Epstein Pilot - Trump Flew on the Lolita Express

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and that he was told not to come back. hmmmmmm you chasing cars again dog?
Going to Mar A Lago doesn't mean visiting Trump. Mar A Lago is a membership golf club. Members come and go whenever they want. When Trump got ONE complaint about Epstein his membership was terminated and he was barred from all Trump properties anywhere in the world.

Epstein's visits to the white house ended when Clinton left office.
You have one guy making a claim he can't back up.

Unless you can produce FAA logs you are a proven liar.

I am under no obligation to post the evidence you want. I posted evidence Trump traveled more than once on the Lolita Express. Not my problem that you want more evidence.
LOL. Why investigate Prince Edward, he isn't looking into running for office? Why investigate Maxine, she's not running for office? Why investigate the whole thing since Epstein is dead? Come on. The witnesses have specifically said that they are not accusing Trump of anything. Why isn't that good enough for you?
So? The same witnesses are not accusing Clinton of anything either, yet here you are, saying we should worry about Clinton. Again, Clinton is ancient news. No one cares.
so if clinton did in fact fly to pedo island, you don't care cause he's not running for office.

what a fucking assnugget.
False. I would care if there was any evidence he touched anyone inappropriately. There's no evidence of that. What I said was no one is going to "worry" about Clinton as he's ancient news and not running for anything. Trump is looking like he will be running for office again. So his connections with Epstein will continue to follow him.
False. I would care if there was any evidence he touched anyone inappropriately. There's no evidence of that. What I said was no one is going to "worry" about Clinton as he's ancient news and not running for anything. Trump is looking like he will be running for office again. So his connections with Epstein will continue to follow him.
Actual retard at least ONE of the girls claimed Clinton had sex with her.
One has nothing to do with the other.
True. Epstein visited the White House before being charged and arrested for sex crimes. Whereas Epstein continued visiting Mar-a-Lago even after being charged and arrested for sex crimes
There is nothing that can be done to Prince Andrew.
I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the poster who said Trump is running for president, therefore he should be investigated, even though the witnesses themselves have said Trump did nothing. But investigate anyway.
So? The same witnesses are not accusing Clinton of anything either, yet here you are, saying we should worry about Clinton. Again, Clinton is ancient news. No one cares.
I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of the poster who said we should investigate Trump, even though the witnesses specifically said Trump did nothing other than being introduced.
This is my favorite dirty trick. Claim a link was already provided in a thread 56 pages long and refuse to provide it.
To be clear the claim is not that the current trial made the claim but that a girl previously made the claim and that Clinton was on the Island and you ignored it so I have no compassion for your whining now.
To be clear the claim is not that the current trial made the claim but that a girl previously made the claim and that Clinton was on the Island and you ignored it so I have no compassion for your whining now.
Wow,that must bother you. But not as much as the child rape claim against the guy you voted for. Now THAT must really annoy you.
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