Eric Adams Says Giving Pre-Paid Credit Cards to Illegal Migrants Is 'Smart' and a 'Real Win'


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
Yeah. Fleecing the taxpayers to provide illegals with pre-paid gift cards is a great idea. Seems odd, though, to complain about the cost burden of illegals while you hand out gift cards that are renewable every 28 days.

The mayor made no mention of when, if ever, the taxpayer fleecing will stop. As more illegals are enticed by the welfare money, those generous taxpayers will have to pony-up the welfare payments.

The program states that the amount each illegal migrant family receives will depend on the size of their family and how much income they have. For example, a family of four may be provided $1,000 each month or $35 per day for food. The cards are replenished every 28 days.
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