EPA dismisses half of key board’s scientific advisers

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First, a little background:

There are two main science advisory boards at EPA, both of which can hold significant sway over policy and regulation. The 1st is the Science Advisory Board and the 2nd is the Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC), and it is the BOSC that we are concerned with in this thread. The BOSC is comprised of 18 scientists who are appointed for a 3 year term that may be renewed for another 3 years. There were 9 scientists whose 1st term was up at the end of April; they were not fired or dismissed, but their 2nd term was not approved by the new EPA management team. Obviously all 9 were appointees by the Obama Administration, and all 9 were doubtless supporters of the AGW alarmist point of view.

Some Repubs have in the past accused these 2 EPA boards of massaging the data to maximize grant access and the public funds. But certainly the steps taken by the EPA in recent years based on the recommendations from these boards have not been favorable to the interests of farmers, ranchers, and agricultural businesses large and small. So, the EPA under Scott Pruitt will be replacing where and when it can current bureaucrats with those a little more disposed to less gov't intervention. And in some cases those new scientists will be employed by or connected in some way to the big oil and energy or agricultural companies. Hopefully the composition of the 2 EPA boards will lead to a greater consideration of the economic impacts of certain rules and regs than has been the case over the past 8 years. And hopefully without exposing the environment to foolish risks either.
. /--- It's about time they drained the swamp at the EPA

Nothing in Nature Is Where It Belongs Unless Man Put It There

The pagan Gaia cult practices a religion of human sacrifice. Eco-eunuchs are bitter mutant misfits trying to get even with the human race for not tolerating the likes of them. The Greenies have a well-deserved Death Wish and want to drag the rest of us down into their suicidal pit.
You'd never know it following the news..........but Trump is nuking the federal bureaucracy as we speak. Most people, but especially progressives, have no idea because of where they get their news from. The EPA has been getting deballed for 2 months now....fuckers didn't know what hit them.:funnyface::funnyface:. Could not be laughing harder.:fu:


US science agencies face deep cuts in Trump budget
If You Spot a Spotted Owl, Shoot It

These jealous and unproductive datamongers are trying to claim for themselves the respect and gratitude earned by creative scientists, who are far above them and have created the modern material world. These conceited nobodies have no more right to call themselves scientists than a sportswriter has to call himself an athlete.
First, a little background:

There are two main science advisory boards at EPA, both of which can hold significant sway over policy and regulation. The 1st is the Science Advisory Board and the 2nd is the Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC), and it is the BOSC that we are concerned with in this thread. The BOSC is comprised of 18 scientists who are appointed for a 3 year term that may be renewed for another 3 years. There were 9 scientists whose 1st term was up at the end of April; they were not fired or dismissed, but their 2nd term was not approved by the new EPA management team. Obviously all 9 were appointees by the Obama Administration, and all 9 were doubtless supporters of the AGW alarmist point of view.

Some Repubs have in the past accused these 2 EPA boards of massaging the data to maximize grant access and the public funds. But certainly the steps taken by the EPA in recent years based on the recommendations from these boards have not been favorable to the interests of farmers, ranchers, and agricultural businesses large and small. So, the EPA under Scott Pruitt will be replacing where and when it can current bureaucrats with those a little more disposed to less gov't intervention. And in some cases those new scientists will be employed by or connected in some way to the big oil and energy or agricultural companies. Hopefully the composition of the 2 EPA boards will lead to a greater consideration of the economic impacts of certain rules and regs than has been the case over the past 8 years. And hopefully without exposing the environment to foolish risks either.
A shame that too many folks on both coasts completely forget literally how their bread is buttered, or how their bread comes to be in the first place. Without farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural businesses, most would be in a world of hurt. (Soylent Green is people.) Unlike manufacturing businesses, which have the option of moving to a more favorable business environment, agricultural producers cannot. So, I don't understand what advantage there is to driving farmers, ranchers, etc out of business. Well, I actually do understand the impetus. Being a small agricultural producer myself, I am acutely aware of how big ag drives so many government agencies, often using "scientific" findings. So many recent EPA regs intended to squash so-called agricultural climate effects are directed solely at small producers and provide convenient "outs" for large agricultural concerns.
31% reduction for EPA in the new budget. Might now get the full 31% but in the end, will be at least 25%...........and how fucking funny is that?:boobies::boobies::deal:

They should cut the whole stinkin' budget for this phony agency........disabled people in America are getting the shaft in every state while these bozo's at the EPA chase unicorns. Progressives don't give a flying fuck about disabled people.
31% reduction for EPA in the new budget. Might now get the full 31% but in the end, will be at least 25%...........and how fucking funny is that?:boobies::boobies::deal:

They should cut the whole stinkin' budget for this phony agency........disabled people in America are getting the shaft in every state while these bozo's at the EPA chase unicorns. Progressives don't give a flying fuck about disabled people.

Republicans, with what they are doing to Americans, are the true Domestic Terrorists. I saw an estimate that if the GOP gets it's way with healthcare, in the first year, a million Americans could die. If that happens, the GOP would be dancing in the street. They are the people God wanted to drown.
31% reduction for EPA in the new budget. Might now get the full 31% but in the end, will be at least 25%...........and how fucking funny is that?:boobies::boobies::deal:

They should cut the whole stinkin' budget for this phony agency........disabled people in America are getting the shaft in every state while these bozo's at the EPA chase unicorns. Progressives don't give a flying fuck about disabled people.

Republicans, with what they are doing to Americans, are the true Domestic Terrorists. I saw an estimate that if the GOP gets it's way with healthcare, in the first year, a million Americans could die. If that happens, the GOP would be dancing in the street. They are the people God wanted to drown.

I saw an estimate that if the GOP gets it's way with healthcare, in the first year, a million Americans could die.

That's awful!!!

If that happens, the GOP would be dancing in the street.

We'd all be dancing in the street, because currently, over 2.5 million Americans die each year.
Reducing that number by 60% would be awesome.

You fucking moron.
31% reduction for EPA in the new budget. Might now get the full 31% but in the end, will be at least 25%...........and how fucking funny is that?:boobies::boobies::deal:

They should cut the whole stinkin' budget for this phony agency........disabled people in America are getting the shaft in every state while these bozo's at the EPA chase unicorns. Progressives don't give a flying fuck about disabled people.

Republicans, with what they are doing to Americans, are the true Domestic Terrorists. I saw an estimate that if the GOP gets it's way with healthcare, in the first year, a million Americans could die. If that happens, the GOP would be dancing in the street. They are the people God wanted to drown.

Or maybe 2 million Americans will die......perhaps 3 million?:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. Some people on the message board really should be posting over at People.com!!:gay:
Instead of using science, republicans want us using idiocy...

Pretty soon we'll all be dancing around the wild fire and chanting how powerful our lord is.
Considering that Rick Perry had a stadium "Pray In" to bring rain, the GOP may already be there.
31% reduction for EPA in the new budget. Might now get the full 31% but in the end, will be at least 25%...........and how fucking funny is that?:boobies::boobies::deal:

They should cut the whole stinkin' budget for this phony agency........disabled people in America are getting the shaft in every state while these bozo's at the EPA chase unicorns. Progressives don't give a flying fuck about disabled people.

Republicans, with what they are doing to Americans, are the true Domestic Terrorists. I saw an estimate that if the GOP gets it's way with healthcare, in the first year, a million Americans could die. If that happens, the GOP would be dancing in the street. They are the people God wanted to drown.

I saw an estimate that if the GOP gets it's way with healthcare, in the first year, a million Americans could die.

That's awful!!!

If that happens, the GOP would be dancing in the street.

We'd all be dancing in the street, because currently, over 2.5 million Americans die each year.
Reducing that number by 60% would be awesome.

You fucking moron.
Oh please, you know for the GOP, 2.5 million isn't nearly enough.
31% reduction for EPA in the new budget. Might now get the full 31% but in the end, will be at least 25%...........and how fucking funny is that?:boobies::boobies::deal:

They should cut the whole stinkin' budget for this phony agency........disabled people in America are getting the shaft in every state while these bozo's at the EPA chase unicorns. Progressives don't give a flying fuck about disabled people.

Republicans, with what they are doing to Americans, are the true Domestic Terrorists. I saw an estimate that if the GOP gets it's way with healthcare, in the first year, a million Americans could die. If that happens, the GOP would be dancing in the street. They are the people God wanted to drown.

I saw an estimate that if the GOP gets it's way with healthcare, in the first year, a million Americans could die.

That's awful!!!

If that happens, the GOP would be dancing in the street.

We'd all be dancing in the street, because currently, over 2.5 million Americans die each year.
Reducing that number by 60% would be awesome.

You fucking moron.
Oh please, you know for the GOP, 2.5 million isn't nearly enough.

If more liberal morons offed themselves thru their risky behavior, I wouldn't miss you.
Listen. It is the sound of Trump doing what we asked him to do:
View attachment 128022

You asked him to make us a third world country that has no skill in science or leadership.

What exactly are you asking for idiot? Oh'yess, you don't want to fund science and you'd rather sit on your ranch and beat your stupid chest without paying for our ability to lead. What a joke.
Please stop reviving old threads just to brawl. Topic wasn't even MENTIONED in the posts since LAST MAY..
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