Eskimo or Inuit - which name do you use?

Eskimo or Inuit - which name do you use?

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Don't ever call me a Swabian - I am a Badener.
No "Badenser" - mind you - a Badener. :)
Not to worry. I usually refer to you guys as Krauts or Nazies.

And nah, that is not offensive. I should know since I am not German.
in the poll now:

2 of 6 say: only Eskimo
and also 2 of 6 say: Eskimo, but sometimes Inuit also
I've found that most Native Americans like talking about their "nation" or "tribe" or whatever ... if you ask politely ... and just be open minded about what the person says ... maybe there's folks in Western Alaska who claim to be Inuit, and folks in Southeast Greenland who self-identify as Danish ...

Yeah ... I heard Americans in particular have to be careful what to call the Bavarians ... they have a bit of a temper ...
I have never ever used the term "Inuit".
I find it toooooooooooo politically correct.

And I think no people on Earth have the right to demand of the whole world that only THEIR OWN WORD should be used.

Now just think of Germany and the Germans - and how absurd it would be if we demanded that the whole world should only use the terms "deutsch" and "Deutschland" for us.

It would be idiotic, to say the least.

I think they are more a Canadian thing than and US group so they really are more footnotes
I try not to deal with people who live above the Arctic Circle. If I have to I call them Sir or Mrs. like any other American.
in the poll now:

2 of 6 say: only Eskimo
and also 2 of 6 say: Eskimo, but sometimes Inuit also
Keep in mind that USMB is an Americano Forum - and they are the inventors of "political correctness" - thus once again screwing up the world

Eskimo it was long time propagated is from the Algonquian language - e.g. Cree, Cheyenne and Blackfoot Indians - and it means; eaters of raw meat. And European settlers simply took over that term.
So political correctness nuts come up with the example: Such as if Eskimo settlers would have come across English speakers, and would refer to Irish people as Potato eaters.

Which is ridiculous since the people living in Ireland are referred to as Irish people or Gaelic-Celtic people - whilst calling them potato eaters would indeed be derogatory.

Fact however is, Eskimo is indeed from the Algonquian language but means - Snow-shoe-makers.
Due to the negative results of colonialism Inuits reject the term Eskimo - trying to find an own identity, whilst those living in Alaska don't want to be termed Inuit but Eskimo

Interesting read:

Interesting read in German:

The same issue applies to the Term Kaffer/Kafir - Zimbabwe and South-Africa termed it to be derogatory - since it was used by Europeans and Arabs to term the Southern-Africa Bantu tribes - who's main tribe called themselves Kaffern and those of the Zulu nation also referred to them as Kaffer.
Whereby Kaffer is actually the name of a conglomeration of Bantu tribes - whilst Kafir is Arab - and a term simply used/applied in general towards non African Muslims.
Somehow, Inuit Pie just doesn't sound as delicious.


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