Eric Adams being accused of sexual assault…Could this be Biden’s people doing what they do?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
As much as I hate the piece of filthy dogshit Mayor, this seems like more Biden manufactured bullshit to me.
How weaponized is our justice system?
Think about it….Adams goes very public, siding with core Americans, bitching about Biden’s open border and suddenly charges hit him from all angles.
Does that make you go HMMMM?
As much as I hate the piece of filthy dogshit Mayor, this seems like more Biden manufactured bullshit to me.
How weaponized is our justice system?
Think about it….Adams goes very public, siding with core Americans, bitching about Biden’s open border and suddenly charges hit him from all angles.
Does that make you go HMMMM?
Who could have ever guessed that would happen?
As much as I hate the piece of filthy dogshit Mayor, this seems like more Biden manufactured bullshit to me.
How weaponized is our justice system?
Think about it….Adams goes very public, siding with core Americans, bitching about Biden’s open border and suddenly charges hit him from all angles.
Does that make you go HMMMM?

Yes. They are clearly going to lose the next elections if they don't get rid of a lot of baggage, like Biden, Harris, and a lot of their toadies need to be sacrificed for going against The Party.

Don't be surprised to see Hillary 'drafted to save the Party in 2024!' hoaxes pop up and make the old crooked sociopath their Hero Of The Day. Nobody else they have has any name recognition outside of lunatic racism and faggot psycho fandom.
Yes. They are clearly going to lose the next elections if they don't get rid of a lot of baggage, like Biden, Harris, and a lot of their toadies need to be sacrificed for going against The Party.

Don't be surprised to see Hillary 'drafted to save the Party in 2024!' hoaxes pop up and make the old crooked sociopath their Hero Of The Day. Nobody else they have has any name recognition outside of lunatic racism and faggot psycho fandom.
She beat Comrade Trump in the popular vote in 2016 & she would have won the election if Trump wasen't up Putin's ass.

Trump is scared shitless of Hillary.
She beat Comrade Trump in the popular vote in 2016 & she would have won the election if Trump wasen't up Putin's ass.

Trump is scared shitless of Hillary.

lol smoke another rock. You're Party of criminal hacks is losing a lot of its racist base, having welched on all the freebies they promised all the street thugs, and you can't rig nearly as many votes as you did for Hillary and Biden this time around. Your Party is eating its own now.
How could an old honkey like Biden commit such an affront to a strong independent black man?

After all, we've been resolutely informed that poor kids are just as smart as white kids.
lol smoke another rock. You're Party of criminal hacks is losing a lot of its racist base, having welched on all the freebies they promised all the street thugs, and you can't rig nearly as many votes as you did for Hillary and Biden this time around. Your Party is eating its own now.

When they laugh at your post sans rebuttal?

You're winning.
As much as I hate the piece of filthy dogshit Mayor, this seems like more Biden manufactured bullshit to me.
How weaponized is our justice system?
Think about it….Adams goes very public, siding with core Americans, bitching about Biden’s open border and suddenly charges hit him from all angles.
Does that make you go HMMMM?

You need better reading comprehension skills.

Mayor Adams has not said one word about Biden's immigration policies. Mayor Adams has been complaining that New York has insufficient resources to accept all of the refugees coming into the various Ports of Entry in the New York area. The Port of New York, two of the largest international airports in the world. New York is the nations transportation hub for people travelling anywhere in the USA from outside the country.

As such, New York receives more refugee claimants than any other port of entry in the country, and the city is being overwhelmed. Adams isn't asking Biden to close the border or to stop accepting refugees. He's asking for resources and better immigration laws to help him cope. New York already has an affordable housing crisis, and refugees have few resources when they arrive.

It is long past time for immigration reform but Republicans won't do it because they can milk it for more votes.
Adams criticizes administration policies.
30 year old allegations surface.

As much as I hate the piece of filthy dogshit Mayor, this seems like more Biden manufactured bullshit to me.
How weaponized is our justice system?
Think about it….Adams goes very public, siding with core Americans, bitching about Biden’s open border and suddenly charges hit him from all angles.
Does that make you go HMMMM?
Biden gloated over his lack of concern about petty things like that. So he gave us SAM BRINTON , folks. I mean, the perfect MAN to be in charge of mportant matters in the Office of Nuclear Energy
Biden is an incompetent, bumbling, idiot.
The guy who can't put two sentences together? a mastermind of stolen elections, criminal prosecutions, the "Deep State" and the world's economy?

Just name an issue, and teabaggers have a conspiracy theory about it.
As much as I hate the piece of filthy dogshit Mayor, this seems like more Biden manufactured bullshit to me.
How weaponized is our justice system?
Think about it….Adams goes very public, siding with core Americans, bitching about Biden’s open border and suddenly charges hit him from all angles.
Does that make you go HMMMM?

Republicans: "Biden is a criminal mastermind behind everything that upsets us!"
Also Republicans: "Biden is a senile old coot who doesn't know where he is half the time."
You need better reading comprehension skills.

Mayor Adams has not said one word about Biden's immigration policies. Mayor Adams has been complaining that New York has insufficient resources to accept all of the refugees coming into the various Ports of Entry in the New York area. The Port of New York, two of the largest international airports in the world. New York is the nations transportation hub for people travelling anywhere in the USA from outside the country.

As such, New York receives more refugee claimants than any other port of entry in the country, and the city is being overwhelmed. Adams isn't asking Biden to close the border or to stop accepting refugees. He's asking for resources and better immigration laws to help him cope. New York already has an affordable housing crisis, and refugees have few resources when they arrive.

It is long past time for immigration reform but Republicans won't do it because they can milk it for more votes.
hahaha…there is no money, there are no resources. We are $33 TRILLION in debt. Why do we borrow from China to fund Mexico’s criminal filth?
Message sent. We don't care if you are a Democrat or Republican. If you question the regime, you will be punished.
Biden is an incompetent, bumbling, idiot.
The guy who can't put two sentences together? a mastermind of stolen elections, criminal prosecutions, the "Deep State" and the world's economy?

Just name an issue, and teabaggers have a conspiracy theory about it.

Republicans: "Biden is a criminal mastermind behind everything that upsets us!"
Also Republicans: "Biden is a senile old coot who doesn't know where he is half the time."
Biden is a PINO. We use Biden as the frontman just like you do. We know he’s incapable just like you do.
hahaha…there is no money, there are no resources. We are $33 TRILLION in debt. Why do we borrow from China to fund Mexico’s criminal filth?

You don't borrow from China. They're too broke to lend to you. Their economy has been in the toilet since covid, and unlike the Western democracies, the Chinese economy is not recovering. And the virus continues to rage.

China didn't use the MNRA technologies in their vaccines, and they are ineffective at stopping the spread. The people revolted after nearly 3years of dicatorial lockdowns and Xi was forced to lift the restrictions. The virus has surged.

You're not borrowing to fund illegal immgrants Loser, you're borrowing to pay for Trump's tax cuts to billionaires and their corporations. Your tax cuts expire next year. Theirs go on forever.
As much as I hate the piece of filthy dogshit Mayor, this seems like more Biden manufactured bullshit to me.
How weaponized is our justice system?
Think about it….Adams goes very public, siding with core Americans, bitching about Biden’s open border and suddenly charges hit him from all angles.
Does that make you go HMMMM?
What it actually looks like is that he's a republican who ran as a democrat to get elected.

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