Epic 'ObamaCare' Far From Over


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. While half of the costs for Obamacare are stolen from Medicare, the other half will come from increases in taxes. The Obamacare tax increases will total $503 billion between 2010 and 2019. JCX-17-10

a. There are taxes on investments, and on higher-income taxpayers. Small businesses will be burdened with mountains of paperwork (IRS reports of any sum over $600 per vendor…designed to catch tax cheats, and raise $17 billion over ten years).

b. But most of the PPACA taxes will be related to health care, and as such, will affect all Americans. An example, is the limitation on the Blue Cross/Blue Shield special tax deduction. Who so you suppose will be paying that increase? “Based on a research study commissioned by the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, we believe that premiums will increase as a result of provisions in the reform legislation that will guarantee richer levels of benefits…” Blue Cross Blue Shield

c. Health care spending accounts, presently tax-favored, there will be an increased 20% tax penalty (double what is was) if you purchase goods disallowed by the law, including a new tax on brand name drugs. Companies providing medical devices and insurance will see new taxes that will assuredly be passed on to consumers.

d. Most of the new taxes kick in after the election…including an increase in the Medicare payroll tax from 2.9 to 3.8%, if you and your spouse earn over $250,000. And a new 3.8% tax on ‘unearned’ or investment income, if you reach a certain income threshold: stocks, bonds, dividends, rents and even the sale of your home! http://everythinghealthcare.wordpress.com/2010/

e. CBO states Medicare taxes will account for $210 billion in additional federal revenue between 2010 and 2019. Baker Hostetler | News / Resources | Health Law Update

f. In 2018, there will be a tax on “Cadillac high-value” policies, @ $10,200/ individual and $27, 500/ families, the insurance company will pay an excise tax of 40% on any thing above that, and this is expected to raise $32 billion during the first two years alone. Care to guess what will happen to premiums?

And, in a related story:

2. White House has diverted $500M to IRS to implement healthcare law
By Sam Baker - 04/09/12 05:15 AM ET

The Obama administration is quietly diverting roughly $500 million to the IRS to help implement the president’s healthcare law.

The money is only part of the IRS’s total implementation spending, and it is being provided outside the normal appropriations process. The tax agency is responsible for several key provisions of the new law, including the unpopular individual mandate.
White House has diverted $500M to IRS to implement healthcare law - The Hill's Healthwatch
obama intends to enforce obamacare even if it is struck down.

Not certain he will try to pull an Andrew Jackson... President Andrew Jackson is supposed to have said: "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!"

But I am concerned that he has gotten a heads-up from the Sotomayor-Kagan axis, and has reason to believe that he will win in the Court.....
obama intends to enforce obamacare even if it is struck down.

Not certain he will try to pull an Andrew Jackson... President Andrew Jackson is supposed to have said: "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!"

But I am concerned that he has gotten a heads-up from the Sotomayor-Kagan axis, and has reason to believe that he will win in the Court.....

He just gave the IRS half a billion to start enforcing some of the Obamacare oversights for the IRS. obama gives 500 million to IRS - Bing News
obama intends to enforce obamacare even if it is struck down.

Not certain he will try to pull an Andrew Jackson... President Andrew Jackson is supposed to have said: "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!"

But I am concerned that he has gotten a heads-up from the Sotomayor-Kagan axis, and has reason to believe that he will win in the Court.....

He just gave the IRS half a billion to start enforcing some of the Obamacare oversights for the IRS. obama gives 500 million to IRS - Bing News

When he starts enforcing an illegal law, what will that do to his rapidly diminishing popularity?
Not certain he will try to pull an Andrew Jackson... President Andrew Jackson is supposed to have said: "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!"

But I am concerned that he has gotten a heads-up from the Sotomayor-Kagan axis, and has reason to believe that he will win in the Court.....

He just gave the IRS half a billion to start enforcing some of the Obamacare oversights for the IRS. obama gives 500 million to IRS - Bing News

When he starts enforcing an illegal law, what will that do to his rapidly diminishing popularity?


...Liberals don't have the capacity to change their perspective. While they claim to support the law, these folks voted for
a. affirmative action, creation of different classes based on skin color
b. a legislative icon who was responsible for the death of a young girl, and who plotted with the Russians against the President of the United States
c. a rapist who lost his license for perjury....
d. a radical who supported infanticide, and lived under the tutelage of an America-hater...

The vaunted Main Stream Media?
Do you think they will suddenly support the alternative? They're Liberals.

November's election will presage America's future....

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