EPA ignore report that new coal regulations will kill jobs and Economy

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for power Plants to limit mercury, acid gases and other toxic pollution from power plants, keeping 91 percent of the mercury in coal from being released to the air. Harmful particle pollution will also be reduced, preventing hundreds of thousands of illnesses and up to 17,000 premature deaths each year. Currently, there are no national limits on the amount of mercury and other toxic air pollution released from power plant smokestacks.

Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for Power Plants | US EPA

Looks like fear mongering from the right, as usual.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for power Plants to limit mercury, acid gases and other toxic pollution from power plants, keeping 91 percent of the mercury in coal from being released to the air. Harmful particle pollution will also be reduced, preventing hundreds of thousands of illnesses and up to 17,000 premature deaths each year. Currently, there are no national limits on the amount of mercury and other toxic air pollution released from power plant smokestacks.

Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for Power Plants | US EPA

Looks like fear mongering from the right, as usual.

YEAH, lets leave the REST OF THE COUNTRY without power for probably a GUESS that it would SAVE 17.000 PREMATURE DEATHS. more damn people die from CAR ACCIDENTS. I guess they should ban cars next.
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Umm won't there be jobs involved in making the euipment, transporting it and installing it in power plants?

Some jobs will be added but 100s of thousands if not millions more jobs will be lost because of Obama and his EPA. Look at Spain...

Job Losses From Obama Green Stimulus Foreseen in Spanish Study

March 27 (Bloomberg) -- Subsidizing renewable energy in the U.S. may destroy two jobs for every one created if Spain’s experience with windmills and solar farms is any guide.

For every new position that depends on energy price supports, at least 2.2 jobs in other industries will disappear, according to a study from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid.

U.S. President Barack Obama’s 2010 budget proposal contains about $20 billion in tax incentives for clean-energy programs. In Spain, where wind turbines provided 11 percent of power demand last year, generators earn rates as much as 11 times more for renewable energy compared with burning fossil fuels.

The premiums paid for solar, biomass, wave and wind power - - which are charged to consumers in their bills -- translated into a $774,000 cost for each Spanish “green job” created since 2000, said Gabriel Calzada, an economics professor at the university and author of the report.

“The loss of jobs could be greater if you account for the amount of lost industry that moves out of the country due to higher energy prices,” he said in an interview.

Job Losses From Obama Green Stimulus Foreseen in Spanish Study - Bloomberg

Milloins of jobs lost! Be afraid be very afraid. Mushroom clouds in 45 minutes!

I noticed you didn't address the Spanish failure...I assume it's because you have no rebuttal. And how many jobs do you think we've lost to China and the other Asian countries? Get a clue before you post:eusa_eh:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for power Plants to limit mercury, acid gases and other toxic pollution from power plants, keeping 91 percent of the mercury in coal from being released to the air. Harmful particle pollution will also be reduced, preventing hundreds of thousands of illnesses and up to 17,000 premature deaths each year. Currently, there are no national limits on the amount of mercury and other toxic air pollution released from power plant smokestacks.

Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for Power Plants | US EPA

Looks like fear mongering from the right, as usual.

:doubt:You've got to love the way these libs just suck up some made up numbers as fact. Small minds are easily manipulated:cuckoo: Also as more manufacturing is shipped overseas, more pollution is spewed out by these less developed counties. So what does that mean we are making the problem worst:eusa_whistle:A little too much logic for the libs
Democrats know regulations kill jobs & are proud of it.

CNBC Interview of Democrat Senator Barney Frank
Barney Frank - "I think that the financial sector included an element of activity that was not terribly productive. And while we didn't exclusively ban it, if the effect of regulating it better, saying you can't sell..."

Andrew Ross Sorkin -"But less jobs at a time when people want more jobs, correct?"

Barney Frank - "Yes. And that is when you stop an activity. Look, if you knock off drug dealers you'll have fewer jobs. These are not drug dealers. I don't think make work makes sense for the federal government. I don't think it makes sense in the private sector"... "If the effect of better regulation, of requiring people to post capital is that there are then going to be fewer people doing some of the activities that I don't think were especially useful that is a reasonable price"
Obama bust creating jobs again...

By Tony Gutierrez, AP
EPA rules would require more than 90% reductions in mercury and other harmful emissions from cement plants such as this one in in Midlothian, Texas.
EnlargeCloseBy Tony Gutierrez, AP
EPA rules would require more than 90% reductions in mercury and other harmful emissions from cement plants such as this one in in Midlothian, Texas.

A year later, the industry's efforts may be gaining traction.

This month, a Birmingham, Ala., cement manufacturer who says the new environmental rules have delayed his planned $350 million plant expansion, was House Speaker John Boehner's guest at President Obama's jobs speech to Congress. Last week, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would require the administration to evaluate the economic toll of new EPA rules on cement and other industries.

Next week, the House is set to take up legislation that would delay the cement rules by at least five years — part of a larger plan outlined recently by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., to target 10 "job-destroying regulations."

"We're glad to see that somebody's noticing," said Andy O'Hare, vice president of the Portland Cement Association, a trade group that raised concerns with House Republicans last year. O'Hare says the new rules, aimed at sharply reducing mercury and other toxic emissions, would force the closure of 18 of nearly 100 U.S. plants and eliminate about 1,800 jobs.

Cement production fell sharply during the recession, leading to the loss of about 4,000 jobs, industry officials say. They say the new rules will drive business overseas

House GOP looks to curb EPA rules on concrete
^ Reductions in Obama upcoming...
Hutsonville power plant to close

In particular, they said, the EPA’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, which requires companies to reduce their sulfur dioxide emissions by 73 percent and nitrogen oxide emissions by 54 percent, would cost too much.

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