Equilibrium: Revelation/Capitalism [Wilson Hammer]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Remember all the advertising splendor that came with the iconic 1990s Wilson Hammer tennis-racquet?

Does capitalism/marketing remind you of films like Jerry Maguire or King of New York?

This is a capitalism-consciousness prescription-diorama inspired by Casino.

There's no reason America/capitalism can not sound...clinical (right?)!

Signing off (Happy Halloween),



"We know of the indulgences of the Roman Empire and why Christianity indirectly led to its downfall. There were palaces and bath-houses of great sin/temptation and slaves enduring abominable conditions. Was this the precursor to capitalism?"


"Today's American 'empire' sees domination in science, arts, military, fashion, and even food. However, America is democratic and not like the Roman Empire. Nevertheless, America is still 'vulnerable' to the sins of arrogance and pride, so why does the Book of Revelation (Christian Bible) suggest that the 'AntiChrist' (adversary of Jesus Christ) will emerge at the prophetic 'End of Days' in a land of 'many peoples' (e.g., America!) to seduce humanity away from civics? Would such an 'AntiChrist' be a movie-star making movies about capitalism follies, such as The Wolf of Wall Street or Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps?"


"Imagine that a movie-star in modern-day America is experimenting with making offbeat films about the more 'eccentric' sides of American cultural history, such as The Revenant and Gangs of New York and My Own Private Idaho. Such a 'celebrity' might be considered a 'messenger' of creative ideas regarding the 'variegation' of the American ethos and hence capitalism itself. What would such a movie-star (even if he were not the AntiChrist!) say about the marketing-ideology of the capitalism-hypnotizing Wilson Hammer tennis-racquet? Would we feel closer to understanding the 'morass' of capitalism itself?"


"Americans love sci-fi films about great labyrinths and intrigue, perhaps because America is such a land of pluralism and controversy and sometimes scandal. Gender-rights is an important subject for American educators and artists and hence politicians. Why then does the Book of Revelation suggest that the mysterious Harlot of Babylon who rides atop a symbolic 'dragon' or monster or 'beast' to draw men towards rebelliousness stir our curiosity about the 'contours' of gender-rights values in American democracy negotiation? Why, for that matter, are actresses in iconic dystopian-themed modern sci-fi films such as Alien and Prometheus considered 'diplomats' of democracy-controversies? Are Americans paranoid about social values?"


"We'd love to think that Jesus Christ will return at the End of Days and 'fight' the AntiChrist and dispel him easily, but what if matters are not so clear/simple? What if modern-day 'princes' (e.g., Wall Street yuppies), fascinated by cinematic images of incredible fantasy-realm monarchs and sentinels, choose to embrace all the 'capitalism-vices' of America while arrogantly neglecting the labors of ethics/metaphysics? In that case, Jesus would have a challenging time simply 'convincing' the masses that the AntiChrist is basically a stranger."


"Americans love incredible stories and fantastic/outlandish characters, which is why comic books and fantasy-genre films and pulp-novels are so easily marketable in America. Today, there are countless comics-adapted and fantasy-films being made in Hollywood (USA) such as Marvel's Avengers and The Hobbit. Are Americans anticipating the 'coming' of some bizarre 'corrupting stranger' (such as the AntiChrist)?"


"The Scarecrow (DC Comics) is a harvest-omen themed comic book 'super-villain' who dresses up in a hideous scarecrow-costume and wields a deadly fear-toxin which he uses to drive men in a fictional place called Gotham City, which is seething with criminal insanity and evil, completely insane. Scarecrow reminds us that capitalism continues to be a 'negotiation' as he terrorizes normal traffic, pedestrianism, marketplaces, and even places of sanctuary. The question is, 'Could the Scarecrow be a gate-keeper of piracy?'."


SCARECROW: Americans love marketing sports and cheeseburgers.
TRUMP: Capitalism promotes recreational enjoyments.
SCARECROW: Do people actually 'value' Disney World?
TRUMP: I think Americans do care about hospitality and amenities.
SCARECROW: What about unruly movie-stars hotel-hopping on drugs?
TRUMP: Every society has 'problems' and America embraces ideals.
SCARECROW: Really? What about Enron, racism, and illegal immigration?
TRUMP: If you look at how kids love watching Michael Jordan on TV, you feel optimistic.
SCARECROW: What if the AntiChrist comes with a message of 'junk-food'?
TRUMP: The U.S. Government cares about the role of the FDA.
SCARECROW: The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the EPA are not 'above reproach.'
TRUMP: The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) works to deliver real governance!
SCARECROW: We'll see if Wall Street continues to engender 'diplomacy.'
TRUMP: I would be shocked if it did not.



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