ESPN Has Become A Propaganda Arm For The Left


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
This morning....I was watching the news on ESPN and everything shifted to Systemic Racism against Blacks.

Sorry....but I don't need a lesson in systemic racism.....because we can see the left practice it every single day now.

All blacks are leftist while all racist are rightist, according to yer logic.
What I find ironic is that here you have a sports channel following an industry that is as close to a pure meritocracy as we have in this country taking up positions that are virulently against meritocracy in other endeavors.
What I find ironic is that here you have a sports channel following an industry that is as close to a pure meritocracy as we have in this country taking up positions that are virulently against meritocracy in other endeavors.

You cant have a meritocracy unless all start from the same position. Basketball requires very little in the way of resources which is why Black athletes dominate. Transpose that with say tennis that requires wealth and you will see whites dominate. Its a simple matter of odds. If more wealthy whites endeavor to turn pro in a sport than wealthy Blacks, the odds will always favor the larger population. You will have the outliers but in general you will only see those that can afford to participate.

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