BREAKING: The Supreme Court is Likely to Uphold Presidential Immunity for Donald Trump..

So all of the racist posters here are feds trolling for entrapment patsies??? No wonder the federal payroll is so large.

Does that include the Republican Party officials who are openly saying that they want a white government???? And Trump?
Amazingly stupid. ^^^
we overthrew that government in 2014.
we're the aggressors.
please stop with your nonsense.
LOL!! You can type all the lies you want.
"WE" meaning the US, had zero to do with the Maidan Revolution in 2014.
If you think that was a CIA operation, where was the GRU? Sleeping? Its their home game.
Ukrainians rose up and took their country back, elected a comedian president, the rest is history.

Brookings is a reliable source of info.
Ukraine wants to remain independent from Russia.
Russia invaded Ukraine...the battle continues...
Nothing proves your complete ignorance on how the world functions than your last paragraph. You want all foreign aid stopped. And yet you're BRAYING ENDLESSLY about the refugees on your Southern Border.

You see no connection whatsoever to all of the cuts Trump made to foreign aid to Central American countries, and the increase in Central American refugees on your Southern Border. Get back to me when you can add 1 plus 1 and come up with the correct answer.
Fuck you, stupid brain dead leftard.

It's not my job to support people in Venezuela.


You leftards are completely brain dead.
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LOL!! You can type all the lies you want.
"WE" meaning the US, had zero to do with the Maidan Revolution in 2014.
If you think that was a CIA operation, where was the GRU? Sleeping? Its their home game.
Ukrainians rose up and took their country back, elected a comedian president, the rest is history.

Brookings is a reliable source of info.
Ukraine wants to remain independent from Russia.
Russia invaded Ukraine...the battle continues...
the gig's up, deep state Cindy.

You're Fired!
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Someone like you really shouldn't speak of logical people since you have no experience with logic.
Oh look, Kreskin strikes again. ^^^

Leftards are fucked up human beings.

Full of themselves and nothing else.

Hence their constant gimme gimme and complete lack of patriotism.
Apparently, you're not looking at the current polls, and what the American people think about the way Trump is dealing with his trials.

I also look at the fact that 15% of Republicans in Pennsylvania voted for Nicki Haley this week, in the Republicans only primary there, even though she dropped out of the race weeks ago. The exit polls that show that 30% of Republicans won't vote for Trump is he is convicted of a felony. And some others who say they like his policies but not the chaos or his wanting to go after Democrats.

They don't believe Trump is being persecuted at all, and are saying he's bringing this all on himself with the way he treats everyone involved.
You don't speak for the American People, leftard foreigner.
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LOL!! You can type all the lies you want.
"WE" meaning the US, had zero to do with the Maidan Revolution in 2014.
If you think that was a CIA operation, where was the GRU? Sleeping? Its their home game.
Ukrainians rose up and took their country back, elected a comedian president, the rest is history.

Brookings is a reliable source of info.
Ukraine wants to remain independent from Russia.
Russia invaded Ukraine...the battle continues...
Hillary, Victoria Nuland, and CIA were instrumental in Maidan

That is a fact.
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Fun Fact: A volunteer said she got a good look at Trump at the trial and said he did not look "orange" like the Liberals said with them calling him orange man. She said his skin tone looked pretty normal. :)
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IQ2 is far too stupid to grasp that he’s stupid.

He’s so massively retarded that he thinks that if the SCOTUS agrees to extend Presidential immunity to criminal prosecutions, a sitting President could deliberately imprison an opponent because “immune.”

What a maroon.

As I say, he doesn’t understand thing one about the actual details. He’s a moron.
Oh look, the Trump supporting retard calls a poster stupid but doesn't know how to spell a five letter word.
Trump has literally asked for immunity for murdering his opponents.
false, ya moron.
It doesn't seem to occur to Trump that if the SC finds that the President does have "absolute immunity", Biden could simply have him assassinated before the election.
It only “occurs” to fucking retarde like you who don’t understand any facet of this topic. You happen to be repeating a brain damaged lie of the leftturds. You’re wrong, Lizardtwat.
But nobody ever said that Trump was the sharpest knife in the drawer, other than Donald Trump, of course.
You’re not as sharp as a modestly inflated balloon. Piss off.
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LOL!! You can type all the lies you want.
"WE" meaning the US, had zero to do with the Maidan Revolution in 2014.
If you think that was a CIA operation, where was the GRU? Sleeping? Its their home game.
Ukrainians rose up and took their country back, elected a comedian president, the rest is history.

Brookings is a reliable source of info.
Ukraine wants to remain independent from Russia.
Russia invaded Ukraine...the battle continues...
Brookings is a deep state queef factory.
Oh look, the Trump supporting retard calls a poster stupid but doesn't know how to spell a five letter word.
Poor STD clap. The stupid pussy ^ doesn’t even understand the reference to Bugs Bunny.

What an idot. What an ignoranamous. And yes. What a maroon.
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As I said before the intent of HAMAS might be the same as Nazi Germany but their capabilities are certainly not equivalent. What anyone should do when confronted with villainy is not to turn towards it yourself. But who's the villian in all this? I don't know. It's a convoluted mess. We could go all the way back to the partition but how we got here really doesn't matter. Both HAMAS and the IDF are deplorable organizations okay with slaughtering untold civilians. I'm just trying to understand why some of you support either one.
What’s the difference between the “ death of a thousand cuts” and a beheading? The victim is still dead. Hamas may lack the ability to destroy Israel in one step at this time, but it has certainly been attempting to inflict the “death of a thousand cuts” by its endless terrorist attacks and the endless bombardment rocket attacks. Either way Hamas’ openly proclaimed intent is the total destruction of Israel and the extermination of its citizens.
Poor STD clap. The stupid pussy ^ doesn’t even understand the reference to Bugs Bunny.

What an idot. What an ignoranamous. And yes. What a maroon.
Gee, your panties are really bunched today aren't they, Nancy?

Run out of Midol, you poor thing?
Nothing proves your complete ignorance on how the world functions than your last paragraph. You want all foreign aid stopped. And yet you're BRAYING ENDLESSLY about the refugees on your Southern Border.

You see no connection whatsoever to all of the cuts Trump made to foreign aid to Central American countries, and the increase in Central American refugees on your Southern Border. Get back to me when you can add 1 plus 1 and come up with the correct answer.
We have no obligation to either fund all the failed central and South American states OR accept their citizens. Every penny we spend on foreign aid is a penny wasted unless we gain a specific benefit from the recipient state.
Please get over yourelf, brainwashed and corrupt globalist imbecile.

you're not enlightened, you're just very dumb.

sending all the jobs away and becoming dependant upon geopolitical FOES is and will always be stupid.

you're a cosmopolitan narcissistic dolt.

You cannot put that toothpaste back into the tube. Look at how batshit crazy Americans are going over the notion that TikTok is going to be banned. Imagine how crazy they're going to go when they find out that McDonald's, Apple, Donald Trump and Exxon Oil are not allowed to operate outside the USA.

These economic problems you're having in the wake of off-shoring and globalization are unique to the USA because your government did NOTHING to mitigate the damage caused by globalization of low end manufacturing.

The rest of the First World democracies set up retraining programs with income supports for displaced workers, and taught them the skillls they would need for good paying jobs in the 21st Century Green economy. We raised our minimum wages so a person could put a roof over their head and food on the table, without government assistance. Those starting new businesses were given access to business incubators, and mentoring, as well as income supports for the first 12 months.

Americans expected people with families and mortgages to pay for their own retraining, and do so with no income while they went back to school. They had to work multiple low wage jobs to do that, as well as do well at school. No child tax benefits, no day care. Do it yourself.
You cannot put that toothpaste back into the tube. Look at how batshit crazy Americans are going over the notion that TikTok is going to be banned. Imagine how crazy they're going to go when they find out that McDonald's, Apple, Donald Trump and Exxon Oil are not allowed to operate outside the USA.

These economic problems you're having in the wake of off-shoring and globalization are unique to the USA because your government did NOTHING to mitigate the damage caused by globalization of low end manufacturing.

The rest of the First World democracies set up retraining programs with income supports for displaced workers, and taught them the skillls they would need for good paying jobs in the 21st Century Green economy. We raised our minimum wages so a person could put a roof over their head and food on the table, without government assistance. Those starting new businesses were given access to business incubators, and mentoring, as well as income supports for the first 12 months.

Americans expected people with families and mortgages to pay for their own retraining, and do so with no income while they went back to school. They had to work multiple low wage jobs to do that, as well as do well at school. No child tax benefits, no day care. Do it yourself.
What toothpaste?

any bad decision can be undone.

any trade policy can be modified.

trade policy is different than toothpaste, ya dumb globalist box of hair.

your metaphor is epic fail.

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