Equity of outcome. The big leftist lie behind all of this.

You may have existed for 60 years but hardly lived.
Based on your manner of expression, there is a bullet out there with your name on it waiting for you. Keep seeking and ye shall find.

Why would a bullet be waiting? Because somebody white can't face the truth?. Bitch, I've traveled all over this country and several others. I have indeed lived and will live. I am not scared.
Why would a bullet be waiting? Because somebody white can't face the truth?. Bitch, I've traveled all over this country and several others. I have indeed lived and will live. I am not scared.

Of course you are or we'd have met boy.
This was the beginning of affirmative action for whites. Specifically white males.

View attachment 555841

United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization” (March 26, 1790).

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof on application to any common law Court of record in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such Court that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law to support the Constitution of the United States, which Oath or Affirmation such Court shall administer, and the Clerk of such Court shall record such Application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a Citizen of the United States. And the children of such person so naturalized, dwelling within the United States, being under the age of twenty one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as citizens of the United States. And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens: Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States . . .

Man up and face the truth.

You're the last person I'd seek education from.
Enjoy your interwebz snippets.
No you won't shut me up. You will face the truth that your white ass was guaranteed an outcome by government policy at every level. You've achieved nothing by effort or responsibility.

So, why are there more poor whites in this country than any other race?
So, why are there more poor whites in this country than any other race?
1 out of every 9 whites are poor. 1 out of every 4 blacks are.

The laws were made to exclude blacks from wealth, poor whites went along with the exclusion.
1 out of every 9 whites are poor. 1 out of every 4 blacks are.

The laws were made to exclude blacks from wealth, poor whites went along with the exclusion.

So they have no guarantee then?!? Thanks.
Sorry, but that is just stupid. All people are not created equal. Some are smarter than others. Some are stronger than others. Some are taller than others. Some happen to have talents that are valued by society, and some might have talents that are not valued. There is no equality of opportunity, nor should there be an equality of outcome. Society should be structured so that the advantages one has, through the talents they are born or to the circumstances of their birth, are exploited, not only for their own benefit, but for the benefit of the weakest members of our society. Take David Letterman. He made millions and millions of dollars because society valued his talent. Does he not owe a debt to that society that values his talents. Because make no mistake about it, had he been born a thousand years ago that talent would not have been so valued, and if he wasn't a good hunter and gatherer, well he might have found himself dependent upon the goodwill of others.

He didn't get to pick the society he was born into. None of us can. Nor can we pick either our parents, or even our birth order. Yet both make a huge difference in outcome. I love the lecture from Michael Sandel where he explains just this. Here he is at Harvard University, big lecture class, probably close to a thousand students. He asked everyone who is a first born child to raise their hands. It is probably at least eighty percent of the class, and as the camera pans through the class you can see the light bulbs going off. Suddenly, all these students, who really believed that they were sitting in Harvard strictly because of their hard work and dedication to their studies, come to the realization that a part of their success just might have came from their birth order, which they had no control over.

Here is the thing, this whole bullshit myth, equal opportunity, ambition and work ethic is all it takes to succeed, is simply a con perpetuated by the rich and powerful to protect their own position in society and to minimize, what rightfully should be taken, the price they pay to a society that values their talents. Obama said it himself, there are plenty of poor people that both work hard and have ambition. If that is all it took to succeed in our society they would be successful as well. But the real problem here is that by denying the justice that is compensating society for the gifts one has that are not of an individuals own creation, we as a society lose so much. Today, in Charlotte NC, one set of students is sitting in a classroom with mold on the walls and using books that are more than a decade old. In another section of the city a group of students is working on their school provided laptops, in pristine classrooms. Is the difference due to ambition and work ethic? No, it is simply a function of the circumstances of their birth. In the former set of circumstances I can promise you, there is someone that might discover the cure for cancer, might build a warp drive, might be the next great artist. But they won't get there. In the later will be some slackass, not unlike myself, that will piss away his opportunities and still live a successful life. Society as a whole pays that price in opportunity costs, and until we rectify the situation, we will never become as "great" as we proclaim to be.
Ahhh, the "I'm a victim" mentality. got it
What equity means is that you are afforded the exact same opportunities as everyone else.
You may have to try harder to achieve all you can be.
Ahhh, the "I'm a victim" mentality. got it
What equity means is that you are afforded the exact same opportunities as everyone else.
You may have to try harder to achieve all you can be.

'VICTIM'S' cannot compete. They only take.
'VICTIM'S' cannot compete. They only take.
IMO, a person can take control of his life, and make it what it is.
A 'victim' has life take control of him/her.

Life is full of choices, and the consequences of those choices for good or bad.
I replied to your first line because that pretty much describes your last two clap trap posts. At the moment of birth, all humans are equal. One second later it begins to change because of all of the extraneous bullshit that happens in a person's life. As for your "white kid in Philly" analogy, how do you explain the white players that have excelled, John Stockton from pure white Spokane, WA. Tony Kukoc and Drazen Petrovic from white Croatia which was war torn during much of their lives. Pau Gasol, Spain--do they even play b-ball in that country? Maybe you should wise up before calling others stupid.
And no, not all humans are equal at the moment of birth. That is just total bullshit. Genetics, birth order, the parents we have. I mean you could be born a genius, or you could be born with Down's syndrome. Do you really believe those two circumstances are equal? And my point was, there is not a single white player in the NBA that was raised in a single parent household with below average income. That was my white player in Philly. Stockton, he was a third generation college athlete, he went to a private prep High School. Kukoc's father was a professional football player, that is soccer if you will. Gasol's mother was a doctor and father a hospital administrator and both had played organized basketball.
And no, not all humans are equal at the moment of birth. That is just total bullshit. Genetics, birth order, the parents we have. I mean you could be born a genius, or you could be born with Down's syndrome. Do you really believe those two circumstances are equal? And my point was, there is not a single white player in the NBA that was raised in a single parent household with below average income. That was my white player in Philly. Stockton, he was a third generation college athlete, he went to a private prep High School. Kukoc's father was a professional football player, that is soccer if you will. Gasol's mother was a doctor and father a hospital administrator and both had played organized basketball.
Not sure you're on the same chapter, Winston.
IMO, a person can take control of his life, and make it what it is.
A 'victim' has life take control of him/her.

Life is full of choices, and the consequences of those choices for good or bad.

Life is an IQ test.
A 'victim identity' has 0/zero IQ!
Their only option is to throw themselves to the generosity of strangers or growing Big Gov't or both!
They might as well be illegals, in this respect!!
Both have no shame. Only taxpayer's pockets.
Life is an IQ test.
A 'victim identity' has 0/zero IQ!
Their only option is to throw themselves to the generosity of strangers or growing Big Gov't or both!
They might as well be illegals, in this respect!!
Both have no shame. Only taxpayer's pockets.
That is by their choice, they could have gone a different direction and lifted themselves up
by not accepting they were a victim. IM2 has a victim mentality and will never get past that.
That is by their choice, they could have gone a different direction and lifted themselves up
by not accepting they were a victim. IM2 has a victim mentality and will never get past that.

What an insignificant direction for an individual to choose.
A waste of real potential settling into mediocrity.
Equity of outcome is another non existent nice sounding thing that liberals are trying to force in America.
Equity of effort and responsibility would be far better but feelings get into the mix so that’s a No No
We have been doing it for a long time. they just gave it a name because it is now almost standardized and they believe no one is going to change it. We have a reduced amount of people who are problem solvers and are the top of the list in areas we need them in because of it. Blue collar jobs are much more costly also. People who perform services in trades are getting more and more expensive to build, rebuild and repair. An economic correction will either end this or turn us into what we see in many other nations. We need to find a way to reduce costs of big ticket projects.
Bottom line is that people who have a desire to succeed will succeed no matter how many obstacles are put in their way. You can find these success stories throughout history in some of the most unlikely places.
They want everyone equally stupid, criminal and dysfunctional
That’s their Created Equal
The end result may end up being parents of those gifted children pulling them from public school and going the charter school route. Better results in charters overall anyway. That would just make the public school “education” and graduation rates plummet even further. Leading to school officials wanting more money thrown at the problem. Which won’t help.

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