Zone1 Eponymous Nomian Patriarch Genetic Religions Of Torahnism And Qurayshism : Isaac Versus Ishmael Sacrifice Circumcision Option

" Reflective Absence Of Palindrome "

* Prognostication From Gnome Nose *

Look , ewe bin popping a lot of kernels to create a huge corn ball retort .
Dying to self turns on all the learning centers in the brain.
Consider the nativity of Israel as described at the beginning of Ez.16. The bloody babe is Sarah's mother making Sarah Hamitic/Semitic. The bloody babe's father was an Amorite who was a son of Canaan who was a son of Ham who was a son of Noah.
Consider the nativity of Israel as described at the beginning of Ez.16. The bloody babe is Sarah's mother making Sarah Hamitic/Semitic. The bloody babe's father was an Amorite who was a son of Canaan who was a son of Ham who was a son of Noah.

Jerusalem as the adulterous wife.

This is an extended parable
A parable is a brief story with a setting, an action, and a result. A prominent aspect of Jesus' teaching was telling parables to illustrate something about the kingdom, or reign, of God.

More of the history of Israel as God’s wife. Raised and loved by God from childhood, Israel repays the Lord with wanton idolatry and faithlessness.


This is an extended parable
A parable is a brief story with a setting, an action, and a result. A prominent aspect of Jesus' teaching was telling parables to illustrate something about the kingdom, or reign, of God.

More of the history of Israel as God’s wife. Raised and loved by God from childhood, Israel repays the Lord with wanton idolatry and faithlessness.

This is an extended parable
A parable is a brief story with a setting, an action, and a result. A prominent aspect of Jesus' teaching was telling parables to illustrate something about the kingdom, or reign, of God.

More of the history of Israel as God’s wife. Raised and loved by God from childhood, Israel repays the Lord with wanton idolatry and faithlessness.

Yes, Israel's unfaithfulness is legendary but that doesn't address Israels genealogy, which I believe was the main point of this thread. Ez. 16 v3-6 does. I was 8 the first time I read the OT and I asked the lord a question about Gen 15 v16. What in the world was the iniquity of the Amorites? 50 yrs. later and after reading the bible a dozen times or more, He finally allowed me to see the answer to that question through the story of the bloody babe.


Spittle-dribbling Monkey is vomiting incomprehensibility again.
" Overt Descriptions Of The Changing Tide "

* Dismantling Festering Lies Of Social Degeneracy *

" Qurayshism Does Not Apply Outside Of Hejaz "

* Violates Principles Of Non Violence And Individualism By Doctrine *

Does arab cultural hegemony seek to implement the sectarian supremacy of fictional ishmaelism ?

" Informed Consent About Less Valid Perspectives

* Curtailing Salvation Salesmen Duping Fools Through Ignorance *

The objective is direct and includes the specific purpose of limiting the scope of directives for violence by doctrine in the torah and qurayn to establish the respective city states of israel and hejaz ,

The surah 9 was written 113th out of 114 in chronology and is easily regarded as hate speech , which is tolerable so long as its scope is confined to hejaz , while all others are entitled to self defense against adherents of fictional ishmaelism whose expectations assert that qurayshism applies outside of hejaz .

Consequent to that objective is to establish principles of non violence and individualism as a more valid and formal basis for reason within political science .

There is not a difference between a religion and the edicts and tenets of creed which comprise it , and there is not an exception in us first amendment as a religion when its creed includes edicts or tenets to violate principles of non violence and individualism .
" Submission To By No Name Will A Law Be Made Paradox "

* Penchant Particulars About Certain Terminology *

From this vantage point there is not such thing as a religion that could be termed islam .

The term islam is an infinitive meaning " to submit " that necessarily cannot include a specific predicate or consequent to which one would be inclined to submit .

The term islam is thus regarded as orwellian double speak with a pretentious and preposterous intent of proclaiming a universality for something that cannot be explicitly established .

Given the success criteria of nature for survival , the genetic religions of qurayshism and torahnism are understandable , while any universal pretenses for fictional ishmaelism remain debase .

* Populism For Abdication To Authoritarian Dictates Is Regressive *

Muslim socialist leaders believe in the derivation of legitimacy from the public, and wish to implement a government based on social welfare and the concept of zakat. In practice, this has been seen through guaranteed incomes, pensions, and welfare.

* Valid Interests By A State For Principles Of Non Violence And Individualism *

From principles of non violence , violence is illegitimate aggression , where self defense against violence is legitimate aggression .

From principles of individualism , violence against an individual includes illegitimate aggression against self ownership , where self ownership entitles an individual to free roam , to free association and to progeny .

From principles of individualism , violence against an individual includes illegitimate aggression against self determination , where self determination entitles an individual to private property and willful intents through contracts , which are made valid through informed consent .

A credo from a motto of e pluribus unum for us republic expects independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

An individual may be a single individual citizen , or a collective of individuals as a greater individual , whether as a state , or as a federate , or as a corporate .

* Another Anomaly Of Diction *

" Say Yearn Prayers But Do Not Claim Absolution By Divine Authority To Implement Social Norms "

* Legal Positivism Versus Calls For Abdication To The Lofted Ass Holes Of All Others Before Us *

Actually this is being simplified , so that the literal meaning for an after life , and the success criteria of nature to survive , are not misconstrued by sectarian supremacists touting nomian dictates and claiming themselves as officiates for the will of gawd , to who all are to submit and be complicit .
" Plenty Of Victims To Go Around Among Dominated And Converted Patsies "

* Non Self Validating Fantasy Wonder Land *

Keep in mind that the conquered and disgraced former persians are not lineal descendants of ishmael within hejaz and also not arabs , however the guild of its ideologues is to promote a pretentious supremacy for arab cultural hegemony as twelvers waiting for some figment of muhammad to descend from the clouds .

The term Twelver is based on the belief that twelve male descendants from the family of Muhammad, starting with ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib and ending with Muhammad al-Mahdi, are Imams who have religious and political authority.[16]

* History Of Sunni Arabs And Shia Non Arabs Goaded By Arabs *

The Umayyad Caliphate had four main social classes:
  1. Muslim Arabs
  2. Muslim non-Arabs (clients of the Muslim Arabs)
  3. Dhimmis (non-Muslim free persons such as Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians)
  4. Slaves
The Muslim Arabs were at the top of the society and saw it as their duty to rule over the conquered areas. The Arab Muslims held themselves in higher esteem than Muslim non-Arabs and generally did not mix with other Muslims.

As Islam spread, more and more of the Muslim population consisted of non-Arabs. This caused social unrest, as the new converts were not given the same rights as Muslim Arabs.
Also, as conversions increased, tax revenues (peasant tax) from non-Muslims decreased to dangerous lows. These issues continued to worsen until they helped cause the Abbasid Revolt in the 740s.

The Umayyad caliphate was marked both by territorial expansion and by the administrative and cultural problems that such expansion created. Despite some notable exceptions, the Umayyads tended to favor the rights of the old Arab families, and in particular their own, over those of newly converted Muslims (mawali). Therefore, they held to a less universalist conception of Islam than did many of their rivals. As G.R. Hawting has written, "Islam was in fact regarded as the property of the conquering aristocracy."[190]

The Abbasid caliphs were Arabs descended from Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, one of the youngest uncles of Muhammad and of the same Banu Hashim clan. The Abbasids claimed to be the true successors of Muhammad in replacing the Umayyad descendants of Banu Umayya by virtue of their closer bloodline to Muhammad.
According to Ira Lapidus, "The Abbasid revolt was supported largely by Arabs, mainly the aggrieved settlers of Merv with the addition of the Yemeni faction and their Mawali".[15] The Abbasids also appealed to non-Arab Muslims, known as mawali, who remained outside the kinship-based society of the Arabs and were perceived as a lower class within the Umayyad empire. Muhammad ibn 'Ali, a great-grandson of Abbas, began to campaign in Persia for the return of power to the family of Muhammad, the Hashemites, during the reign of Umar II.
" Subjugation Posture Beckoning For A Prostate Massage "

* When I Slam A Phobia Makes More Sense *

That you use the terms muslims , or islam , rather than applying the more adequate terms qurayshism or fictional ishmaelism is an overt mistake .

The third world is mostly homogeneous and numerically over represented globally , and disproportionately non japhetic , while the anti-racist racism of multi-culturalism is instigated for arab cultural hegemony with the purposes of continuing to subdue the lineages of japheth so as to deprive its peoples of any entitlement for self determination .

Breeding into poverty beyond economic and environmental carrying capacity with little else to do , other than remain on call to rant and rave about the despair , seems to be a typical trend and expectation of sectarian supremacists .

The Gaza Strip is 41 kilometres (25 miles) long, from 6 to 12 km (3.7 to 7.5 mi) wide, and has a total area of 365 km2 (141 sq mi).[20][21] With around 2 million Palestinians[22] on approximately 365 km2 (141 sq mi) of land, Gaza has one of the world's highest population densities.[23][24] The Gza Strip contains eight refugee camps.[25] Sunni Muslims make up most of Gaza's population, with a Palestinian Christian minority. Gaza has an annual population growth rate of 1.99% (2023 est.), the 39th-highest in the world.[26] Gaza's unemployment rate is among the highest in the world, with an overall unemployment rate of 46% and a youth unemployment rate of ~70%, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, while the population has one of the highest literacy rates in the world.[27][28][29]
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This is an extended parable
A parable is a brief story with a setting, an action, and a result. A prominent aspect of Jesus' teaching was telling parables to illustrate something about the kingdom, or reign, of God.

More of the history of Israel as God’s wife. Raised and loved by God from childhood, Israel repays the Lord with wanton idolatry and faithlessness.

The OT is an account of people who cycle between remembering God and forgetting God.
" Anxiety For The Witless Trolling "

* Fraudsters Worried About Losing The Conjectural Edge *

There is no yearn when dying to self. There’s only reality.
The literal meaning of an after life is to pass on ones genetic identity through offspring .

Do not confuse the literal meaning of an after life with the conjectural means by which to achieve it .
" Anxiety For The Witless Trolling "

* Fraudsters Worried About Losing The Conjectural Edge *

The literal meaning of an after life is to pass on ones genetic identity through offspring .

Do not confuse the literal meaning of an after life with the conjectural means by which to achieve it .
No. That’s called natural selection.

One should not focus on the destination while they are still on their journey. Better to live in the present. Which is where God is discovered.
" Pretentious Trite Quips Without Relevance "

* Orwellian Double Think Speak For Uniform Fetish Control Freaks *

No. That’s called natural selection.
One should not focus on the destination while they are still on their journey. Better to live in the present. Which is where God is discovered.
The meaning of an after life is to literally pass on ones genetic identity through offspring , which is a success criteria of nature that has not changed .

The generic religions of torahnism and qurayshism are limited in scope with the geographic regions of israel and hejaz , whereas fictional ishmaelism is a debase pretense that qurayshism applies outside of hejaz .

The term is islam is an infinitive meaning " to submit " and the term " muslim " means " one who submits " , neither of which can have any generic meaning or specific reference , such that one can practice islam in a bdsm dungeon by being a muslim to a dominatrix ,

* Ding Dong Fortune Cookie Advice *
Perhaps the most intriguing of all experiences compared to drug-induced altered states of consciousness is that of “death” or “dying” (Grof and Halifax, 1977, Leary et al., 1966, Strassman, 2001). Such comparison is evident in the etymology of word “ayahuasca” (“vine of the dead” in the Quechua language), an Amazonian concoction with psychedelic effects induced by N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) (Schultes and Raffauf, 2004, Schultes and Hofmann, 2001).
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" Pretentious Trite Quips Without Relevance "

* Orwellian Double Think Speak For Uniform Fetish Control Freaks *

The meaning of an after life is to literally pass on ones genetic identity through offspring , which is a success criteria of nature that has not changed .

The generic religions of torahnism and qurayshism are limited in scope with the geographic regions of israel and hejaz , whereas fictional ishmaelism is a debase pretense that qurayshism applies outside of hejaz .

The term is islam is an infinitive meaning " to submit " and the term " muslim " means " one who submits " , neither of which can have any generic meaning or specific reference , such that one can practice islam in a bdsm dungeon by being a muslim to a dominatrix ,

* Ding Dong Fortune Cookie Advice *
Perhaps the most intriguing of all experiences compared to drug-induced altered states of consciousness is that of “death” or “dying” (Grof and Halifax, 1977, Leary et al., 1966, Strassman, 2001). Such comparison is evident in the etymology of word “ayahuasca” (“vine of the dead” in the Quechua language), an Amazonian concoction with psychedelic effects induced by N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) (Schultes and Raffauf, 2004, Schultes and Hofmann, 2001).
It's still called natural selection and an even more intriguing experience is people thinking they are alive when they are really dead. You can spot them easily; they only know what something isn't.
" A Law In Nature Is A Success Criteria For Genetic Continuance "

* Black Hole Vanity Lacks Reflection Contemplates Involution *

It's still called natural selection and an even more intriguing experience is people thinking they are alive when they are really dead. You can spot them easily; they only know what something isn't.
As is a quality of an irrational number , a quality of infinitude includes the properties of being and becoming through some transition .

If a basis of creation includes a property of being and becoming through some transition , as a quality of infinitude , then aspects of creation emulate a quality of infinitude by induction .

By deduction , from empirical evidence of an emulation for a quality of infinitude in creation , properties of being and becoming through some transition are included in genetic procreation .

* Last Words On Gawd From Ha Shem Eponymous Patriarchy *

Any opinions or evidence or conclusions regarding the OP are inconsequential and anecdotal as they do not affect a relevance for delineating between torahnism , quayshism and fictional ishmaelism .

It is well known to Muslims, Christians and Jews that Abraham(P) was ordered to sacrifice his son and he was willing to do so but God gave him a sheep to sacrifice instead of his cherished progeny. So far, everybody agrees. However, Jews and Christians say that the sacrificed was Isaac(P) -"Abraham's only son", whereas according to the Islamic tradition the sacrificed is Ishmael(P).

According to the Qur'ân, the sacrificed cannot be Isaac(P). According to authentic Islamic tradition, the sacrificed is Ishmael(P). The Muslim scholars have solved this case a long time ago and, very early in the history of Islam, the popular Islamic tradition has integrated the fact that Ishmael(P) was the sacrificed.
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As is a quality of an irrational number , a quality of infinitude includes the properties of being and becoming through some transition .
You can only know what something was meant to be by how it ends not how it begins.
If a basis of creation includes a property of being and becoming through some transition , as a quality of infinitude , then aspects of creation emulate a quality of infinitude by induction .
At the heart of all creations is love.
By deduction , from empirical evidence of an emulation for a quality of infinitude in creation , properties of being and becoming through some transition are included in genetic procreation .
That's natural selection.
Any opinions or evidence or conclusions regarding the OP are inconsequential and anecdotal as they do not affect a relevance for delineating between torahnism , quayshism and fictional ishmaelism .
Unless of course the infinitesimal is inversely squared and relevance delineating.

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