Eric Holder Claims Racism: No, You're Just A Jerk


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Eric Holder is claiming racism. He claims that the House is being rude to him because he's Black.

No buddy, it's because you're an arrogant asshole.

This issue has been under investigation for way too long for Eric Holder to claim it's a personal issue. He's stonewalling, refusing to cooperate, and the investigators are fed up with it. Two days ago was just the latest example of the kind of exchanges he's had with Republicans.

[ame=]Eric Holder Shoots Down Rep. Gohmert's Contempt Threat: 'You Don't Want to Go There!' - YouTube[/ame]

It's clear that Eric Holder is being insubordinate and uncooperative, and all the House investigators are doing is asking for documents that were promised. Truth is, Holder is covering up several crimes, and he's the only thing standing between the investigation and the guilty parties. I looked into it. This is one of many examples of how Holder has conducted himself like a smart-ass in front of Congress.

If things don't change this country will go down the tubes quickly. Just look at the mess Ukraine politics is today:

[ame=]Ukrainian Politics Fight Compilation - YouTube[/ame]
Holder was in NYC yesterday saying "What AG has had to deal with that kind of treatment......what president has had to deal with that kind of treatment??"

Actually Bush.

And his attorney generals.......all of them.

This video was from 2 years ago when Holder claimed racism then.

[ame=]Eric Yaverbaum Discusses Eric Holder's Racism Claims on Fox News Live - YouTube[/ame]

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What it really comes down to is Holder is basically daring Congress to hold him in contempt. Daring them to do basically anything.
This Presidency has became a regime. They protect each other like I have never seen before. Every single Democrat in congress and the senate will race to the defense of this administration no matter what. All the while claiming everything is just a bogus witch hunt.
You heard Holder - "this is about the gun lobby"...holy shit. This is about 100's of people getting killed by guns the U.S. Government directly supplied to drug cartels. So we should just do nothing??? No one should ask questions?? No one?? That is by definition a regime.
This is an exchange over the Boston Marathon bombing, which Holder has been "investigating".

[ame=]Louie Gohmert TRASHES Eric Holder For Ignoring Islamic Radicals While Targeting Christians - YouTube[/ame]

Holder acts like he knows nothing......
Eric Holder is hiding behind the law.

There are going to have to be new laws to cover a criminal element getting into the White House. Every day this White House establishes new precedents, and to keep this from happening again they're going to have to re-write laws just to protect this country from enemies within the government.
It's apparently the new normal, congressional republicans act shocked that the administration is engaging in the same shit that Bushco did to protect against partisan investigation. Might as well get used to it, if a congress of one party can use it's power to tear down the president of the other party then the president is going to use his power to resist however he can. It's a very high stakes game but it's still just a game all the same. Republicans started looking for impeachment material almost as soon as he was sworn in so their aim in the game was clear, they were bent on totally destroying this president. So in response the president has very little cause to cooperate. Don't like the game? That's odd. Republicans invented the strategy of treating a congressional investigation without an ounce of respect or cooperation, I guess they just don't like their playbook used against them. In the future if roles are ever reversed the game will continue with everyone defending the shit they are condemning now, because the fake outrage and infuriating smugness is part of the game too.
It's apparently the new normal, congressional republicans act shocked that the administration is engaging in the same shit that Bushco did to protect against partisan investigation. Might as well get used to it, if a congress of one party can use it's power to tear down the president of the other party then the president is going to use his power to resist however he can. It's a very high stakes game but it's still just a game all the same. Republicans started looking for impeachment material almost as soon as he was sworn in so their aim in the game was clear, they were bent on totally destroying this president. So in response the president has very little cause to cooperate. Don't like the game? That's odd. Republicans invented the strategy of treating a congressional investigation without an ounce of respect or cooperation, I guess they just don't like their playbook used against them. In the future if roles are ever reversed the game will continue with everyone defending the shit they are condemning now, because the fake outrage and infuriating smugness is part of the game too.

For those that don't want to read this long post...I will clarify/paraphrase: "I don't have anything to offer on the topic so I will take this opportunity to blame Republicans...and oh....BOOOOOSSSHHH"
Actually,'s Darrell Issa that's the disgrace.

Here you have a case where the mental patients are running the Mental Institution.

Issa is a bonafide, made his bones, criminal. He's boosted cars and got caught with an unregistered handgun. He was also involved in a suspicious fire of his business.

He's opened multiple investigations that seem to have no end. By comparison, the 9/11 commission took place a year after 9/11 and wrapped up in under a year. The conclusions placed blame, astonishingly on the prior administration, even though 9/11 took place EIGHT MONTHS after Bush took office, and made recommendations, some of which, were followed. The Bush administration's officials were allowed to testify in secret and many of the "classified" documents, never came to light. The commission's report was heavily redacted as well.

Most of Issa's investigations span multiple years and none seem to have an end in sight. He's received thousands of documents, many of which he leaks, un-redacted, to the media. This places ongoing investigations in jeopardy and in the case of Benghazi, threatens the lives of people who are helping the United States. Additionally, he edits these documents to fit the agenda he puts forth. Sometimes the administration has to release the entire document to the media so that the context is fully understood.

In not one of these fishing expeditions, has Issa found any wrong doing.

And he's conducted them in highly inappropriate fashion. Shutting down the mike on a colleague was the latest example of this.

It's time to wrap this crap up.
This administration knows it can get away literally with murder. He can change any law he wants to. Holder can decide what laws he want to enforce and which ones he won't.

Why? because there is only ONE recourse for Congress, and that's impeachment. Congress can remove from office any member of King Barack's team, right up to the King himself.

But they won't, and King Barack knows it.
What does Eric Holder carry in his wallet?

“Blackness is another issue entirely apart from class in America. No matter how affluent, educated and mobile [a black person] becomes, his race defines him more particularly than anything else. Black people have a common cause that requires attending to, and this cause does not allow for the rigid class separation that is the luxury of American whites. There is a sense in which every black man is as far from liberation as the weakest one if his weakness is attributable to racial injustice.”

Rule of Law » What?s In Eric Holder?s Wallet? His Real Race Card

Holder is a corrupt disgrace. Prison orange for the rest of his life would be appropriate.
It's apparently the new normal, congressional republicans act shocked that the administration is engaging in the same shit that Bushco did to protect against partisan investigation. Might as well get used to it, if a congress of one party can use it's power to tear down the president of the other party then the president is going to use his power to resist however he can. It's a very high stakes game but it's still just a game all the same. Republicans started looking for impeachment material almost as soon as he was sworn in so their aim in the game was clear, they were bent on totally destroying this president. So in response the president has very little cause to cooperate. Don't like the game? That's odd. Republicans invented the strategy of treating a congressional investigation without an ounce of respect or cooperation, I guess they just don't like their playbook used against them. In the future if roles are ever reversed the game will continue with everyone defending the shit they are condemning now, because the fake outrage and infuriating smugness is part of the game too.

Nice monologue!

How refreshing to see a lefty try steer the discussion away from the racism accusation. You're wrong, 100%, and off topic but I applaude your attempt
Being Black, they actually have an advantage because they can use the race card and some will believe it. Who cares that they stonewall? Who cares that in all these years any possibly -damaging to this administration- investigation has ever been completed? Who cares anytime he is questioned about any investigation he has no answers, not even who is actually doing the investigation and whether they have questioned anyone. He has got to either be incompetent or corrupt. Take your pick.
You would also think if there are no serious implications towards this administration they would work around the clock to get the investigation and documents supporting such out there quickly.
noun \di-ˈflek-shən, dē-\

: the act of changing or causing something to change direction
noun \di-ˈflek-shən, dē-\

: the act of changing or causing something to change direction

What was it he said in the hearing? Something like" you don't want to go there"? Guess he was warning he'd try to blame the questioning on racism if anyone dared do just that. Sad.
It's apparently the new normal, congressional republicans act shocked that the administration is engaging in the same shit that Bushco did to protect against partisan investigation. Might as well get used to it, if a congress of one party can use it's power to tear down the president of the other party then the president is going to use his power to resist however he can. It's a very high stakes game but it's still just a game all the same. Republicans started looking for impeachment material almost as soon as he was sworn in so their aim in the game was clear, they were bent on totally destroying this president. So in response the president has very little cause to cooperate. Don't like the game? That's odd. Republicans invented the strategy of treating a congressional investigation without an ounce of respect or cooperation, I guess they just don't like their playbook used against them. In the future if roles are ever reversed the game will continue with everyone defending the shit they are condemning now, because the fake outrage and infuriating smugness is part of the game too.

Sorry, but the Demcrats doing witchhunts during the Bush years doesn't mean this administration gets a pass on selling military grade weapons to drug cartels. It doesn't give them a pass on their continued IRS harassment of of conservatives. It doesn't give them a pass on using the EPA, OSHA, the FDA, the ATF, the FBI, the CIA, the Commerce Dept, the State Dept, the US Treasury, FANNIE MAE, FREDDIE MAC, and DoJ any way they damned well please. Harry Reid tables every single piece of legislation the House passes and yet Obama claims the GOP is holding things up, and uses it to go around Congress.

I blame the House leadership for this. They just won't put up a fight. Some want to put a stop to the corruption, and John Boehner stands in the way. Too many have their hands in the cookie jar. The NSA has been spying on everyone, and so the administration is using it to either threaten or bribe key members into remaining silent or to look the other way.
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