ESPN finds a new way to push "racism" on us. Sports analytics is racist according to Michael Wilbon

Only in the right wing echo chamber of retarded nutjobs does Wilbon say analytics is racist.

For those of you who aren't rubes, guzzling down whatever partisan nonsense you hear, here is the actual article:

Mission Impossible: African-Americans & analytics
The OP was retarded to think this was racist. I think their feelings are hurt no one is impressed with them citing stats.
The OP and his ilk jump at any chance to create racial division.

You are a liar and a pathetic hack. He claims analytics are racist you unreal ignorant moron.
Post the quote jackass. Oh you can't.

You are a freaking loser.

The mission was to find black folks who spend anytime talking about advanced analytics, whose conversations are framed by — or even casually include references to — win shares or effective shooting percentage, WHIP (walks and hits per inning pitched) or points per 100 possessions. It’s a failed mission so far. Totally empty. Conclusion: Advanced analytics and black folks hardly ever mix. Set aside the tiny handful of black men who make a living somewhere in the sports industry dealing directly with the numbers and there is absolutely zero mingling.

But not in “BlackWorld,” where never is heard an advanced analytical word. Not in urban barbershops. Not in text chains during three-hour games. Not around office water coolers. Not even in pressrooms or locker rooms where black folks who make a living in the industry spend all day and half the night talking about the most intimate details of sports.

My friend Larry Irving, a black Stanford lawyer and the most rational person I know — except when it comes to his New York Knicks fandom — said our complete withdrawal from statistical analysis is based on our emotional tie to the game.

“Sports is emotional. And analytics represent the absence of emotion, the antithesis. Nobody gets into sports to be dispassionate. And it just seems to me we are the feel it, smell it, touch it people,” he said. “WHIP and WAR [wins above replacement] and win shares are completely antiseptic. I mean, the coach may use analytics to confirm, but you mean to tell me Knute Rockne couldn’t tell whether the boy could play without some advanced analytics expert telling him?”

Mission Impossible: African-Americans & analytics

Oldschool, you are an absolute moron.

Quote from Stephen A (loud screamer) Smith

"You don’t hear brothers talkin’ about analytics. The eye test, knowledge of the game of basketball, dissecting who can do what, etc., all comes into play. We also monitor who has the leadership capabilities, we definitely monitor what’s inside your chest, your heart, how competitive are you, how feisty are you, are you ready to be a roughrider, or are you gonna wilt beneath the pressure. That’s how WE as African-Americans, talk about the sport."
Frankly i am amazed you think that has anything to do with racism. Can you explain why you find that racist?
The OP was retarded to think this was racist. I think their feelings are hurt no one is impressed with them citing stats.
The OP and his ilk jump at any chance to create racial division.

You are a liar and a pathetic hack. He claims analytics are racist you unreal ignorant moron.
Post the quote jackass. Oh you can't.

You are a freaking loser.

The mission was to find black folks who spend anytime talking about advanced analytics, whose conversations are framed by — or even casually include references to — win shares or effective shooting percentage, WHIP (walks and hits per inning pitched) or points per 100 possessions. It’s a failed mission so far. Totally empty. Conclusion: Advanced analytics and black folks hardly ever mix. Set aside the tiny handful of black men who make a living somewhere in the sports industry dealing directly with the numbers and there is absolutely zero mingling.

But not in “BlackWorld,” where never is heard an advanced analytical word. Not in urban barbershops. Not in text chains during three-hour games. Not around office water coolers. Not even in pressrooms or locker rooms where black folks who make a living in the industry spend all day and half the night talking about the most intimate details of sports.

My friend Larry Irving, a black Stanford lawyer and the most rational person I know — except when it comes to his New York Knicks fandom — said our complete withdrawal from statistical analysis is based on our emotional tie to the game.

“Sports is emotional. And analytics represent the absence of emotion, the antithesis. Nobody gets into sports to be dispassionate. And it just seems to me we are the feel it, smell it, touch it people,” he said. “WHIP and WAR [wins above replacement] and win shares are completely antiseptic. I mean, the coach may use analytics to confirm, but you mean to tell me Knute Rockne couldn’t tell whether the boy could play without some advanced analytics expert telling him?”

Mission Impossible: African-Americans & analytics

Oldschool, you are an absolute moron.

Quote from Stephen A (loud screamer) Smith

"You don’t hear brothers talkin’ about analytics. The eye test, knowledge of the game of basketball, dissecting who can do what, etc., all comes into play. We also monitor who has the leadership capabilities, we definitely monitor what’s inside your chest, your heart, how competitive are you, how feisty are you, are you ready to be a roughrider, or are you gonna wilt beneath the pressure. That’s how WE as African-Americans, talk about the sport."
Yep never said it was racist. Just telling black people they need to start caring about it. Now you can stop crying loser.
Is it just me or has Owl lost his fucking mind?
Not even the opinion blog article linked to in the OP said anything about racism. This thread is such a stupid fail.
The OP and his ilk jump at any chance to create racial division.

You are a liar and a pathetic hack. He claims analytics are racist you unreal ignorant moron.
Post the quote jackass. Oh you can't.

You are a freaking loser.

The mission was to find black folks who spend anytime talking about advanced analytics, whose conversations are framed by — or even casually include references to — win shares or effective shooting percentage, WHIP (walks and hits per inning pitched) or points per 100 possessions. It’s a failed mission so far. Totally empty. Conclusion: Advanced analytics and black folks hardly ever mix. Set aside the tiny handful of black men who make a living somewhere in the sports industry dealing directly with the numbers and there is absolutely zero mingling.

But not in “BlackWorld,” where never is heard an advanced analytical word. Not in urban barbershops. Not in text chains during three-hour games. Not around office water coolers. Not even in pressrooms or locker rooms where black folks who make a living in the industry spend all day and half the night talking about the most intimate details of sports.

My friend Larry Irving, a black Stanford lawyer and the most rational person I know — except when it comes to his New York Knicks fandom — said our complete withdrawal from statistical analysis is based on our emotional tie to the game.

“Sports is emotional. And analytics represent the absence of emotion, the antithesis. Nobody gets into sports to be dispassionate. And it just seems to me we are the feel it, smell it, touch it people,” he said. “WHIP and WAR [wins above replacement] and win shares are completely antiseptic. I mean, the coach may use analytics to confirm, but you mean to tell me Knute Rockne couldn’t tell whether the boy could play without some advanced analytics expert telling him?”

Mission Impossible: African-Americans & analytics

Oldschool, you are an absolute moron.

Quote from Stephen A (loud screamer) Smith

"You don’t hear brothers talkin’ about analytics. The eye test, knowledge of the game of basketball, dissecting who can do what, etc., all comes into play. We also monitor who has the leadership capabilities, we definitely monitor what’s inside your chest, your heart, how competitive are you, how feisty are you, are you ready to be a roughrider, or are you gonna wilt beneath the pressure. That’s how WE as African-Americans, talk about the sport."
Yep never said it was racist. Just telling black people they need to start caring about it. Now you can stop crying loser.
Is it just me or has Owl lost his fucking mind?
He's a broken partisan record, like all the idiots trapped in the echo chamber.
These left wing morons are unreal. Truly are morons. They are blind morons. Dear God I hate them.
OP: Michael Wilbon says analytics are racist

OP's link: Nothing about analytics being racist

Source article for OP's link: Nothing about analytics being racist

These left wing morons are unreal. Truly are morons. They are blind morons. Dear God I hate them.
Says the guy that claims that Black people not being interested in analytics when discussing sports means they are complaining about racism. :laugh:
Who told you so many cant do it now?

Their results on the ACT and SAT tell me they can't do it.
You've seen every Black kids ACT and SAT? Youre full of bullshit.

10-Year-Old Math Genius Studying for University Degree


on average, black and Latino students receive significantly lower scores than white and Asian students do.

SAT scores drop and racial gaps remain large
On average doesnt mean all or even most. Thanks for proving my point.

You're welcome. I'm happy to point out the lower scores of the people who "invented math".

It makes you look even sillier than usual.
Dont be such a blockhead. You only proved you were a moron with your wild claim that Blacks couldnt do math.

I said, "So many can't do it now"

I didn't say none could do it.
I'm just sorry that the inventors underperform whites and Asians.
You've seen every Black kids ACT and SAT? Youre full of bullshit.

10-Year-Old Math Genius Studying for University Degree


on average, black and Latino students receive significantly lower scores than white and Asian students do.

SAT scores drop and racial gaps remain large
On average doesnt mean all or even most. Thanks for proving my point.

You're welcome. I'm happy to point out the lower scores of the people who "invented math".

It makes you look even sillier than usual.
Dont be such a blockhead. You only proved you were a moron with your wild claim that Blacks couldnt do math.

I said, "So many can't do it now"

I didn't say none could do it.
I'm just sorry that the inventors underperform whites and Asians.
Pretty sure Asians would be pissed that you're grouping yourself with them.
You've seen every Black kids ACT and SAT? Youre full of bullshit.

10-Year-Old Math Genius Studying for University Degree


on average, black and Latino students receive significantly lower scores than white and Asian students do.

SAT scores drop and racial gaps remain large
On average doesnt mean all or even most. Thanks for proving my point.

You're welcome. I'm happy to point out the lower scores of the people who "invented math".

It makes you look even sillier than usual.
Dont be such a blockhead. You only proved you were a moron with your wild claim that Blacks couldnt do math.

I said, "So many can't do it now"

I didn't say none could do it.
I'm just sorry that the inventors underperform whites and Asians.
No dumbass. Nothing in your quote said anything about many.

Because black folks are bad at math?

If you werent implying all Blacks then what was your point? Thats like me saying white people are predisposed to getting hair lice.
I saw and heard a little about it on "First Take" and all I could do was SMH! I guess I'm too dumb to understand their windging! :banghead: :blahblah:
on average, black and Latino students receive significantly lower scores than white and Asian students do.

SAT scores drop and racial gaps remain large
On average doesnt mean all or even most. Thanks for proving my point.

You're welcome. I'm happy to point out the lower scores of the people who "invented math".

It makes you look even sillier than usual.
Dont be such a blockhead. You only proved you were a moron with your wild claim that Blacks couldnt do math.

I said, "So many can't do it now"

I didn't say none could do it.
I'm just sorry that the inventors underperform whites and Asians.
Pretty sure Asians would be pissed that you're grouping yourself with them.

Why? They do almost as well as I did.
on average, black and Latino students receive significantly lower scores than white and Asian students do.

SAT scores drop and racial gaps remain large
On average doesnt mean all or even most. Thanks for proving my point.

You're welcome. I'm happy to point out the lower scores of the people who "invented math".

It makes you look even sillier than usual.
Dont be such a blockhead. You only proved you were a moron with your wild claim that Blacks couldnt do math.

I said, "So many can't do it now"

I didn't say none could do it.
I'm just sorry that the inventors underperform whites and Asians.
No dumbass. Nothing in your quote said anything about many.

Because black folks are bad at math?

If you werent implying all Blacks then what was your point? Thats like me saying white people are predisposed to getting hair lice.

Black people invented math

What happened? So many can't do it now.

ESPN finds a new way to push "racism" on us. Sports analytics is racist according to Michael Wilbon


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