Eric Cantor's ambition raises concerns, debate


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Eric Cantor's ambition raises concerns, debate - John Bresnahan and Jake Sherman -

House Minority Whip Eric Cantor has asked the ethics committee to greenlight a national book tour this August for a new GOP manifesto he’s co-authoring with two younger members of Congress, according to sources familiar with the situation.

This is classic Cantor: a hyperambitious move to publish and push ideas he thinks will help rebrand the GOP, on his terms — and not necessarily those of his boss, Minority Leader John Boehner.

If this were an isolated incident, it would pass without a peep. But it’s not: Cantor is earning a reputation for pushing his ideas so hard and so often that some GOP colleagues are questioning his motives. Is he guided by a burning desire to help the party — or to boost himself?

“Boehner is running 1994 all over again,” a senior Republican lawmaker said, meaning Boehner wants to rely on a wave of voter anger with Democrats to ride into the majority. “Cantor and [California Rep. Kevin McCarthy] see it totally differently.” McCarthy serves as Cantor’s top lieutenant in the whip organization and is one of the co-authors, along with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), of Cantor’s new book, “Young Guns.”

Those close to Cantor don’t deny his ambitions — but even they are uncertain of his next move. If Republicans take control of the House in November, the 47-year-old Cantor would become the youngest majority leader in more than 60 years. That would put him next in line to become speaker if and when Boehner leaves.

Boehner, though, concedes the two men “have very different styles.” POLITICO talked to numerous GOP lawmakers for this story, some on the condition their names would not be used, so they could speak candidly about a sensitive topic and relationship.

The two did spar privately over the creation of America Speaking Out, Boehner’s pet project for crafting a new agenda. Cantor wanted the program run out of the National Republican Congressional Committee, which would have allowed party leaders to capture names and then hit those people up for cash and campaign help.

Cantor was familiar with the problems of mixing politics and policy. He was forced to pull the plug on the National Council for a New America, after Democrats complained that it violated ethics laws, which prohibit mingling policy staff with political work. It was an embarrassing flop for Cantor.

Cantor’s aggressive approach delights younger, more conservative Republicans, some of whom are uneasy with Boehner’s steady-as-we-go attitude. These members believe Republicans are mainly winning right now because they are the lesser of two evils. To truly rebound, they want fresh ideas, fresh blood and a fresh approach to politics.

Interesting indeed. Thoughts USMB? A GOP Civil War brewing perhaps if and when they take the House and or Senate?
Eric Cantor is a whiny little bitch who cries when spoken to "harshly" by Nancy Pelosi. If he can't stand up to an 80 year old woman, who CAN he stand up to and how could he EVER be depended upon to lead?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Except that it is broken, so a new path is needed. I don't know if Cantor is the one to facilitate such change, but good to see some who are willing to attempt to shake things up and breathe new life into the party. Such a strategy will certainly require ambitious people.
Whenever I see him and Boehner together I always think of Beecher and Shillinger from the HBO series OZ.
Debunked throughly as libturd shit stirring. Cantor and Boehner were both on Greta last night. Nice try though MODMORON but it's a fail at libturd shitstirring you need an asswipe. :lol::lol:
Several layers of cognitive dissonance here. First, he assumes that since we all get our orders and goos step in the way our masters tell us, the idea that we might disagree on some issues gives him a shock.

And the idea that a discussion should actually be about the points in dispute, rather than references to sexual orientation, weight, level of sexual activity, drug or alcohol use or any other non germaine thing is a startling and new concept.
Politico has become ANOTHER propaganda arm of the Democrat-Commie-Progressive party.

they have become another mediamatters.

take what they say with a YAWN.
Politico has become ANOTHER propaganda arm of the Democrat-Commie-Progressive party.

they have become another mediamatters.

take what they say with a YAWN.

they are like a malicious bunch of pre teen girls gossiping and shit stirring in their shit filled cauldron of librturism.

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