Conservative group tells judge it has no evidence to back its claims of Georgia ballot stuffing

Of course conservatives will continue to lie about illegal ballot stuffing regardless.

Not only lie about it. But cite this movie and True the Vote while they do it.

They have an MAGA audience that literally believes that their feelings make something true. Not figuratively. Literally.

They will ape a evidence free accusation backed by absolutely nothing. Then, when that claim fails spectacularly with no evidence, or even better - is actively disproven, they will still believe the claim is true.....because it feels true.

These are not bright people.
Yesterday some more of your prodigies committed the usual heinous crimes in Kansas City.
You are a fucking liar. You have no proof of that and you know it. That is trolling at its worst.
A court filing from the group is the latest acknowledgement that claims of widespread 2020 election fraud were baseless.

The group, which was heavily featured in Dinesh D’Souza’s viral documentary “2000 Mules,” claimed that ballot “mules” worked with a network of left-wing organizations to steal the election for Joe Biden. The film and its claims made a huge splash, and Donald Trump praised True the Vote for supposedly exposing “great election fraud.”

But in responding to a subpoena for any evidence supporting those claims, the group came up empty-handed.

In a court filing in Georgia, True the Vote said it did not have any records of the supposed network of non-governmental organizations it alleged facilitated the massive ballot trafficking scheme. True the Vote also said it had no contact information for sources who had ostensibly provided the group with a detailed account of the alleged ballot scheme, nor for any of the unnamed researchers or investigators it relied on for its allegations.

The subpoena also specifically asked for the identity, contact information, and any records evidencing the claims of “John Doe,” an unidentified person who True the Vote claimed had admitted to personally participating in the ballot trafficking.

“TTV does not have in its possession, custody, or control, identity and contact information for John Doe or any such items concerning him,” the group said in the filing.

The new revelations were in a Fulton County Superior Court filing dated Dec. 11, reported on by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and subsequently the Associated Press, on Wednesday.

In 2021, True the Vote brought a formal complaint alleging widespread irregularities in the 2020 election. In response, Georgia state officials requested ― and then demanded ― proof of the group’s claims as part of their investigation. Georgia officials have followed up on True the Vote’s complaint in the years since, but the group has repeatedly failed or refused to provide evidence backing its claims to investigators.

“Once again, True the Vote has proven itself untrustworthy and unable to provide a shred of evidence for a single one of their fairy-tale allegations,” Mike Hassinger, a spokesperson for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, said in a statement to several outlets Wednesday. “Like all the lies about Georgia’s 2020 election, their fabricated claims of ballot harvesting have been repeatedly debunked.”

Much more at the link below...

‘True The Vote’ Tells Judge It Doesn’t Have Evidence For ‘Ballot Mules’ Conspiracy Theory

Well, the truth is better late than never, I guess. Why do people tell such lies? What do you think?
2020 is so last decade. Somebody explain why our choice for President in 2024 has to be between Biden and Trump. Two losers for sure.
Doesn't matter what they said in court. Anyone who still believes the election was stolen doesn't care what anybody says in any court.

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