"...equivalent to 2 million sticks of dynamite...."


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Hmmm.....Maybe the pipeline is the lesser of two evils. 'Cuz this country just ain't goin' green....Not in our lifetime.

Secrecy of Oil-by-Train Shipments Causes Concern Across the U.S.
Crude-by-Rail Has Jumped in Shale Boom, but Towns en Route Don't Get Data They Need for Safety

Secrecy of Oil-by-Train Shipments Causes Concern Across the U.S. - WSJ.com

Emergency responders in Cincinnati know that trains full of crude oil have been rumbling through their city; they can see mile-long chains of black tank cars clacking across bridges over the Ohio River.

But they don't know enough to feel prepared for the kinds of fiery accidents that have occurred over the last 10 months after oil-train derailments. How many of the 100 trains that pass through residential neighborhoods and warehouse districts daily are carrying oil, for example? And when crude is carried, is it the kind that federal investigators have linked to explosions?

"We have no idea when trains are moving through and when they aren't," said Thomas Lakamp, special operations chief for the Cincinnati Fire Department. "The railroads aren't required to report to us."

A first step toward limited disclosure takes effect next month.

But secrecy still cloaks the rapidly expanding business of shipping crude by rail, leaving local officials from Portland, Ore., to Toronto struggling to obtain details about oil shipments. Driven by long-standing railroad-industry fears about stirring local protests or terrorist attacks, there is no central repository for information on oil trains or other hazardous materials. Nor are there easy-to-find maps of train routes from the oil fields of North Dakota and Texas to refineries on the Gulf of Mexico and the East and West coasts.

An emergency order from the U.S. Transportation Department in June will start requiring railroads to alert states about oil trains originating in North Dakota. But the rules, which follow accidents involving oil from North Dakota's Bakken Shale in such unlikely locations as Lynchburg, Va., and Aliceville, Ala., already are coming under criticism. Some critics say the new rules are inadequate, while others worry that any disclosures will increase the likelihood of sabotage.

The dearth of information partly reflects the surging popularity of oil trains, in which roughly 100 crude-laden tankers are strung together. In 2008, it would take four days for railroads to move 100 tank cars of oil. Today, oil trains of that size depart every two hours, according to industry and government statistics. The Energy Department estimates that 1 million barrels of oil a day ride the rails across the U.S., more crude than Libya, Ecuador or Qatar exports daily.

Federal safety regulations were tightened in 2009 to require railroads to conduct detailed yearly analysis to determine the safest routes for the most hazardous shipments, including radioactive materials, explosives and deadly chlorine and anhydrous ammonia. But oil isn't included, even though each tank car of crude holds the energy equivalent of two million sticks of dynamite or the fuel in a widebody jetliner.
If Obama would approve the keystone pipeline, there wouldn't be a problem.
If Obama would approve the keystone pipeline, there wouldn't be a problem.

Or alternatively the oil companies could quit acting so goddamned entitled and hostile to the locals and their very real environmental concerns and maybe a deal can be made. The pipeline issue is not Obama vs. energy Independence, it's a lot of different people pissed off that the oil companies took the issue national when many local governments said no way. To some libertarians it would be awesome for the federal government to overrule the states and locals on this, go figure.
If all you liberal greenies would just stop driving, heating your hovels and running those damn fool computers....just sitting in the dark like your Messiah...then there'd be so much less need for fuel.

Both of you.
Remind me the last time a tank of crude oil exploded.

You really are the dimmest person on this board. For sure the laziest.

The Bad Oil Boom: Train Explodes in Virginia Town While Regulators Chug Along
By Matthew Philips April 30, 2014

A CSX (CSX) train carrying crude oil derailed Wednesday afternoon in downtown Lynchburg, Va., prompting the evacuation of some 300 people. Six cars went off the tracks, and local news reports cite at least three breaches on a train carrying between 12 and 14 tank cars loaded with crude.
Bad Oil Boom: Crude Train Explodes in Lynchburg, Va., While Regulators Chug Along - Businessweek
If Obama would approve the keystone pipeline, there wouldn't be a problem.

Or alternatively the oil companies could quit acting so goddamned entitled and hostile to the locals and their very real environmental concerns and maybe a deal can be made. The pipeline issue is not Obama vs. energy Independence, it's a lot of different people pissed off that the oil companies took the issue national when many local governments said no way. To some libertarians it would be awesome for the federal government to overrule the states and locals on this, go figure.

Yup. The oil companies are also the reason why America has one of the worst passenger train systems of all the developed, 1st world countries.
The sad thing is that the pipeline is being held hostage for the sake of playing politics.
Remind me the last time a tank of crude oil exploded.

You really are the dimmest person on this board. For sure the laziest.

The Bad Oil Boom: Train Explodes in Virginia Town While Regulators Chug Along
By Matthew Philips April 30, 2014

A CSX (CSX) train carrying crude oil derailed Wednesday afternoon in downtown Lynchburg, Va., prompting the evacuation of some 300 people. Six cars went off the tracks, and local news reports cite at least three breaches on a train carrying between 12 and 14 tank cars loaded with crude.
Bad Oil Boom: Crude Train Explodes in Lynchburg, Va., While Regulators Chug Along - Businessweek
Yup, it didnt explode. Read the article. Better yet, get an adult to help.
If Obama would approve the keystone pipeline, there wouldn't be a problem.

Or alternatively the oil companies could quit acting so goddamned entitled and hostile to the locals and their very real environmental concerns and maybe a deal can be made. The pipeline issue is not Obama vs. energy Independence, it's a lot of different people pissed off that the oil companies took the issue national when many local governments said no way. To some libertarians it would be awesome for the federal government to overrule the states and locals on this, go figure.

Yup. The oil companies are also the reason why America has one of the worst passenger train systems of all the developed, 1st world countries.

Oil companies? I think more like we have more autos and would rather use them than trains. It's a bummer that we've been successful as a nation. :D
The sad thing is that the pipeline is being held hostage for the sake of playing politics.

Name something that isn't. Let's start there.

Like "Deep Throat" told Woodard and Bernstiein, "Follow the money".

Warren Buffet owns BNSF but has made public statements that he backs the construction of the Keystone Pipeline. But I bet privately he's funding the protest. He has much to lose if the pipeline opens. At the same time he's publicly investing heavily in the residential real estate brokerage business. So if you watch Buffett you can tell which way the wind is blowing.
Or alternatively the oil companies could quit acting so goddamned entitled and hostile to the locals and their very real environmental concerns and maybe a deal can be made. The pipeline issue is not Obama vs. energy Independence, it's a lot of different people pissed off that the oil companies took the issue national when many local governments said no way. To some libertarians it would be awesome for the federal government to overrule the states and locals on this, go figure.

Yup. The oil companies are also the reason why America has one of the worst passenger train systems of all the developed, 1st world countries.

Oil companies? I think more like we have more autos and would rather use them than trains. It's a bummer that we've been successful as a nation. :D

What came first, the chicken or the egg? You have been trained to like cars more than trains for your transportation. Now sit, lie down, roll over, good boy. The auto insurance companies love stupid people like you, too. To the tune of hundreds of billions of $$$$.

The oil companies and auto makers bought up the land around major train stations in the northeast a long time ago and have fought eminent domain so that our public transportation system has been essentially the same since the 1960s.
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The sad thing is that the pipeline is being held hostage for the sake of playing politics.

Name something that isn't. Let's start there.

Like "Deep Throat" told Woodard and Bernstiein, "Follow the money".

Warren Buffet owns BNSF but has made public statements that he backs the construction of the Keystone Pipeline. But I bet privately he's funding the protest. He has much to lose if the pipeline opens. At the same time he's publicly investing heavily in the residential real estate brokerage business. So if you watch Buffett you can tell which way the wind is blowing.

Until you get affirmation from Buffet, it's just your opinion.
The pipeline debacle is just the democrats not wanting to lose a voting block in this election cycle.
Yup. The oil companies are also the reason why America has one of the worst passenger train systems of all the developed, 1st world countries.

Oil companies? I think more like we have more autos and would rather use them than trains. It's a bummer that we've been successful as a nation. :D

What came first, the chicken or the egg? You have been trained to like cars more than trains for your transportation. Now sit, lie down, roll over, good boy. The auto insurance companies love stupid people like you, too.

The oil companies and auto makers bought up the land around major train stations in the northeast a long time ago and have fought eminent domain so that our public transportation system has been essentially the same since the 1960s.
Go fuck yourself.

We have been successful, we like autos....blame it on whoever you want.
Remind me the last time a tank of crude oil exploded.

You really are the dimmest person on this board. For sure the laziest.

The Bad Oil Boom: Train Explodes in Virginia Town While Regulators Chug Along
By Matthew Philips April 30, 2014

A CSX (CSX) train carrying crude oil derailed Wednesday afternoon in downtown Lynchburg, Va., prompting the evacuation of some 300 people. Six cars went off the tracks, and local news reports cite at least three breaches on a train carrying between 12 and 14 tank cars loaded with crude.
Bad Oil Boom: Crude Train Explodes in Lynchburg, Va., While Regulators Chug Along - Businessweek
Yup, it didnt explode. Read the article. Better yet, get an adult to help.

Here, let's make it easy for you: Why is that passenger trains DON'T explode when they derail? I'll make the connecting dots bigger for you if that will help.

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Oil companies? I think more like we have more autos and would rather use them than trains. It's a bummer that we've been successful as a nation. :D

What came first, the chicken or the egg? You have been trained to like cars more than trains for your transportation. Now sit, lie down, roll over, good boy. The auto insurance companies love stupid people like you, too.

The oil companies and auto makers bought up the land around major train stations in the northeast a long time ago and have fought eminent domain so that our public transportation system has been essentially the same since the 1960s.
Go fuck yourself.

We have been successful, we like autos....blame it on whoever you want.

Bahahahaha....Facts are scary things to you, aren't they?
The irony of all this is that the OP is from that bastion of conservatism, The Wall Street Journal, which painfully admits the truth.

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