Epstein Pilot - Trump Flew on the Lolita Express

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To be clear the claim is not that the current trial made the claim but that a girl previously made the claim and that Clinton was on the Island and you ignored it so I have no compassion for your whining now.
This is another of my favorite dirty right wing tricks.

Make a claim of “having sex”
Actual retard at least ONE of the girls claimed Clinton had sex with her.
And then magically turn it into “was on the island”
a girl previously made the claim and that Clinton was on the Island
There’s are WAY different.
Going to Mar A Lago doesn't mean visiting Trump. Mar A Lago is a membership golf club. Members come and go whenever they want. When Trump got ONE complaint about Epstein his membership was terminated and he was barred from all Trump properties anywhere in the world.

Epstein's visits to the white house ended when Clinton left office.
Yep, what I said.
To be clear the claim is not that the current trial made the claim but that a girl previously made the claim and that Clinton was on the Island and you ignored it so I have no compassion for your whining now.

Now you're changing what you said. Changing what you said is a tacit admission that even you know you lied.

This is another of my favorite dirty right wing tricks.

Make a claim of “having sex”

And then magically turn it into “was on the island”

There’s are WAY different.
I believe one claimed on the plane. but you don't believe women unless one's name is Kavanaugh. I know. those pesky names.
I guess you dont know what AND means? english your second language?
I’m aware that people have claimed he was on the island. That was Giuffre. She did not claim she was aware he ever did anything with anyone. (She also claimed that she was pimped out to Alan Dershowitz).

I’ve never seen anyone with Epstein claim that Clinton did anything to them.

I think you’re confused.
I believe one claimed on the plane. but you don't believe women unless one's name is Kavanaugh. I know. those pesky names.
^^^ another liar.

No one ever has.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to post.
I’m aware that people have claimed he was on the island. That was Giuffre. She did not claim she was aware he ever did anything with anyone. (She also claimed that she was pimped out to Alan Dershowitz).

I’ve never seen anyone with Epstein claim that Clinton did anything to them.

I think you’re confused.
so again trogladite, you don't believe the girls. gotcha. kavanaugh though, ohhhh boi. you better fking watch out there, right?
I’m aware that people have claimed he was on the island. That was Giuffre. She did not claim she was aware he ever did anything with anyone. (She also claimed that she was pimped out to Alan Dershowitz).

I’ve never seen anyone with Epstein claim that Clinton did anything to them.

I think you’re confused.
Yeah, he must be thinking of Trump who actually was accused by one of Epstein's sex slaves of raping her.
so again trogladite, you don't believe the girls. gotcha. kavanaugh though, ohhhh boi. you better fking watch out there, right?
No, we believe the girls. It's you we don't believe.

I am under no obligation to post the evidence you want. I posted evidence Trump traveled more than once on the Lolita Express. Not my problem that you want more evidence.
You posted no evidence. You posted something some clown put on the innerweb.

Bring the FAA records. Until then, you are a proven liar.
You posted no evidence. You posted something some clown put on the innerweb.

Bring the FAA records. Until then, you are a proven liar.
A news report is evidence. Even if you don't like what it says.
A news report is evidence. Even if you don't like what it says.
No, a news report is just that. A news report.

When they can't provide any evidence to back up their claims they have no evidence.

You are still a proven liar, liar.
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