilized egg isn't a baby, but refusing care to pregnant women in distress truly is.

Given that 1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, American hospitals are now turning away pregnant women in distress and sending them home to die.

Abortion isn't murder, and a fertilized egg isn't a baby, but refusing care to pregnant women in distress truly is.

Given that 1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, American hospitals are now turning away pregnant women in distress and sending them home to die.

Not according to the Mayo Clinic:

Miscarriage is the sudden loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. About 10% to 20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But the actual number is likely higher. This is because many miscarriages happen early on, before people realize they're pregnant.

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