Establishment quitting the GOP? Good riddance.

I wish they'd join the Democrats.

We can work together to maintain our nation and defeat the anti-government fools in the extremist party.

Less government is not anti-government.
Anti-government are the libertarians who want bare bone government.
Their desire is to destroy the GOP in the next two elections, so the Alt and Far Rights can rise with their very own minority-forever party
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  • #7
I wish they'd join the Democrats.

We can work together to maintain our nation and defeat the anti-government fools in the extremist party.

Less government is not anti-government.
Anti-government are the libertarians who want bare bone government.
Define bare-bones. As far as I know, the Constitution gave a limited number of powers to Government. They have exceeded these powers in every way imaginable. I guess if you compare what the Constitution provided for and what we have now it could be considered bare-bones. I call it Constitutional. We need to reign in our government befire it's too late. Remember the Patriot Act? It gives the government power to detain someone indefinitely, without legal representation, on the mere suspicion that you did something wrong. This violates the spirit, as well as the letter of the Bill of rights. I'm surprised that the SCOTUS hasn't struck it down yet.
I wish they'd join the Democrats.

We can work together to maintain our nation and defeat the anti-government fools in the extremist party.

Not necessarily. They tend to be just as likely to be bad shots and pacifists as the Democrats. They might be useful as cannon fodder but not much more.
  • Thread starter
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  • #9
I wish they'd join the Democrats.

We can work together to maintain our nation and defeat the anti-government fools in the extremist party.

Not necessarily. They tend to be just as likely to be bad shots and pacifists as the Democrats. They might be useful as cannon fodder but not much more.
Seriously? Do you have any idea how many Conservative Veterans are out there? I'm one of them, and there is nothing wrong with MY aim. I could kill from a thousand yards, and you'd never see it coming.
Seriously? Do you have any idea how many Conservative Veterans are out there? I'm one of them, and there is nothing wrong with MY aim. I could kill from a thousand yards, and you'd never see it coming.

Sorry, you're either a Conservative OR a Repulican Establishment Hack (REH). Theyre mutually exclusive. I have no reason to doubt your military bona fides or that you're a REH. I think you just overestimate the number of your brothers-in-arms who will ignore their oath and side with the REHs over Real Americans. Your sisters-in-arms are more likely to side with you though.
I wish they'd join the Democrats.

We can work together to maintain our nation and defeat the anti-government fools in the extremist party.

Less government is not anti-government.
Anti-government are the libertarians who want bare bone government.
Define bare-bones. As far as I know, the Constitution gave a limited number of powers to Government. They have exceeded these powers in every way imaginable. I guess if you compare what the Constitution provided for and what we have now it could be considered bare-bones. I call it Constitutional. We need to reign in our government befire it's too late. Remember the Patriot Act? It gives the government power to detain someone indefinitely, without legal representation, on the mere suspicion that you did something wrong. This violates the spirit, as well as the letter of the Bill of rights. I'm surprised that the SCOTUS hasn't struck it down yet.

This is the libertarians ideas.
Me I'm a conservative constitutionalist. :)
The Libertarian Party's Platform at a Glance
Seriously? Do you have any idea how many Conservative Veterans are out there? I'm one of them, and there is nothing wrong with MY aim. I could kill from a thousand yards, and you'd never see it coming.

Sorry, you're either a Conservative OR a Repulican Establishment Hack (REH). Theyre mutually exclusive. I have no reason to doubt your military bona fides or that you're a REH. I think you just overestimate the number of your brothers-in-arms who will ignore their oath and side with the REHs over Real Americans. Your sisters-in-arms are more likely to side with you though.
When I joined the military I took an oath to defend my country and the Constitution against enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. Veterans will side with the Constitution. What side are you on? Choose wisely.
I wish they'd join the Democrats.

We can work together to maintain our nation and defeat the anti-government fools in the extremist party.

Not necessarily. They tend to be just as likely to be bad shots and pacifists as the Democrats. They might be useful as cannon fodder but not much more.
Seriously? Do you have any idea how many Conservative Veterans are out there? I'm one of them, and there is nothing wrong with MY aim. I could kill from a thousand yards, and you'd never see it coming.
What a putz. I am a mainstream veteran, and you are nothing. Veterans side with the mainstream, that the far right nuts.
I wish they'd join the Democrats.

We can work together to maintain our nation and defeat the anti-government fools in the extremist party.

Less government is not anti-government.
Anti-government are the libertarians who want bare bone government.


wanting government to fail, because you don't understand what government does or the obligations created by the constitution makes one an idiot.... not a libertarian.
When I joined the military I took an oath to defend my country and the Constitution against enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. Veterans will side with the Constitution. What side are you on? Choose wisely.

I know whose side I'm on. The side of America and everything it was intended to be. The side thst backs the one, true, ORIGINAL US Constitution. The side that tried to peacefully extract itself from an agreement they saw falling apart in 1860, only to be forced back into it at the muzzle of a gun. The side that has watched the True Constitution further destroyed every year since 1865.

Bring it on. I'd rather be dead thsn live in what you people now call America. This is not the nation my family helped found anymore.
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I wish they'd join the Democrats.

We can work together to maintain our nation and defeat the anti-government fools in the extremist party.

Less government is not anti-government.
Anti-government are the libertarians who want bare bone government.


wanting government to fail, because you don't understand what government does or the obligations created by the constitution makes one an idiot.... not a libertarian.

That is their idea of what type of government they want.
Not mine.
When I joined the military I took an oath to defend my country and the Constitution against enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. Veterans will side with the Constitution. What side are you on? Choose wisely.

I know whose side I'm on. The side of America and everything it was intended to be. The side thst backs the one, true, ORIGINAL US Constitution. The side that tried to peacefully extract itself from an agreement they saw falling apart in 1860, o my to be forced back into it at the muzzle if gun. The side that has watched the True Constitution further destroyed every year since 1865.

Bring it on. I'd rather be dead thsn live in whst you people now call America. This is not the nation my family helped found anymore.
You seem to believe that you know what I stand for. Are you a mind reader? I believe in Constitutionally limited government. I believe that whatever powers were not granted to Congress by the Constitution belong to the states. I believe in individual liberty. I believe that the government should bever be allowed to force someone to act against their conscience. I believe that every law abiding citizen should be allowed to carry a firearm. I also believe that our government is out of control and needs to reigned in by any means necessary. This is the America I believe in. Do you have a problem with this?
I wish they'd join the Democrats.

We can work together to maintain our nation and defeat the anti-government fools in the extremist party.

Less government is not anti-government.
Anti-government are the libertarians who want bare bone government.


wanting government to fail, because you don't understand what government does or the obligations created by the constitution makes one an idiot.... not a libertarian.

LOL! This corporate entity that you call the " federal government" is just another subsidiary of the international bankers that bounce this bankrupted entity from one financial institution to another that runs up HUGE deficits and then puts the bill on OUR credit card that we are to pay from credit extended out of thin air with usury attached to each and every fiat Federal Reserve note. You are not very bright at all, "counsellor". I would go even further and say that you are one incredibly uninformed leftard moron that worships at the feet of your jailers.
I wish they'd join the Democrats.

We can work together to maintain our nation and defeat the anti-government fools in the extremist party.

Less government is not anti-government.
Anti-government are the libertarians who want bare bone government.


wanting government to fail, because you don't understand what government does or the obligations created by the constitution makes one an idiot.... not a libertarian.

That is their idea of what type of government they want.
Not mine.

Here is what we this the type of "gubermint" you signed on for? I certainly didn't. This is from a post I wrote last night and applies to this thread.

"The picture is so clear to me and I get frustrated that others can't see it. If you can see the big picture and you seek truth? You are my brother or sister in the fight because we are ALL debt slaves on this plantation. You have no allodial rights to property as we've been under military rule for at least 75 years or more since HJR 192 was implemented and they reduced honest money to mere military scrip i.e Federal Reserve Notes when under penalty of their admiralty law that the people had to turn in their gold (real money) for debt notes.

Have you ever wondered as to why we are still under the Lieber Code that was put in place after the Civil War?

Lieber Code, General Orders No. 100 Section II, Article 31: A victorious army appropriates all public money, seizes all public movable property until further direction by its government, and sequesters for its own benefit or that of its government all revenues of real property belonging to the hostile government or nation. The title to such real property remains in abeyance during military occupation, and until the conquest is made complete.

We were conquered via the 14th amendment that made us U.S citizens and by claiming so makes you a de-facto employee thus subject to their jurisdiction. Senate Document # 43; SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 62 (Pg 9, Para 2) April 17, 1933. "The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership"is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State".

You are a debt slave...your labor and sweat equity was pledged as collateral for the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933. WOO-FAH! Gimme some MORE of that good ol' democracy!!!!!

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